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July 18, 2018 by Tim

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6 years ago

I’m starting to enjoy reading about these versions of Ethan and Lucas. Good times, man, please continue ^^

5 years ago
Reply to  McGee

Me too, in this 2.0 story, all the characters have better development and back stories. Also I notice an improvement on the eyes’ drawing style…

Robert Loughrey
Robert Loughrey
6 years ago

Hey at least she isn’t playing Farmville.

6 years ago

I mean that is just an obvious automatic reason to stop dating someone, no one would argue with that.

Especially if she said she loves games because she plays farmville…

6 years ago
Reply to  MightyThor34

I played Farmville long before it was popular. Only in my day, we called it Harvest Moon! HA!

6 years ago
Reply to  Freelance

Except Harvest Moon is way better. And I think for some years it’s now called Stardew Valley.

6 years ago

Hey Tim, if I had a trash bin made of nivium, and put some mimion muck in the bottom of it, would I never have to empty the trash ever again?

6 years ago
Reply to  Tim

So the muck is sort of an excretion? If we have a large bin made of Nivium and have a Mimion in the bottom would that work or is there some sort of by-product that you would still need to remove. I’m picturing sort of a Fred Flintstone household appliance situation.

6 years ago
Reply to  Tim

WTF… did I just read?

Nick Chambers
Nick Chambers
6 years ago
Reply to  Waraddict

I fear something important may have been pushed out of my brain to make room for this new info.

6 years ago
Reply to  Waraddict

I have a feeling we may have just stumbled upon an early era of galactic history wherein mimions didn’t have all the rights and transport they now do

6 years ago
Reply to  Tim

You would need to get this past PETM. People for the Ethical Treatment of Mimions. Since it would basically be illegal imprisonment. And an exhaust port for all the gasses that would be produced by the solids being turned into gasses.

This also brings up the point of Supply of Mimion Muck on their bodies potentially not meeting the Demand of dissolving bullets striking their body should they be caught by a hail of gunfire before damage is done to them.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
6 years ago

Someone needs to lock Ethan in a room for months with nothing but four bare walls, a TV, the appropriate consoles, and copies of Chrono Trigger, Persona V, Fire Emblem: Awakening, Final Fantasy VI, VII, and Tactics. And he’ll have no choice but to play or go insane. He can’t go hang himself with a controller, after all, due to the respawn situation. After a while, Stockholm syndrome will set in and he’ll be one of us. I have no idea where Ethan’s getting this ‘dark side’ thing from. In all seriousness, I look at Ethan and honestly think, “How… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

I’m sorry, no. There is no way he does not already love Final Fantasy VII. I refuse to accept that.

6 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

Woah here, don’t go lumping Fire Emblem and FF:Tactics in with JRPGs, they are SRPGs. That is some blasphemous stuff right there.

why would you do that
why would you do that
6 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

Maybe he’s getting this “dark side” thing from the part where you want to lock him in a room until he plays games you want him to play or goes insane. Just saying. ?

Also doesn’t help that you’re giving him rubbish JRPGs like FFVII, Persona V, and Earthbound. There are good JRPGs, you know. Give him some good games like Grandia II and you probably won’t even have to lock him in the room anymore.

6 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

Why would you torture someone with Fire Emblem: Awakening? That’s a SURE FIRE way to get someone to hate ALL Japanese made games

6 years ago

Eh, could be worse. She could absolutely despise Mario Kart.

6 years ago
Reply to  Brent

Ohh man, my friends are always trying to get me to play Mario Kart, and I got to admit I really dislike it, it is fun for like 20 minutes and they can go for 4 hours.

why would you do that
why would you do that
6 years ago
Reply to  Brent

Mario Kart does suck these days, so I wouldn’t blame her if she did.

Seriously Nintendo, more AI opponents with more screen nuke items that can’t be dodged? Who ever thought that was a good idea? Last good Mario Kart was Mario Kart DS.

6 years ago

Wait, since when did Ethan know the meaning of “Discord”, “Scar” and “Offspring”

6 years ago

Is it just me or since Lucas has been revealed to be gay does he look way more suave?

6 years ago
Reply to  Zekedog

I think he is just having a good hair day.

Lord Forrest
Lord Forrest
6 years ago
Reply to  Zekedog

You are not alone.

6 years ago
Reply to  Zekedog

It could be, but we shouldn’t forget that the painting style improved massivly during the years.
Also we don’t know if this was planned from the beginning or if the date was actually some sort of “outing” and Lucas is more open with it now.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
6 years ago
Reply to  Zekedog

Lucas 2.0 always looked suave, man.

6 years ago

Hm, why do I have the feeling I have a similar problem with Tabletop Miniatures.
“What should I do if she don’t like tabletop?”
“What if she gives me the choice to get rid of my stuff or she’s leaving?”
In the end it’s perhaps handicapping me finding the right one.

6 years ago

Made-up excuse because Ethan fancies the reporter chick and not really this one. Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooored

6 years ago
Reply to  zuckerberg

I hope not. I liked Lilah the gamer girl. Actually don’t know if Lilah the reporter is really the right thing for Ethan.
Still, I have the feeling Emily comes closer to the old Lilah, than ne new Lilah.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
6 years ago
Reply to  EMMachine

Yeah, Tim kind of established with the last E&L that Ethan definitely still has a crush on Monroe, but is not pursuing due to Superhero Reasons. That firmly puts Emily in the field of “second choice,” something no one ever wants to be.

I also have a feeling that this is just cover for the fact that at least some small part of him can’t get over that initial crush. Hopefully, though, it’s just manifesting in a slight reluctance to commit, instead of stalking… again…

6 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

Nope. I bet you the story arc of the relationship between Monroe and Ethan will develop further when he discovers that she also has a secret identity, either in the world of gaming where she’s very popular already, or the super hero kind (or both). I knew the second that it will develop that way when she came out as a “reporter” in this version (Clark Kent, any one know him?)

6 years ago

This comic makes me wonder how the heck Ethan Prime managed to land a girlfriend and keep her long enough before breaking up with her because of his gaming in 1st instances of Ctrl+Alt+Del.

6 years ago
Reply to  Dreamer

Possibly the practice girlfriend we’re seeing now, but didn’t see in the 1.0 version

6 years ago

So, is this a glorified silly or something new entirely? No matter what it is, I like it.

6 years ago

Great writing and art overall, but I’m not sure about the new way you’re doing the eyes Tim. The white specular dot is a bit big and it looks odd when the light-source seems to be from the side rather than up.

6 years ago

Never understood how someone can ‘hate’ a whole genre. There’s some I have to be in a very distinct mood to enjoy, mostly sports and racing games, but I’ve still enjoyed a couple of those at some point.

Patrick DiSandro
Patrick DiSandro
6 years ago

I never get people who just flatly hate jrpgs. For a long, long time they were the sole source of intense story rich gaming. Chatting with some other games, mostly those of a younger gaming generation than myself, we talked about ‘timeless’ games that are as good now as upon their release. Almost all those mentioned were jrpgs. There are plenty of bad jrpgs (and there was this odd time around gen 6 when developers seemed to finally realize that most people viewed jrpgs, then just called ‘rpgs’ without their own separate distinction, were pretty universally seen as ‘good’ games… Read more »

6 years ago

It’s no different than disliking any other genre. The vast majority of JRPGs share similar tropes, and similar designs that many people just don’t like – turn-based combat, grinding being necessary to advance, random mob encounters in the wild, long sequences of exposition, drawn-out boss fights with multiple “phases”… the list goes on. There’s nothing inherently wrong with any of those things, but many people (myself included) find it hard to personally enjoy a game that has many of them.

I don’t need to play every single JRPG to know that I generally dislike turn-based battle systems.

6 years ago

I find it strange that Ethan hates JRPG, while he’s a die-hard fan of Monster Hunter, which is a JRPG.