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June 5, 2017 by Tim

Well the Far Cry 5 announcement sure has been fun to watch. 

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Now let’s be very clear; it appears from the announcement trailer that the antagonists are some sort of unhinged militant cult causing some shit that requires some stopping. Sounds like your average Far Cry, right?

However this time the action is taking place in the United States instead of some foreign tropical location. And that means the antagonists are American. Add in that Montana is a red state and predominantly christian, and in the political climate we’re dealing with in this country right now, you can see why this is becoming a talking point.

From the limited information we have thus far, this looks like a game that could really have something to say about some of the issues we’re dealing with in this country. It could, potentially, tell a story that explores some of our political and religious divides on a more granular, personalized level. Perhaps even try to bring about a little understanding as to what may lead certain people to feel disenfranchised in this country. To feel like they don’t have a voice, like their government isn’t listening.

Or it could be a giant fucking caricature of the whole situation whose only goal is to drum up controversy, free press and sell copies.

Let’s just say I’m hoping for the former and preparing for the latter.

I’d hate to think Ubisoft is walking into this face first without the intention of wholly committing to the premise. It’s not like there is any way not to draw parallels between the setting they chose, and the deep divide in this country, so if their plan is to creep right up to this hornet’s nest, but then sheepishly tiptoe around it, I feel like the whole exercise will be nothing more than a massive disappointment.

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7 years ago

Meh, not a fan of the Trump hate in this one.

7 years ago
Reply to  Miggles

this. keep politics out.

7 years ago
Reply to  Foq

Putting a little politics into a comic, no prob. Identifying the supporters of a particular candidate as “redneck extremists that need to be shot”, yeah, too much.

7 years ago
Reply to  Dan

No it’s just a generic Redneck extremist. Not any particular ones.

7 years ago
Reply to  Miggles

It’s not really hating on Trump but more his supporters. Most of them tend to be ignorant rednecks from what I’ve seen and those who aren’t ignorant rednecks were more hesitant to support him since Hillary Clinton was a bad choice as well. It wouldn’t surprise me that those more hesitant to support Trump in the election are turned off from him now.

7 years ago
Reply to  Urazz

Well thats quite presumptuous. Same mentality that said anyone who voted for a democrat must be on welfare… those are just the audience the media targeted. Good call those classifying what you consider to be about half the population.

7 years ago
Reply to  thekidd87

Umm about half the population? Someone didn’t see those numbers. More than half the nation is fing pissed right now that their votes the MAJORITY vote was ignored so no. No where near half the nation. A good portion of the nation sure, about half…that is straight up laughable. Just like Trumps inaugural crowds being soooo much bigger than Obama’s; oh also it tots didn’t rain. In all honesty I am just ready to shoot white people in far cry. I thought the day would never come. I get sick of shorters always being about shooting up some poor ethnic… Read more »

Adam Sawyer
Adam Sawyer
7 years ago
Reply to  Willow

The numbers loosely shake out like this. 25% Hillary
~50% didn’t vote
Might wanna get off that majority high horse.

7 years ago
Reply to  Adam Sawyer

If you don’t vote, you don’t get to say shit.

5 years ago
Reply to  Squirrel

no dude, if you vote, you can’t say shit and have to accept the result, if you don’t vote because you think both choices are same shit, then you can say anything you want.

7 years ago
Reply to  Adam Sawyer

Fair enough. Not Half population, but over Half of Voting Population voted for hillary. Unfortunately due to the Electoral College’s congressional district system which doesn’t work when you have many counties loaded with rural areas but only a few spots of urbanization, wound up winning Trump the Election-but not the votes.

Better Than You
Better Than You
7 years ago
Reply to  thekidd87

trump supporters are dumb trash by default. I’m not a liberal , Not At All , and I’m ASHAMED my fellow Americans are so bigoted and uneducated to be taken in by a demagogue

7 years ago

I don’t know. I’d say the ones running through the streets in black masks and attacking people, People dragging 74 year old men out of their car and beating them. People who make an old homeless woman disappear. People that take a mentally challenged man and torture him People who rampage through collage campuses destroying everything they get their hands on and beating everyone who doesn’t instantly take their side….. I’d call those the uneducated bigots.

Richard II Weatherfield
Richard II Weatherfield
4 years ago

You and people like you are the reason Trump won. Keep on keepin’ on, my dude. I’m sure insulting people who disagree with you politically will get them to come around to your narrow minded bullshit point of view.

A guy from south bumfuck, MO
A guy from south bumfuck, MO
7 years ago
Reply to  Urazz

You’re saying 63,000,000 people are ignorant rednecks? That’s the same as assuming all of HRC’s supporters are liberal snowflakes with man buns and fidget spinners. In regards to buyer’s remorse, the last poll done only had 3% change their minds post election. I disagree with the choice he made on the comic, but still find it funny. I have my own objections to the content of Farcry 5 as it is, but truth be told, that is the direction mainstream media (not news, but video games, television, movies, etc is going. Boundaries are falling down everywhere across all media. Nothing… Read more »

7 years ago

I’m pretty sure there’s enough inside that 63,000,000 people who are ignorant rednecks to make an antagonist faction out of? Or at least, a joke about a political antagonist faction that’s “OBVIOUSLY good enough to shoot at, because HAHA stereotyped bad guys, amirite?”

7 years ago
Reply to  wkz

Now that I think about it, the joke’s on Urazz up there.

“Stereotyped ” being the joke of that panel in the comic, and also the “cliche’d view of political opponents” Urazz just fell into…

7 years ago
Reply to  Urazz

Most of the people here outraged about the MAGA hats have mercilessly gunned down innocent pixelated humans in cold blood without provocation.

Let’s all please remember that this is a comic about a game, which by my reckoning makes it two steps out from reality. A game that Tim didn’t make, in a setting he didn’t chose, combating enemies Tim didn’t not select.

Sooooo, if you’re choosing to cease reading a comic you otherwise have enjoyed, maybe you should examine the context a little closer.

7 years ago
Reply to  Miggles

There wasn’t any TRUMP hate, just a comment on the religious and political views of all.
No need to make comments on stuff that doesn’t exist. (Your point IS VALID but NOT CONCERNING TRUMP).
You can easily leave politics out by not bringing them up.

The Man in Black
The Man in Black
7 years ago
Reply to  Miggles

Sorry if you hear “Backwoods religious extremist” and immediately think “They should leave Trump alone”. I imagine if they added “brown” it would “Yeah, go get ISIS!”

Richard II Weatherfield
Richard II Weatherfield
4 years ago

And you think it’s some kind of coincidence that all those “backwoods religious extremists” are wearing bright red hats, which just happens to be a staple of die hard Trump supporters?

7 years ago
Reply to  Miggles

Hjuge fan of the Trump&co hate in this one.

7 years ago
Reply to  Miggles

No where in this comic did it imply all Trump supporters are backwards dipshit rednecks. However, if any of you have spent *any* time at all with any backwards dipshit rednecks, you know for a fact that all of the backwards dipshit rednecks voted for Trump. Not necessarily for the same reason as other folks that aren’t lampooned in this comic, but they did vote for him.

Not all letters are vowels, but all vowels are letters.

7 years ago
Reply to  Miggles

Fuck you and fuck Trump up the ass.

6 years ago
Reply to  Miggles

Lol Their comic their Rodeo.

7 years ago

Hah! I give it max two months after FC5’s release before this gets made into a mod. 😀

Taco Tuesday
Taco Tuesday
7 years ago
Reply to  Anonymoose

Damn well better be.

7 years ago

After many years, enjoy a lot of content, I am thanking you for a lot of great content, but after today, I will choose to no longer read your comic, or support you in any way. Just because you disagree with someone politically doesn’t make them a bad person, or doesn’t mean they should be killed because of that, and thats where I draw a line.
Thank you Tim for all the years.

7 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Huh. I was about to say to Josh you were just depicting the heart of the controversy, but then you pull this weak sauce diningenuous shit? Really?

7 years ago
Reply to  Tim

I completely agree with you Tim. As I’m not American I did not get the “trump hat” similarities.
That hat for me worked as a placeholder for any generic religious/political belief that that “backwood religious extremists” would identify with. I think that the joke works the same. Today it might be Trump, tomorrow something else….

7 years ago
Reply to  Peter

Sorry, but personally not buying that excuse – you would have to have been off the internet and any news station – possibly stationed at the north pole – to miss those hats within the last couple of years.

7 years ago
Reply to  Peter

Well, first thing I’m not “trying to sell an excuse”. When I first saw it I did not associated it with the MAGA hat. I’m quite oblivious to some details. Let’s just say I was too shocked with how the whole election was going in general to pay attention to the detail of what hats they were using. But even so, that’s beside the point imho. As I said, that hat for me is mainly a representation of a common/shared belief amongst the bad guys. As Tim said in a reply a bit bellow: “… The cultists are already the… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Tim

If you make fun of a group, or tell a joke about that group, all in a public setting, and if people – whether or not they’re from said group – tell you (quite politely even) that they find that joke out of line, that should warrant for at least some critical thinking on your part about the content, the context, and/or the audience of the joke.

But yes, I suppose you could instead make fun of them and tell them they “missed the joke”.

Devon Ring
Devon Ring
7 years ago
Reply to  Futeko

this ^

7 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Fair enough, but you have to know its a touchy subject. Trump won in part because of half the country being constantly and mercilessly demonized- called bigots by people in positions of power and privilege completely oblivious to their own bigotry- often for what would be trivial disagreements in a more sane universe. Nerves are raw, and many on the Left seem to have gone insane, so, yeah a depiction of “MAGA” hats as bullet targets is not going to go over well even in a satirical context.

7 years ago
Reply to  Wtf9

Cheeto won because around 50% of the US didn’t vote at all because they either hated both candidates or because they were lazy because all news stations were giving Hilary a 99% chance to win lol.

7 years ago
Reply to  Wtf9

“The joke DOES suggest, however, that militant religious extremists would be more likely to be Trump supporters than not.”

I am not an American, but I see “militant religious extremists” as Antifa, not Trump supporters

7 years ago
Reply to  Wtf9

I agree with you Wtf9. It’s a bit of an overstep to use the MAGA hats as a reference for the villains. I also think Tim needs to rethink that “militant religious extremists” comment as our big ticket item extremist problems seem to be coming from groups that vote democrat. Heck even the widely hated KKK is a DNC created organization.

If Tim needed some villains that are readily recognizable why didn’t he use the domestic terrorist group known as Antifa who started riots everywhere and worked hard to suppress free speech?

7 years ago
Reply to  Wtf9

Wtf9: You also forgot that Trump only won the electoral college and not the popular vote. The battleground states he did win were only by a small amount in most of them.

If the Electoral Votes were divided in each state by the percentage won or if the election was based purely on the popular vote, Hillary would’ve won.

Of course if the Democrats had some other candidate in Hillary’s place like Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden, etc. then the Trump would’ve lost big.

7 years ago
Reply to  Wtf9

Quick google search shows that around 40% of eligible voters didn’t vote.

7 years ago
Reply to  Wtf9

urazz: Well the U.S. will never go by popular vote, at least not on national level. With regards to how electoral votes are acquired, they can be divided by popular vote by district (congressional district method) or by state (winner take all). Most states, democrat and republican have passed winner take all rules for electoral votes, and it has been like that has been since the 1880s, and a year before WWI for California. So far only Maine and Nebraska still do the congressional district method, unless that has changed recently. But don’t forget that electors placed can become faithless… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Tim

A violent religious cult hat you have decided to emblazon with an item used to denote a political group. Maybe you didn’t mean it to depict killing political opponents, however you did put the “bad guys” you’re supposed to kill in the game in gear that is largely identified with politics.

7 years ago
Reply to  Jacob

Politics and religion is very closely knit. That aside getting your panties in a twist over an obvious joke is going overboard.

7 years ago
Reply to  Jacob

You do know it doesn’t say the MAGA slogan right?
It just says some random text only Tim knows of.
I read it as “NOT A VIOLENT EXTREMIST” because when I zoomed in that’s what it looked like.
The letters are in the wrong shapes to be the MAGA slogan, so that’s probably not it.

7 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Hey, how smart do you think in-game AI has to get for this to become an actual issue?

7 years ago
Reply to  Josh

So Josh, you are just saing you can’t get a joke, cuz you are easily offended?

7 years ago
Reply to  Josh

Being a bad person makes them a bad person…

Tim - Not THAT One
Tim - Not THAT One
7 years ago
Reply to  Josh

You’re a funny guy. Where did you read that he wants to kill Trump and/or Trump supporters?

It’s just a social commentary on any kind of extremism. The hat could have been anything, but he just went with something that is forefront in people’s minds.

7 years ago

Maybe because it is in a game where you run around killing people, and he gives them an easy identifier? As others have allready stated those voting Trump – and even those who just didn´t vote Hillary – have allready been demonized constantly over and over, as if it was just one homoginized group with a one track mind.

7 years ago
Reply to  Josh

Yeah, I will be joining you Josh. Last time checking or donating to any kickstarters, or even viewing.

7 years ago
Reply to  Josh

Snowflake. Yes, yes you are. I’m sure you’d have laughed if it would have been another “political” side (or race, let’s say German Nazis).

7 years ago
Reply to  Josh

Josh, I agree with you. I also enjoyed the comic in the past, but as he continues the narrative of conservatives being stupid hateful bigots I have lost interest in the comic. It is a shame as he has been a good read for a while. I am a conservative, a fiscal conservative. I have traveled the world, have a masters degree and I am a professional in a very difficult field. I support Trump and have seen the positive effects his policies have had already. For those of you who hate him, ask yourself why? Is it because of… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Tim

OK, NOW my bookmark is officially deleted. You, sir, are an ass.

Better Than You
Better Than You
7 years ago
Reply to  Dipstik

Good, you are far FAR too stupid and insignificant to deserve to be entertained by this webcomic.

7 years ago
Reply to  Tim

I take a bit of issue to the “your party is now associated with those” comment. You clearly have not been paying attention, as the Republican party has been associated with those groups for nearly my entire life. Did you somehow miss Obama’s “cling to their guns and religion” comment? This is nothing new, which is why the joke has gone over so poorly. It’s not clever, it’s not funny, it’s not insightful. It’s the same lie that we’ve been told every day from every media organization for the past thirty plus years.

7 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Good job on actually treating the converstation like it serious Tim 🙂
Seriously though, you all need to take a breather and maybe take a refresher in Satire.
Not saying your idiots, but the trolls will be trolls, and then there are the 10 -30 people who will actually take this the wrong way and actually leave because they misinterpret it.

7 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Tim. The problem here isn’t that the white nationalists and racists and so and and so forth are declared to be representative of conservatives. The problem is that these people, no matter how vile their beliefs represent a small fraction of conservatives, but are being used to justify Antifa. The other problem is that these people, who you claim are SO despicable are NOT dressing up and walking around with the intent of doing violence to those politically opposed to them. The absolute WORST of the right are STILL less likely to be violent than your average liberal, and it… Read more »

The Man in Black
The Man in Black
7 years ago
Reply to  Josh

Sorry if you see “brown people should be murdered or enslaved” as a difference of political opinion,

7 years ago

Meh. Not a fan of the Trump voter hate in this one.

7 years ago
Reply to  Jortalus

That makes one of you….I love it 🙂

Better Than You
Better Than You
7 years ago
Reply to  dragon2knight

ME TOO , Darth Velveeta can suck a long hard one! just like his mindless followers…..

Dan Irving
Dan Irving
7 years ago
Reply to  Jortalus

Yeah, I’ve already stopped reading about 5 web-comics because of this. And I dislike Trump on so many levels. I guess it’s ok because he also didn’t call them racist, homophobic, transphobic, islamophobic …. ?

7 years ago
Reply to  Jortalus


7 years ago

” It could, potentially, tell a story that explores some of our political and religious divides on a more granular, personalized level. ”

Sure, the story being : Man walk in the forest, Man see the conservative and most definitely the pro-Trump, man shoot him until he’s dead dead dead.

Great job. Especially forgoing half the sales.

7 years ago
Reply to  GC

Slightly less than half the sales. 😀 I can’t relate to the ‘you just lost a reader’ people here in the comments. Political humor is a thing – watch any late night show. Artists are people too, it’s unreasonable to expect them to eliminate a subset of their beliefs from their work just so you have a safe space. You’re really solidifying your already narrow world view if you drop content because of one political joke. Should religion be off limits for you too? What about emacs vs vi? You can shake your fist and say “Only video game humor… Read more »

The Man in Black
The Man in Black
7 years ago
Reply to  WBS

I also find it funny considering that SO MUCH of gaming history comes from “kill the Nazis”, yet when a modern take on it is attempted everyone starts crying “but what about the Nazis’ FEELINGS?”

7 years ago

With every one of your responses I read, I love you more lol

7 years ago
Reply to  WBS

A) Not a “you just lost a reader guy” here B) the strip is the author realms and he does whatever he wants with it. That said, my comment was about the blah bla, not about the comic strip: drawing philosophical lines of the “what can this teach us” on a game that, essentially, is going to set apart one group of your own citizens and sa ythat it is fine to shoot at them for different political and religious ideas is.. questionable and I questioned it. I could probably end up as cannon fodder in the game by that,… Read more »

Sr. Vanilla Milkshake
Sr. Vanilla Milkshake
7 years ago
Reply to  GC

Take a minute to consider what your username could be referencing

7 years ago

Me either, you probably just lost a reader.

7 years ago

who’s ass are you kissing in that last panel? if you wanted violent extemists, you didnt have to make any up. its not like Anti-fa is baking people cookies. stop pandering dude, and remember that the same people you are trying to amuse, think you are a racist, misogynistic, blah blah blah. just because you play video games. or have you been living under a rock for the last 3 fucking years?

7 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Translation: yes, under a rock.

7 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Yup. Under a rock it seems.

7 years ago
Reply to  Tim

You’re obviously racist against white people, and misogynistic against female Trump voters. Did that not come through in his comment?

7 years ago
Reply to  Potter

Uneducated is as uneducated does…

4 years ago
Reply to  Ian

TBH you can’t get a good idea of Trump because pretty much every news outlet is either EXTREMELY pro-Trump or anti-Trump. Im not supporting him, just saying.

7 years ago
Reply to  Potter

Perhaps those female Trump voters enjoy it when he grabs them by their cat?

7 years ago

Same here,

Enough Political BS in the news, don’t need to see it everywhere.

7 years ago

Aw! Triggered? Need a safe space?

7 years ago

I’m a yuge fan of the Trump voter hate. Trump voters deserve the scorn, the ridicule and the outright hate they are receiving for electing Cheetolini.

That said, if Far Cry 5 had elements from The Handmaid’s Tale in it, that’d be pretty awesome. THT tv show is a really disturbing take on what could quite easily happen if Orange Julius Caesar isn’t stopped..or even if he is stopped and Mike “Hand of God” Pence takes over.

7 years ago
Reply to  El_Barto

Wow. How many blows to the head have you suffered in life? You are the archtype of the zero intellect, reality disassociated, ideological dumbass that people voted against last year. You’re convinced you’re the smartest kid in the room, but the level of pig ignorance you possess is at a level of cancerous toxicity that FEMA needs to be involved.

But keep it up. The Democrats will be lucky to fill a Hardees off route 93 for their 2020 convention.

7 years ago
Reply to  RGS

That’s an awful lot of assumptions, Chief. Most of them completely and utterly wrong. You just go ahead and keep throwing out those buzzwords-of-the-day from your “How To Argue On The Internet” desk calendar though, Sparky. Luckily, I have the pleasure of viewing the gross fiasco and sham of an American election (and the fallout from electing a turd to the highest office in the land) from the outside, from a neighbouring country that, while suffering some challenges from Blumpkin’s incompetence, arrogance and ignorance, still has some semblance of democracy in operation. I just hope that Der Drumpfenfuhrer doesn’t get… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  El_Barto

If you progressive psychopaths would cease your unhinged, autistic screeching for two seconds, and stop moving in the ideological direction of ISIS, maybe you could gain some understanding of what is going on outside whatever tiny, highly filtered reality bubble you exist in.

Ha ha ha. Just kidding. We all know useless progs like you are permanently disconnected from reality. Ha ha ha. You understandng what is going on… as if.

Devon Ring
Devon Ring
7 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Tim: Isn’t that what you did to trump supporters by putting MAGA hats on the bad guys? I get that you wanted them to have a “uniform” but you had to know this would cause you to lose some readers. You lost me, im out.

7 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Wow Tim seems you struck the wrong nerve here somehow. In keeping with the Intent of the Comic However. I found it quite interesting because I have been thinking the same thing. How is Ubisoft going to easily identify the antagonists? From the trailers it appears to be the Stylized Cross, but even that is a BAD IDEA. Because then they will be accused saying that all Christians are evil, or that the game supports killing Christians. Regardless of the real messages in the game. They are in a tricky situation I think it would be interesting if the fact… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Tim

And see, thing is if you’d opened with that explanation, discussion would possibly (well, no probably not, but I could hope) have been a bit more civil. However, out of the gate you began by mocking one of the commenters. Not cool imo. I get what you’re saying. Heck, that’s been more or less my thinking since they announced it, which makes me wonder why they want to alienate at least half their audience at the start. But again, you should have pointed that out to begin with. I know you’re a huge liberal, and I usually just roll my… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Tim, you can keep trying to explain it, but those of us who got the joke already understand your intent. Those who are faux-raged about it will never get it.

What some folks seem to understand is that artists have the right, some would say THE DUTY, to address real-world issues through the lens of their work.

Artistic social commentary, even if tinged by the personal beliefs of the artist (and I’m not saying that’s present in this comic), is a critical need in troubled times.

7 years ago
Reply to  Tim

*don’t seem to understand…

7 years ago
Reply to  El_Barto

Sadly The Handmaid’s Tale is horribly boring 😀 but show is alright

7 years ago
Reply to  Šroubek

Book is boring, I forgot to write it there 😀

7 years ago
Reply to  Šroubek

True dat, Bek. When the wife pointed the show coming up, I reread the book (which I hadn’t read since highschool a couple decades ago), and yeah. Atwood is a talented writer, but that particular novel is a bit dry and boring.

Better Than You
Better Than You
7 years ago
Reply to  El_Barto

ROFL Orange Julius Caesar, I love it.
That is so much better than my Darth Velveeta.

7 years ago

Wow talk about special Snowflakes. You put a red hat on the comic and suddenly this is going too far xD

7 years ago
Reply to  ArgenCR

Would you sing the same tune if instead of the hats they all had shirts with the Hillery logo? How bout if they had BLM shirts. Both sides of this cluster have their fanatics, there’s no denying that. However a majority of the ones that actually get violent are not the ones wearing the red hats. I garentee you you’d get just as many screams from the other half of the room if Tim had drawn these alternate options for uniforms. Note I dont think flagging the people as affiliated with any present day political movement would have been appropriate.… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  merendel

Yes, because they’re all silly Americans.

But if you of my supported political party in my country, I’d just simply say “Meh, you’re taking out of context…”

*see what I did there, stereotyping ALL of a group when it suits my needs, and trivializing everything else?*

7 years ago
Reply to  merendel

Actually that is an intriguing point. While MAGA is a series of words that peopel have since stereotyped any set of words on a red hat, Hillary has a specific emblem, the |->| thing. That is almost unable to be confuse with anything else. MAGA is however easily readable if it is blurry like it is here as anything else. I though it said “NOT A VIOLENT EXTREMIST”, which would make sense as Tim seemingly enjoys poking fun at people’s view of stereotypes without actually using them more than a reference. The backlash seems to be mostly people trolling though… Read more »

Justin B
Justin B
7 years ago

“Oh no why not make the bad guys antifa I angry now”

1. You’re a hypocrite because you’d be okay with the other side being a target.

2. Antifa people don’t have a uniform and highly visible and distinguishable hat. Ya snowflakes.

7 years ago
Reply to  Justin B

For them not having a uniform they certainly dress quite in the same outfits … Simpleheaded anarcs.

7 years ago
Reply to  Justin B

Don’t forget the neck beards and avocado lattes.

Tyler Witt
Tyler Witt
7 years ago
Reply to  Scott

Avocado sound horrific…

4 years ago
Reply to  Justin B

I think Antifa is kinda hypocritic that they prevent “fascists” from speaking with threat of violence. Seems exactly like what a fascist would do…

There are extremist militant groups on the far right though. I cannot and will not deny that. For example, The Boogaloo movement is both violent and extremist, some sects are also religious and racist.

7 years ago

Oh no, looks like a lot of snowflakes need some safe spaces because you insulted their “president”, I guess you need to start putting trigger warnings out there so they don’t get their feelings hurt by something as seriously traumatizing as a comic strip.

7 years ago
Reply to  Potter

Um it’s not insulting the president it’s insulting those who voted for him. It’s the whole Republicans are backwoods hicks thing that rubs people wrong. He has the right to express himself however he likes but believing that nobody should be offended by it is another.

Kinda why Hillary lost, keep offending people who don’t align with your beliefs doesn’t help your cause.

7 years ago
Reply to  Scott

“keep offending people who don’t align with your beliefs doesn’t help your cause.”
you just described 87% of Trump’s campaign. (not 100%, but a very large amount.)

7 years ago

Yeah…lost another reader like so many others. This was completely uncalled for and completely unfounded.

7 years ago
Reply to  Tim

If you want to go by statistics you would need half of them to be white, and rest divided about 1/3 between black, hispanic and asians (1/4 if you want to include “other”). 60/40 balance on men and women – but not sure how you would represent the education, or income levels though. 😉

Better Than You
Better Than You
7 years ago
Reply to  Sunrie

Shut the fuck up you dumb snowflake cunt, go hide in your safe space. Making fun of people DUMB enough to vote in an uneducated draft-dodging demagogue will ALWAYS be on the table, get over it.

7 years ago

Touche really.
That sort of behavior is the reason why people making fun of “people DUMB enough to vote in an uneducated draft-dodging demagogue” is a thing.

7 years ago

I for one enjoyed this comic.

7 years ago
Reply to  slash_trax

Couldn’t agree more, this is exactly as a French company would see the United States as….and the comments I’m seeing on here are totally about over reacting, sheesh. Ignore it Tim, less of their kind would benefit you in the long term anyway. Good riddance…..

James Rye
James Rye
7 years ago
Reply to  dragon2knight

Yeah, some of those comments are pretty crazy. Like they have seen and read an entirely different comic/comments than I did. Heh, alternative comic/comments, I guess.

Better Than You
Better Than You
7 years ago
Reply to  slash_trax

I loved the hats, and I came to the comments knowing it would be amazing to watch the sad little trump cuck snowflakes cry and mewl about it. About time they realize EVERYTHING they enjoy is made by people who despise trump and all those dumb enough to follow him.

7 years ago

Lots of babies in the comments complaining about Trump supporters being pictured as the bad guys. So tell me again who’s the snowflake? 😉

With that said, I hope the plot of the game goes deeper than just “religious gun totting nutjobs want to kill you, so you kill them first”. Not to mention, as pictured in this comic, the potential plot holes from the fact it takes place in america, as opposed to some isolated 3rd world country. All in all, I think it’s going to be a great game though.

7 years ago
Reply to  DavidusPrime

Well, for starters you could not adress people as babies when they got a valid concern. Fact of the matter is he generalizes an entire group of voters as one kind – which is nothing new, and apparently the supporters of the comics keeps up without critical thinking. Because as most people say they like the comic, but the one bit with the hats is pushing it too far. Or is it just too hard to think constructively these days?

7 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Well, I guess I could be swayed to agree that the people who uncritically support Trump act like cultists, sure. 🙂

7 years ago
Reply to  Tim

You are right Tim, but reading the angry rhetoric from Wtf9 made the term “snowflake” jump to my mind as well. And you know he’s angry because he has a MAGA hat.

JJ What?
JJ What?
2 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Fair enough, but, it’s not really name-calling if you simply identify a retarded person by calling them a retard, I mean, you do it in your comics all the time. These trump-cuck-retards should learn to accept who, and what they are.

7 years ago

wow, a lot of sand on vajayjay on people this days o_O I dont mind your comics Tim, been a huge fan since I found out about them, and started reading since 2003.

Keep up the good work 😀

Matt H
Matt H
7 years ago

I thought this comic was great. Made me laugh out loud. Quite enjoyed it.

I will continue to keep reading your comics. You knew going in this was probably going to press on some peoples nerves, but you did it anyway. Good for you 🙂

7 years ago

The joke isn’t attacking trump voters per say. More that “backwoods religious extremists” tend to be Trump supporters. It is offensive sure, but a reasonable association to be used. If you have been reading CAD for any amount of time, there tends to be offensive content every now and then.

7 years ago
Reply to  Josh

And “violent American political extremists” tend to be Hillary or Bernie voters. So, what’s your point?

7 years ago
Reply to  Skyblade

The point is the game isn’t about “violent American political extremists” from the city doing violent asshole things in the city.

The game is about “violent American political extremists” from the country doing violent asshole things in the country using some bat-shit interpretation of what is supposed to be a peaceful religion to do some —-ed up shit.

You are reading either too deeply into the words he typed or not deep enough, I can’t tell.

7 years ago

Love all your stuff…..
But it seems to be spread out too far.
I just seem to like one adventure and you switch .. with no conclusion.
And have not seen the original gang in quite some time.. Has that been absorbed into the superhero side of things.

7 years ago
Reply to  Matt

About 3 years ago now (or was it 2) there was an “End” to the original Ethan and Lucas strip. This marked also about a full decade (I think it was within a month if I recall correctly) of that strip with one-offs in between. At that time, The campaign started as did the starcaster chronicles. The Ethan and Lucas reboot was as the new Analog & DPad. Some elements of the original story is retained, but the new story is rewritten, in a way which is, at least in Tim’s opinion, better. We now have an episodic concept to… Read more »

7 years ago

“Or it could be a giant fucking caricature of the whole situation whose only goal is to drum up controversy, free press and sell copies.”

Guys…that’s why he put the hats in there. Because there is no such thing as bad publicity on the Internet.

7 years ago
Reply to  Ragnarok

Any Publicity is Good publicity
*shoots fireworks at crowd*
*gets arrested and becomes front page headline*
“well at least now they know about my act” 0no
(I’m making a joke about how that comment is joked about on the internet on occasion)
(or at least some people I know who do)

7 years ago

Friggin love the RED CAP truck……..


7 years ago

I’d like to think they’d treat this one sensibly, but Ubisoft also made Assassins Creed 3, which I think is pretty much universally agreed upon as the worst of the AC franchise. And that one also was in America.

It isn’t set in stone, but odds aren’t good.

7 years ago
Reply to  RPGer4Life

Nah, I pre-ordered Unity… far as I’m concerned that was much worse.

7 years ago
Reply to  RPGer4Life

Keep in mind that was Revolutionary era
Patriotic “Thems the bads, and us the goods” idoelogy is fine there.
Here? Now?
Incredibly fresh and mildy volatile.

4 years ago
Reply to  Him.

Its not like anybody from then is still alive so hey? who’s gonna stop you if you make “offensive” inaccurate caricture? Although ubisoft does their homework when it comes to history.

7 years ago

As much as I’ve enjoyed the comic over the years, I too am no longer going to visit this site. If I wanted to read political cartoons I would go to a political site. For years this has been a great place for some good gaming humor, but this is not the first time politics has worked it’s way into the strip. Thank you for the laughs, it’s been fun.

7 years ago
Reply to  Dave

So what, one strip in hundreds, and you duck back into your echo chamber?

7 years ago
Reply to  Dave

So, Dave. You’re saying artists shouldn’t be allowed to express opinions on current local and world situations through their work? That they should stick with the content that they started with and never grow or evolve as an artist or world citizen?

If you abandon an artist because a ridiculously small percentage of their work is “political”, then the terrorists win.*

*and yes, i deliberately threw out a hopelessly dated and overused trope, there. Because every time someone Feels The Butthurt and ragequits something, the terrorists win a little.

7 years ago
Reply to  El_Barto

Where does he say that the artist “shouldn’t be allowed to express opinions on current local and world situations”? He doesn’t. He says that he doesn’t want to view such opinions. Which is HIS right.

Unless, of course, only one side gets rights in your world.

7 years ago
Reply to  Skyblade

No, everybody should have rights. However, he thinks his right to not have to read anything political in a comic strip he follows is more important than Tim’s right to express himself, as was implied in his post.

JJ What?
JJ What?
2 years ago
Reply to  Dave

OOOF, what a sissy snowflake bitch.

7 years ago

Haha, this is great. Maybe one of these whiny, safe-space needing crybabies while link this comic on twitter to Lord dampnut, You might manage to get the POSOTUS(Piece of Shit of the United States) to tweet about ya Tim.

7 years ago
Reply to  Helldemon

Come on man. That’s not productive. That’s just name calling. Tone it back a bit and be respectful. People have opinions. Sometimes you’ll disagree with them, but they’re still allowed to have them, and having an opinion you don’t agree with is not grounds to ridicule and belittle people.

7 years ago
Reply to  Timothy

It’s what they are doing though, whining and crying about a comic(or the color of a cup) while being extremely rude and insulting to others who “whine” about wanting equality or not to be fucked with a spiked baseball bat up the ass by CEOs/Wall Street/Oil Companies/etc

Henk Houtman
Henk Houtman
7 years ago

Haha, suprised by how many people decide not to read a comic because the author made a joke about someone they favour. They must have pretty dull lives if they can’t even take a joke about anything they support. Keep doing what you’re doing Tim, greetings from the Netherlands.

7 years ago
Reply to  Henk Houtman

Actually, I think it’s more people being sick of the constant, fallacious characterization of them as a particular stereotype, especially as it’s been shoved down their throats from every major media publication.

But hey, you’re from the Netherlands, so you’re probably just a druggie prostitute who knows nothing about the world anyway, right?

7 years ago
Reply to  Skyblade

And just so you know, Tim, yes, that last line was sarcastic so that the person I was responding to could understand how being constantly dismissed with dishonest stereotypes can feel.

Anonymous coward
Anonymous coward
7 years ago
Reply to  Skyblade

Booohooo boooohooo you get constantly dismissed with dishonest stereotypes, also voted for the guy who said Mexican are rapists and wants to ban people from entering in the country based on their nationality.

In other word only you and your group should get to do this…

7 years ago
Reply to  Henk Houtman

I’m almost certain there are either 80% trolls, or a bunch of spam bots or something.
Surely SOME actually won’t read anymore, but that is frankly a minority of the reader population, just happens to be the population that decides to vocalize itself.

7 years ago

HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Tim, don’t worry I’ll be coming back. After reading many of these responses I just cannot believe how tightly wound some people are. I mean come on this is the pure definition of Satire. Here let me post the definition since obviously some don’t know what it is.
the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people’s stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues.
You hit the nail on the head with this one.

Bill Gerrettie Jr
Bill Gerrettie Jr
7 years ago

Well, one more lost viewer. Not because of the comic but because of the toxic community here you have aligned yourself with. It seems here, anyone who has an opposing view is deserving of labels and ridicule and that’s not a community I wish to be a part of. I thought this is what we were fighting against…

7 years ago

So you’re mad at all the Cheeto supporters on here crying boycott and saying tim is disgusting and hateful and is calling for the death of supporters because of a simple comic?

7 years ago
Reply to  Helldemon

“Cheeto”. It’s amazing how everything with liberals comes down to skin color, isn’t it?

7 years ago
Reply to  Skyblade

No, that’s hair color.
Haven’t you seen the Golden Hamster meme?

7 years ago

Wait what?
It’s a toxic community which is a minority and vocalized itself by saying “yo, we dislike what you are doing so bye despite having all this history with you or something”
So yeah.
No sense.

JJ What?
JJ What?
2 years ago

LOL another sissy snowflake cuck for darth dorrito . Get it together lil fella, if you’re that fetish obsessed, just head to your nearest walmart, find some fat geriatric man who will let you cover him in fake-tan and worship his wrinkled gray scrotum.

7 years ago

I think its actually rather lazy, TBH. The anti-FA crowd usually has a uniform too. Black pants, black t-shirt, black balaclava w/ black checkered keffiyeh. Nine tenths of the marchers/protesters have three elements of this on.their person. Also, I really do not see how DJT gets portrayed as a religious extremeist. The man is a New Yorker. If he has any religious convictions, I have never seen it come up before. I mean, the man stood up for gay marriage for years, before Hillary or Obama had their change of pandering. As to the game, wasn’t planning on buying it.… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Tim

So if the game was set in California they’d be wearing Hillery shirts? The amount of bowing and kissing the hem of the anointed one out there and the blind devotion borders on religious fervor. The so called AntiFa actualy get violent as a group on a regular basis vs the lone wackjob here and there on the other side. There are dozens of other ways you could have done this but you had to drag political imagery into it. Casual potshots like this, even couched as parody of a french companies thought process, just add to the polarization we… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Tim

If you put a bunch of white people in black t-shirts, black pants and black balaclavas would it make it any different a game? And which group; the midwestern yokel or the urbanite anarchist has done more violence in the US lately?

It’s cliched, lazy and very Marvel like. But, hey, you do you. I’ve gotten more than my money’s worth out of your comic. The art is awesome, the writing is better than anything short of Agatha Heterodyne, Girl Genius and I will still support you through Patreon.

7 years ago
Reply to  Tim

My question is WHY are you working with the game we were presented?

You’ve said several times that “the comic isn’t just my opinions” and even “that’d be like an actor agreeing with every character he plays”.

But, to my knowledge, you write these comics. If you knew that it would upset people, why did you write this one? Was there really so little you could think of to base a comic on that this was all you had?

JJ What?
JJ What?
2 years ago
Reply to  Skyblade

my GOD you are fucking dimwitted… it’s a comic about the reality of the game and what it entails…

7 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Can’t Reply to your latest one, so I’ll just reply here, I guess.
– Fair enough. –
It didn’t make me laugh, but I do think it expresses Ubisoft’s thought process fairly clearly.

JJ What?
JJ What?
2 years ago
Reply to  MrScience_

LOL another sissy snowflake cuck for darth dorrito . Get it together lil fella, if you’re that fetish obsessed, just head to your nearest walmart, find some fat geriatric man who will let you cover him in fake-tan and worship his wrinkled gray scrotum.

JJ What?
JJ What?
2 years ago
Reply to  MrScience_

LOL another sissy snowflake cuck for darth dorrito . Get it together lil fella, if you’re that fetish obsessed, just head to your nearest walmart, find some fat geriatric man who will let you cover him in fake-tan and worship his wrinkled gray scrotum.

7 years ago

I’m a Trump supporter. The joke was still funny. Well done Tim. Nobody on either side appreciates humor any more..

7 years ago
Reply to  Russell

I can’t believe how many comments I had to scroll through to find this, Thanks Russell. Thanks for the comics Tim.

Tyler Robinson
Tyler Robinson
7 years ago
Reply to  Russell

This is the response everyone should have. It’s a joke! It’s funny! Okay, let’s all move on.

7 years ago
Reply to  Russell

Another Trump supporter here bud. I don’t have a problem with the comic either. I mean, it’s low hanging fruit but its not untrue. We have the same amount of right wing nutcases as the left has antifa brike chain swinging rioters. Both sides suck and we all just need to calm down and eat a cookie.

Plus this is the same guy who made the miscarriage comic so its not like this is even close to the most controversial stuff published on this site. I remember when that one came out even other artists were like, “dude”

7 years ago
Reply to  Fletcher

Judging from actual, real world examples… No, we don’t. I don’t remember a single militant or violent example during, say, the rise of the Tea Party. Or more than maybe two events which were instigated by Trump supporters, compared to dozens by antifa.

7 years ago
Reply to  Skyblade

You do know Liberal is actually a broader term then Antifa OR conservative, and as such there are extremists on both sides and there are those who DON’T BELONG ON THE SIDE THEY CLASSIFY THEMSELVES AS. The issue is not with the whole, but with splinter groups, the most infamous examples being ISIS and the KKK. When any sufficiently jingoistic person engages in a wide subset of unusual behavoirs, they lose their right to claim being part of they group. The Nazis are not indicative of Germans as a whole, but Germany’s image in world leaders minds was scarred for… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Russell

This website is missing an upvote button.

Ksuvi Khor
Ksuvi Khor
7 years ago
Reply to  Russell

Thank you, Russell – you have cut to the heart of the matter more succinctly and sufficiently than any other post I have read thus far. You can disagree with subject matter and yet still find it humorous. Case in point would be pretty much any episode of South Park. I am a Christian, yet I can laugh at their comical (yet sacrilegious) portrayal of Jesus. Making a joke at the expense of my beliefs (which are much more deeply-rooted than my political views) does not necessarily anger or offend me when it is clearly not intended as a malicious… Read more »

7 years ago

HOW DARE YOU TOUCH ON A SERIOUS TOPIC TIM! You’re supposed to be an internet funny man making me laugh with your vidjama game jokes. How dare you make a joke that didn’t actually target anyone or anything, just showed how a non-american company might just be dramatizing their new game for free press and not actually understand the situation. HOW DARE. That’s it I’ve been reading for many years, but you lost a reader. *Generic passive-aggressive thank you for the content*

7 years ago
Reply to  ThatOneGuy

Topical humor? More like the most offensive thing ever! Am I right?

7 years ago
Reply to  ThatOneGuy

Yeah, how dare people exercise freedom of association. What exactly are you objecting to? Are people that don’t want to read this comic anymore not allowed to make that choice? Are they not allowed to inform the author as to why he lost readers?

Of all the comments, these attempts at mockery are the dumbest.

7 years ago
Reply to  LeftAnswer

1) I… seriously don’t think you know what freedom of association is.

2) You, like many, conflate “I am allowed” with “I shall not be mocked for”

And trying to hold an artist hostage using your personal readership is, at very least, hilariously ineffective megalomania.

7 years ago
Reply to  LeftAnswer

Eyy bucko, I’m just trying to make a joke on a comedy site. Of course people can stop reading if they feel out of line. That’s a perfectly valid choice. But dramatizing it and screaming “YOU JUST LOST A READER! Whatcha gonna do bout that!” in the comments takes away from that. If you want to stop reading, stop reading. But don’t desperately cry for attention in the comments.

Actual Snowflake
Actual Snowflake
7 years ago

You poor, poor, political snowflakes. You’re taking offense at a comic because of a stereotype of backwoods, religious extremists also believe in the same candidate you vote for. Boo hoo. Guess what? No one fucking cares. Unless you’re riding around in a truck with your shotguns, with an itchy trigger finger looking to start trouble with everyone, this comic isn’t a commentary on every damn conservative who may or may not support our current president. Quit being such a “cuck” and grow up. It’s a bunch a doodles on the internet. They can’t hurt you…

7 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Not that much of a deal, but I agree.

7 years ago

The big problem is that it SEEMS like a commentary on every conservative because this is exactly the stereotype that the media has been presenting as literally the entire Trump support base for the past two years.

JJ What?
JJ What?
2 years ago

All I can do is laugh at each of the sissy snowflake cucks for darth dorrito . Get it together lil fellas, if you’re that fetish obsessed, just head to your nearest walmart, find some fat geriatric man who will let you cover him in fake-tan and worship his wrinkled gray scrotums.

Last edited 2 years ago by JJ What?
7 years ago

I laughed, not because I hate Trump, but because I find it funny. The Trump-following as depicted in the media is redneckish, at least here in Europe. And if I understand the polls and voting results correctly, the people in the “backwards” regions of the USA did primarily vote for Trump. Besides, even Americans got to admit that having Trump as a president is completely ludicrous. But that’s not why I actually laughed at the screen, I just see this happening as a mod, I’m sure someone out there just can’t resist.

7 years ago

While the comic was loading I saw that there was 74 comments and said “WTF?” Out load. Then I saw the comic and said “oh, that’s why”

I got no problem with the joke, but I am curious Tim, did you think as you came up with the idea that you might be stirring up some people?

7 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Your joke, the actual intended joke and not the Trump bashing that people assume it is, is actually dead on.

I live in Canada and a lot of people think of states like Montana as being full of backwards gun-toting hicks with zero education.

It’s certainly not the right way of thinking but I imagine these are the people who are making this game

7 years ago
Reply to  Hunter

To be fair, most of us here in the U.S. think of states like Montana the same way. :p

Now, we are aware that the ENTIRE state is not like that… but a good portion probably are and the stereotypes continue to be entertaining to us.

7 years ago
Reply to  Michael

I live in Montana and yes, many of the people out here will ultimately just vote for the Republican because they are a Republican. Many of the people here are christian and I don’t think anyone I know doesn’t own a gun…

7 years ago

Every closet sociopath thanks you for what is almost certainly going to end up in the final product one way or another. I can even see how the endgame is going to happen; as casualties mount, the mortality figures can no longer be hidden from the rest of the US and the entire area is flooded with National Guard. If you killed more than the cult, they hunt you. If the cult killed more, they take down the remnants of the cult.

7 years ago
Reply to  Carl

That would be intriguing plot mechanic.
Like the Pacifist v Genocide thing with Undertale, it makes you think about what will happen as a result of your actions.

7 years ago

Trump supporter here and I found this hilarious! People been doing jabs at presidents since pen (quill?) to paper (parchment?) forever now. Love the comics been a fan since I found you years ago.

Ksuvi Khor
Ksuvi Khor
7 years ago
Reply to  Michael

Exactly. Since the formation of the United States of America, we have always been exposed to jabs and japes aimed towards the current President and/or their supporters.

There is a difference between political satire and hate speech. Contrary to what some commenters are implying, I fail to see Tim’s joke as anything more than just that – a joke. Nothing more, nothing less.

7 years ago

This comic made me laugh. The comments made me laugh even harder. To everyone that is up in arms about advocating violence towards Trump or his supporters, please tell me where you have been the last eight years. We live in a time where Ted Nugent can say and do the most crass and disgusting things and gets invited to dinner at the WH as a reward for his behavior. This is the country that Fox News has created, too late to cry foul now.

7 years ago
Reply to  Dexter

Ehhh not just Fox News but I will say they did play a role.
I’m just commenting before anyone else commences the spewing.

Devon Ring
Devon Ring
7 years ago

Dont bite the had that feeds you…

7 years ago
Reply to  Devon Ring

Well, I *guess* that makes sense, because many of the people who claimed being “bitten” are now “Had-beens” on the site 🙂

7 years ago

We already know you hate Trump. After all, you drew yourself killing a “Trump monster” in VR a few months back. It’s easy for you to draw this because you have no fear (correctly) of retaliation from Trump supporters.

But, you would not do a drawing of yourself killing Mohammed, because you *are* afraid of what could happen to you and your family.

Or you could prove me wrong.

7 years ago
Reply to  Tim

If you’d had a dream about Mohamed screwing a goat, would you have drawn a comic about that? No, you wouldn’t.

“I believe I was also Iron Man in that dream.”

Red Herring. What character you were makes no difference.

7 years ago
Reply to  Robert

Is your point to publicly prosecute the argument that mocking Trump is less dangerous than mocking Muhammad? I think most people would grant you that.

“Red Herring”: Incorrect. Your petition was that “we already know you hate Trump: After all, you drew yourself killing a ‘Trump moster’ in VR”. That dreams are dumb bullshit is cogent to that point.

*|=|- V_<0

7 years ago
Reply to  Robert

You have nothing to fear from a Trump supporter…
Unless you’re on a bus in Portland.

7 years ago
Reply to  Dexter

Or a reporter.
Or a refugee looking for a safe place to start over.
Or don’t want your browser history sold.
Or want the planet to remain hospitable in 30 years.
Or want your children to have a quality education.
Or believe that health care shouldn’t be about extorting the sick and the elderly.
Should I go on?

7 years ago
Reply to  Dexter

Please do. I’ll get popcorn.

7 years ago
Reply to  Dexter

“Or a reporter.” Number of reporters prosecuted by Obama admin = 9 (More than all previous administrations *combined*) Number of reporters prosecuted by Trump admin = 0 “Or a refugee looking for a safe place to start over.” Age verification tests carried out on migrants in Sweden who claim to be ‘children’ have found that 76% of them are actually aged 18 or over. “Or don’t want your browser history sold.” Give you that one, but Obama was spying on US citizens, so it’s a wash. “Or want the planet to remain hospitable in 30 years.” Bet you 10K right… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Robert

You do know Trump hasn’t been president for a single year while Obama was for 8 years.
And also that the system we live in has been much better than it was under bush in amazingly small yet critical ways. Actually, with Bush the whole spying thing started, so don’t bother there.
Thank you.

7 years ago
Reply to  Robert

Also, frankly, “Baltimore spend a staggering $16,00 per student” Is it just me or did they not spend enough considering this… And the held at gunpoint thing? REALLY? CLearly Canada is filled with gun toting maniacs then because they have free health care. Speaking of which: Imagine someone who has a low paying job finds out they have some issue, maybe something that has a 65% chance of being a dangerous Liver problem or something. I’m not a physician. Anyways, they are told that they could have a quick surgery that costs a significant amount, but not too much. Unaffordable… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Dexter

Hospitable planet for 30 years?
Are you sure about that?

7 years ago
Reply to  Dexter

Wrong. That guy was a Bernie and Stein supporter.

7 years ago
Reply to  Dexter

Technically the guy in Portland supported Bernie, so…

7 years ago
Reply to  Robert

Because terrorists watch and stalk tim’s strip constantly to see if he posts anything offensive to them so they can kill his family…

7 years ago
Reply to  Robert

I am almost certain Tim is anti-Trump, but that ins’t why he made this joke.
He made it because [INSERTWORDSOFTIM’SWISDOMHERE]. Plus media circus bigger than the Light Warriors going to trial.
And who knows, the trump monster might have been just Tim expressing his PhD on a Gumshoos (Pokemon hating Degree. Property of Ethan Macmanus)

7 years ago

Well today is full of bigotry from the comic, Tim’s comments and Internet being the Internet.

7 years ago

This entire comment section just makes me want to slap a bitch.

Can y’all calm down? I recommend y’all calm down. It’s a joke. J-O-K-E. This isn’t meant to be taken so seriously. Tim himself has made it clear that it’s not meant to be taken so seriously. And yet everyone’s losing their minds over a few red hats with writing on them.

7 years ago
Reply to  Diamond655

You should see what happens to people when they make a joke about Muhammad. They tend to get stabby stabby in the necky necky.

But he’s safe from trump supporters they are relatively docile by antifa standards.

7 years ago
Reply to  Scott

What the actual —k is your point with all these “you won’t make jokes about Muhammad” comments? The aren’t even cohesive to your push against lefties in the rest of each of the comments you are making. You know that being a lefty doesn’t make them a Muslim right?

7 years ago
Reply to  Diamond655

It was a joke the first time. It was a joke the second time. After the fifty thousandth time, it’s not a joke any more. It’s not funny. It’s not particularly insightful. It’s just tiresome bigotry.

7 years ago
Reply to  Skyblade

On both ends.

7 years ago

The very ironic part of this is that the offended people have become their most used insult, and don’t even realise it themselves. Great job as always Tim, you do you and the real fans aren’t going anywhere 🙂

7 years ago

Just want you to know the rest of us support you Tim! Been reading for years, and after seeing you not cave or apologize in the comments I can say I’ll be giving my first (while meager) monetary gift to you today. Most of the comments above have been, at worst, in support of an intolerant bigot and, at best, acquiescence to those same qualities. Keep it up man!

7 years ago

Make this comment with “O” logos or “Hope and Change” hats and you’d be a viral pariah within half an hour. Think about it

7 years ago
Reply to  Tim

I’ve never played Far Cry 5, and I have no idea what the game is about. If the game is full of obvious references about killing republicans, I hope it gets its fair share of backlash as well. I do, however, read this comic, and I thought it was tasteless. Frankly, I doubt the villains in the game are actually tied to any political candidate. You made that leap all by yourself. Also, I sort of doubt your sincerity when you say you’d make a joke about shooting Obama supporters. Just a hunch, but I suspect either your own biases… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Dipstik

How could you have played FC5 if it isn’t out yet?

7 years ago
Reply to  Tim

“So I reiterate that yes, if Ubisoft had decided to walk into a current events minefield, just in the opposite direction with liberals as the enemy, I would still be making a joke about them for doing so.” ^– This. It happens. The difference between Tim’s joke and Kathy Griffin is that one went whole hog and is unprofessionally whining in an industry that loathes whining about being a victim, and the other made a rather harmless play pointing at something Ubisoft is already doing. Now if Tim were to pull a Kathy Griffin, well… then I wouldn’t see this… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Tim

I think you did make a joke about shooting Trump supporters. Whether you intended it or not is not my concern. My original comment was to point out that you know EXACTLY how this comic would be taken if the subject was Barack Obama as opposed to Donald Trump, yet you claim innocent ignorance here.

Anyway, I’m done here. You can’t wake someone up if they’re pretending to be sleeping.

7 years ago
Reply to  Dipstik

Tim wasn’t claiming ignorance. Anything but. He’s tried several times to explain the joke to you. You just refuse to accept it, and instead, you insist that Tim “did make a joke about shooting Trump supporters.” This is definitely a logical fallacy you’re wrapped up in, Dipstik, but since I’m pretty sure you’ve either stopped reading by this point or you’re going to just keep attacking even after being told by the author in no uncertain terms that you are wrong, I’m not going to bother looking it up.

7 years ago
Reply to  Dipstik

Can you actually prove they are Trump supporters?
They could be wearing non maga hats, since you cant actually make it out even if you zoom (I thought it said NOT A VIOLENT EXTREMIST, because that is the sort of thing Tim would say) or maybe they are maga hats they got from a random store and decided they look cool and they are some strange non political extremists. Those exist.

7 years ago

Games like this have been in development for quite awhile. It’s not like they started it even last year. Even if Hillary had become president, FC5 likely would still be set in Montana and be about the same topic. It would even still be “relevant” and “touchy” because the media would be running harder with the story about extremists “at home” and “in our backyard”. Instead we have Trump, the same game they were already making, and the same joke that would have been made. They probably would have equally made a game set in Germany referencing the lack of… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  JP

Just saying, those extremist refugees are a minority who are often being driven due to being unable to receive proper services to allow them to become a productive part of society. You have a good point, I’m just trying to rectify a small easily exploitable anomaly. Though with things like namely the high ranked ISIS leader from Texas, you wonder if the anti immigrant policy the US is slowly and sadly adopting is actually the origin of their rationale, so if the were not anti immigrant at all barring some very obviously actual terrorists who are literally bringing a bomb… Read more »

Ian H.
Ian H.
7 years ago

Man, I thought it was only Islamic extremists that got offended about being depicted derogatorily in comics…

7 years ago
Reply to  Ian H.

Right, because offended Trump supporters often go on shooting sprees and public bombings. Seriously, no need to add to the fire.

7 years ago
Reply to  Jaron

Do you think Ammon Bundy has a red hat or a blue hat?

7 years ago
Reply to  Lisa

Besides the point. Bundy didn’t shoot up an art gallery or bomb a newspaper office, did he?

7 years ago
Reply to  Jaron

I’d still label his actions as terrorism.

7 years ago

Trump supporters love to point and laugh at “Libtards” all the time and call them snowflakes.

As the comments to this comic show, they (and their leader) are in fact the BIGGEST snowflakes imaginable. They are more butt-hurt than a devout Muslim seeing a Mohammed caricature.

7 years ago
Reply to  Brent

So it’s a “snowflake” thing to politely say, “I’ve appreciated your work for years, but I didn’t appreciate this ‘joke’ and I’ll no longer be patronizing your site.”? This is a far cry from the political left’s common tactic of organizing mass social pressure, boycotts, and legal action to get someone fired or putting them out of business. I don’t see anyone here crying for Tim to be publically shamed and crucified while CAD is put under a DDoS.

C’mon with the name calling and hyperbole.

7 years ago
Reply to  Jaron

Not poking fun at you but…
it’s a…
“Far cry”?
…okay continue.

7 years ago

Wow. Wow. Liked the comic strip. A bit surprised by negative feedback. I thought the readers were mostly gamers, not backwoods rednecks. At least, majority of responses felt like they belonged to ones… I feel like the timing was a bit bad for comic with the recent happenings. But I see little reason to set such rants, insults and threats. I had my country set on some occasion in few movies and video games as nuclear warhead-holding country, den of terrorists, communist dictatorship (Strider Hiryu, nice jab), etc… And my reaction? Laughter. I wonder if majority of negative comments were… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  RP

And just how are gamers and “backwoods rednecks” mutually exclusive? No reason someone can’t be both. You’re also buying into the false myth that Trump supporters are only, or at least mostly, “backwoods rednecks.”

7 years ago
Reply to  Jaron

Backwoods rednecks is referring to the extreme version of that idea.
It’s referencing a Stereotype, not a Culture.
Rednecks ARE a culture, and I have little problem with a few small exceptions which I won’t detail because it is stuff that shouldn’t be talked about here as it is private.
Your attention to detail and critique are (barring trolls mostly) appreciated but I frankly think you are slightly overthinking this.
Thanks for your time 🙂

7 years ago

Reminds me of Postal 2(great game btw) and i doubt any of the complainers here minded one bit when the target of the joke was Osama bin Laden lookalikes.

7 years ago
Reply to  Munir

Exactly, dude. It takes big man to laugh when you become target of jokes after the others’ turn came to end.

7 years ago
Reply to  Munir

As already said by others, it’s not because Trump is being mocked, it’s because anyone with a MAGA hat is being mocked and compared to a backwoods, militant, homicidal, religious extremist.

And yours is a poor comparison. Despite what most of the media would have you believe, Trump, while a buffoon ( my opinion ), has not orchestrated the death of thousands of people. However, bin Laden WAS actually a religious extremist who did.

7 years ago
Reply to  Jaron

Am I correct to assume that you suggest it is okay to make fun of fool, but not okay to do the same to his followers?

7 years ago
Reply to  RP

No, you don’t assume correctly. I’m not talking about whether or not is okay to mock someone. I believe in actual freedom of speech. Tim and anyone else can make fun of anyone. However, the joke-cracker can’t control the reaction to it and would be wise to use some discretion in their ridicule. Most people can take a joke and will laugh at themselves. But somethings simply aren’t jokes, no matter who calls them that, especially to certain crowds. Most Germans will probably laugh if you tease them as drunks wearing lederhosen. Same with blacks if you tease them they… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Jaron

Dude, you’re strawmanning an argument with its logical converse.

And I do think you’re missing the point. Why is this suddenly offensive in an American context? The game, as he constructed it, *remains* problematic, rather than *becoming* so. Seems to me Tim is cutting at the FarCry series with one edge of his sword. Are you really motivated to their defense, given your reaction to his construct?

7 years ago

Methinks you ought to (re)read this whole sub-thread to understand what I’m arguing. I’m not using a strawman because everything I’ve argued against is a point that someone else has actually tried to make. Munir said people didn’t complain about bin Laden clone bad guys so they shouldn’t complain about MAGA hat wearers being the bad guy. Yeah, because the two are so similar. RP argued people should man up and laugh at themselves even though they’re being likened to violent, homicidal, militant religious nutjobs. Well, goose and gander, right? He didn’t add any further restrictions or qualifiers, so that… Read more »

7 years ago

“The converse to a logical argument (itself being structured “if A, then B”) is “if B, then A.”” Quite so! “I used neither.” Beg to differ. Here is your characterization of Tim’c comic: “Flip this to another extreme comparison and see if it would be funny. Joking that all Germans are Nazis, all Catholics are child abusers, or all blacks are lazy welfare leaches won’t get you laughs.” And here is a bit he repeated multiple times in this comment section: “In the comic I suggested that the gun toting religious fundamentalists in the game could be Trump supporters. I… Read more »

7 years ago

“And while I can appreciate you trying to use technical terms, it helps if you use them correctly.”

I’ll just bounce that one right back at’cha, if’n you don’t mind. Bit quick at being condescendingly wrong, given your lofty goals:

“I’m simply calling out hypocrisy, poor comparisons, and illogical arguments wherever I see them.”

Yer a fun guy. 🙂

7 years ago

Sorry, Hoss, you’re dead wrong. Let’s see if I can make this simpler for you. First, no, that’s not my characterization of Tim’s comic. That’s my characterization of RP’s asinine argument. You’ll notice I referred to only this sub-thread, explicitly starting with Munir’s comment. Thus, before you came in with false accusations, I was rebutting Munir’s and RP’s statements only. Your accusation that I was arguing against Tim is completely false. My only mention of him, prior to your comments, were to say he is completely free to mock whatever he feels like. Second, even if I was referring to… Read more »

7 years ago

Oh, you *are* a fun guy! Still condescendingly wrong, but I’m guessing that’s an M.O. for you. You might notice that noone argued that “all Trump supporters are violent religious fundamentalists.” “(Re) read” this thread and see if I’m wrong, silly. RP and Munir never said any such thing. This is what strawmanning is, kid. You argue against the argument you perceive instead of that being made. I know you think you’re a knight for rationality, but you’re tilting at windmills. And let me be explicit, since you’re having trouble: “In the US, Trump supporters are likely violent religious extremists”… Read more »

7 years ago

*sigh* All of which is irrelevant and immaterial since it all hinges on one thing I never did. I’m going to say this one final time. Hopefully you’ll actually read it and take it at face value, not what you think it means and not what you hope it means. Nowhere in this sub-thread have I argued against Tim’s explanation of the comic. Nowhere did I say you, Munir, RP, or Tim claimed “all Trump supporters are violent religious extremist.” Got that? Now I’m guessing you’ll see that and think, “Ha, I’ve got him because I can quote him saying… Read more »

7 years ago

Initial disclaimer: I have read everything. (As I have every time.) I’ve definitely waxed flippant. Guilty. But “dude” was honest; I’ven’t pricked back till pricked. (As in, suggesting I haven’t read everything.) Sorry you’re hurt. I acknowledge your thought process. With due respect, I specifically responded to your post because of its content. I appreciate your clarification, and assure you again that I have read it. I don’t think I’ve misundertood. I’ll expound. If you don’t want me to, say so, and I’ll stop. Your response demonstrates to me the single point I was trying to make. Here were the… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Jaron

Your issue, just like with the rest of commenters, seems to be with last panel. Is it really because of bearded guys that look like common terror guys or is it because of hats? Would you still fume if hats were brown? Red is totally common color among communists, rebels, ptsd vets who are out for first blood. They could be Socks fans, you know? Fully armed Socks fan who ride to the game of baseball. How dare you judge the men by stereotypes. Besides, they are religious extremists, not political. The text of joke says so. If you thought… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  RP

Even more incorrect assumption on your part. While I think the comic is in poor taste, my bigger problem is with the behavior of commenters such as yourself who make illogical arguments, false comparisons, and dishonest remarks. That’s not just a plain red hat and you know it. It very clearly has white lettering in the same layout as the MAGA hats. “Oh, why would you think that’s a suicide bomber? It’s just any random guy with a long, black beard, black robes and keffiyah, green headband with Arabic writing, and tactical LBE vest with pipes tied to it.” “Oh,… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  RP

That’s a damn fine not at all a point RP was joking please I get you are tired out but there are people who make sarcastic comments but don’t mean anything harmful.
ANd if you look at the layout of the hat words they aren’t maga. The last letter of the first word looks like a T.
It COULD be MAGA but that’s really unlikely. Tim is not that stupid, or at all.

7 years ago

Yeah… I’m not a fan of this one. Political discourse in the country has fallen way too far from sane for this to even be remotely funny. Antifa has been spraying innocent people with bear mace just for wearing MAGA hats, and regardless of your opinion on whether or not Trump is a good president, that’s a new level of insanity. Anyone with even remotely right leaning views who attempts to speak at a college campus is subject to violence, being shouted down by the audience, and simply being banned from speaking because of threats of violence. The vast majority… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Ec1ipsis

Thank you for expressing your opinion in a calm, logically thinking, understandable way.
Ubi did make a mistake in its area of choice (just say it’s on Guam or the falklands. I don’t know.) but it isn’t neccesarily mass murder of Republicans. It could become a KKK repression attempt. Thanks for your time and consideration though.
Have a nice day 🙂