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Refeeding Syndrome

June 2, 2017 by Tim

I re-watched Suicide Squad while drawing this strip, just to reassure myself I wasn’t overreacting.

Heads up to my Australian and New Zealander readers: the pallet of CAD 1.0 Box Sets that I shipped to AU is expected to arrive in port on June 15th. Next week I’m going to open orders for those books, so we can start shipping as soon as they get to our depot. There are only 126 sets on that pallet, and I had three times that much interest in the poll I ran, so they’re first-come, first-served. Stay tuned for more details.

Also, hey, that card game on Kickstarter I did the art for is almost funded! Check it out!

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7 years ago

Hehe, this is a good one 😀

7 years ago

So Wonderwoman was a good movie I take it?
and people should go watch it if they are intrested in DC?

7 years ago
Reply to  Patrik

It’s decent though standard origin. Could use more time in cutting room, 2.5 hour is way too long.

7 years ago

Good enough review as any.

7 years ago

This is exactly how I feel about DC movies. The Dark Knight Rises was so ridiculous (even for a comic book movie) that I couldn’t enjoy it. People around me talked about how good it was. Suicide Squad was worse. It should have rocked, but they couldn’t make up their mind about what kind of movie it was supposed to be be. Now there is the news that Joss Whedon is taking over for Zack Snyder for the Justice League movie. Having a new director mid-filming is always a good sign, right? (I don’t mean to be a dick. Snyder… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Zack

Yeah I couldn’t enjoy that movie either. Batman didn’t feel like Batman, the plot wasn’t very interesting, Bane was too silly, and the whole thing was far too long. Can you believe it’s rated #63 on IMDB’s best rated movies of all time list, sitting right next to Aliens?

7 years ago
Reply to  Zack

Whedon isn’t taking over mid-filming, he’s just taking over some reshoots (it’s a big enough difference).

7 years ago
Reply to  Zack

Whedon is taking over scheduled reshoots. The majority of JL is already shot. Again, the only filming that remains is reshoots.

7 years ago
Reply to  Zack

I still don’t understand the hate Rises gets. My brother and I loved that movie, though I guess I should say we never read the comics but watched the whole animated series. Bane was a series of badass one liners, but I thought they were good one liners. The twist at the end fit the story well and was just predictable enough for Batman fans to pick up on it. It was a very different feel from the Dark Knight sure, but it was trying to do something that hadn’t been done yet, wrap up a superhero story. I rank… Read more »

7 years ago

I really don’t understand it. I think both Suicide Squad and especially BvS are amazing. BvS is one of the greatest superhero flicks there are. I regret not seeing it in the cinema (because of anty-hype), but maybe watching it on BR was actually even better (extended cut!). Why do people hate those movies and in exchange drool over very average and ultimately totally forgettable movies like Ant-man or Civil Was or Avengers 2 – man! this movies were mediocre at best! The fact that Wonder Woman doesn’t get any hate makes me a bit frightened that it might be… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Pawel

I haven’t seen the extended cut of BvS, maybe they were able to fix the issues with the theatrical release. However the theatrical release felt disjointed, almost like they’d tried to make two different movies with moderately similar plots and then spliced them together and hoped the titular throwdown was enough to cover all sins. the logic fueling the characters actions was tortured, almost as if some important details ended up on the cutting room floor by accident. while I agree some of the marvel movies have been mediocre and forgettable (I agree on ant man) they have at least… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Pawel

I suppose that means that you’re a unique thinker. You don’t just fall in line with what the rest of the world dubs as good. More power to you, Pawel. Like what you like, and ignore the haters. I, for one, really loved Hudson Hawk..

7 years ago
Reply to  Pawel

BvS was one of the best superhero movies I’ve watched. Dark and gritty, just awesome. Had some flaws – sure but still great. Can’t agree on Suicide Squad though, IMO it was a mistake to even let it out of production in the state the movie was. Terrible in comedy even worse in action. Dialogues made me cringe, plot was childish, it was just painful to watch.

7 years ago
Reply to  M3f

Clearly you never watched doctor strange 😉
BvS was a tad mediocre by general movie standards but was hideously overhyped, making it a bad movie. Extended cut apparently clarified most of the plot holes except for like 3 of the biggest ones, mostly centered around the grudge of Batman and Superman. Regardless, while not a bad movie per say, DEFINITELY not a particularly good one.

7 years ago
Reply to  Pawel

Too many dropped plot points, too busy setting up Justice League and in a noticeably awkward manner, utterly ridiculous attempt at trying to get Batman to humanize Superman, terrible Lex Luthor, rehash of Superman’s character development from Man of Steel, terrible editing, and worst of all a complete misunderdtanding of the core of both characters. I have no problem with Batman killing, but the issue is that the only thing Snyder clearly sees is a badass who kills. Batman is more than that and because of his history, this choice should have consequences with regard to his internalized moral integrity.… Read more »

7 years ago

I don’t get the joke. Why is grass coming out of that guy’s mouth?

7 years ago
Reply to  Galuna

He was fellating Swamp Thing.

7 years ago

Hahahahaha so very true!

7 years ago

“I re-watched Suicide Squad while drawing this strip”

Good god man, there’s no need to torture yourself!

7 years ago

BTW is there any way to reread past posts?
For example, the disclaimer about how you weren’t doing the Ethan reboot quite yet then, comments on Chef Brian, etc.
While some are now boring and past any even humuorous relevance, there are those *COUGH* 8BT “Takeover” *COUGH* which I would love to read again.
There’s no NEED to implement this feature if it doesn’t exist, I’m just curious if it does.

7 years ago

its great your sending stuff to Oceania (ie Australia/New Zealand/little islands) which a lot of places won’t do due to shipping costs.

Already got my copy which is freaking sweet as, got the Applied Education poster on the wall right now

7 years ago

Wonder Woman is only “decent”? Going by how well it’s been received, it looks like it’s seen as one of the best superhero films since Iron Man.
Plus, it’s the first to have a female lead, so that’s also significant

7 years ago
Reply to  Drock

Now when will we get Cyborg so we have a black (or colored if you want to use that ideology. Not racist but there are few words that don’t accidentally make one offensive) superhero who doesn’t have “Black” in the name (like black panther).

El Guero Caliente
El Guero Caliente
3 years ago
Reply to  Hamstermer

I think maybe if the actor for Cyborg hadn’t burned bridges like crazy, maybe there would be a better chance of that happening. I’m not saying he didn’t have a good reason (I wasn’t on set, what do I know?), but I am saying there are more diplomatic ways of airing one’s grievances. Perhaps if he had gained major star-power, it would have been okay, but I think that many directors are going to think twice about working with him now. That’s a shame, he had a terrific role in Snyder’s JL.

7 years ago

WOW wonderwoman ad right under this comic ha

7 years ago

Suicide Squad gets the honorary mention of being the only action movie that would improve by cutting out all the action scenes.

7 years ago
Reply to  jhattara

It was an action movie?
I thought it was Superhero/horror…
Or is that just me…

5 years ago

Joker (2019) was the same feeling