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Renown, p7

August 21, 2023 by Tim

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1 year ago

Aaaand he got dumped before it even was a thing …

1 year ago

Villain origin history

1 year ago
Reply to  Gonfrask

Sing it with me:

Last edited 1 year ago by GUNnibal
1 year ago
Reply to  GUNnibal

Rejection man, Reaction man,
getting rejected like no other man can

Stands up for whats right, but at night
The only hand he gets, is from his right

Rejection is his middle name
constant rejections define his game

He is, reaction maaaaaaaan

*spiderman song melody*

1 year ago
Reply to  evilleet

Thanks god you did not play the rejection/ejection one 😀
And my congrats for the ‘from his right” 😀 😀

1 year ago
Reply to  evilleet

Hmmm. I was forcing it into the Iron Man melody. It almost works.

1 year ago
Reply to  Gonfrask

Meh. Ethan doesnt look like an incel, so probably not.

1 year ago

Please take the mask off…

1 year ago

That was the kindest thing she could do for him. Rejection may sting but it’s courteous and respectful. False acceptance and assumption of monstrosity are far FAR worse.

Last edited 1 year ago by AustynSN
1 year ago
Reply to  AustynSN

And she managed to put a full stop on it while at the same time not making it at all about him. There’s no opening for “But if I change…” and while there is also no “I reject you because you are a bad guy”.

Well done. Swift and effective.

1 year ago

I like this development a lot. First of all, it’s very realistic – Lilah at this point in time does not know Analong enough to want a romantic relationship with him – and Ethan is in love with the Lois Lane archetype, not really Lilah, whom he knows almost nothing about on a personal level. A romantic relationship starting from here would seem completely forced. Even if we expect them to be together in the end, it would be much better if the tension builds slowly over time. Maybe he’ll win her over a few years down the line in… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Daniel

Wouldn’t a work unrelated activity (dinner) be a good chance to get to know more about each other on a personal level? … Or does he have to _hang_ around her apartment too to get to know her? 😉

1 year ago
Reply to  Daniel

It’s also good to get more of a characterization for Lilath beyond ‘Ethan’s love interest’. She was a gamer in the old universe but over time she didn’t get much more beyond that and ‘relationship storylines with Ethan’.

Here she’s a bit more fleshed out and interacts with other characters beyond Ethan. Maybe we’ll get more stuff between her and Lucas or Scott.

1 year ago
Reply to  Daniel

Tbh, I don’t see this heading towards them two getting together. I don’t think it’s gonna happen. CAD v2 is quite a lot different than v1. Scott, for example, is in a completely different position doing completely different things in v2 than in v1. He turned from joke/villain/minion to friend.

I could see Lilah filling a completely different role v2, never getting together with Ethan.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jack0r

Yeah, all the chareters and fleshed out now and have real back stories, so it is much more fulfilling. But the foundation of the v1 is all still there, not rushed to the point where the reboot HAD to happen if for no other reason than there was no other option but the reboot. There wasn’t a way to keep grinding out story lines with the old v1, there wasn’t enough detail in the supporting cast to do that. I think when they do get together, it’ll spell the end of v2, but the love they have for each other… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Jack0r

i would argue he’s still kindof a villain. he’s proven to both ethan and lucas that he can’t be trusted, and will act however he sees fit despite them.

even if we accept that his motivations are absolutely correct, and theyre not btw, they had decided on a course of action which if scott didnt like he could wheel his ass out the door any time he wanted. he then went and did whatever tf he wanted to do anyway

1 year ago

Or maybe he will test that theory the mask doesn’t conceal his identity well and ask her out when not in costume

1 year ago

I do believe Ethan might have just realized something important here. Lilah’s expression of ‘I don’t shit where I eat’ perhaps giving him an idea about where/how to find the Troll maybe?

In this context, they can’t find him because maybe he isn’t in this city, just drops by to do whatever when he wants to then leaves? Might be a stretch, but wouldn’t be the first time a random idea comes to someone in this kind of situation.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kenju

big brain if true!

1 year ago

The boy took his shot. Might not have worked, but he took it, and he’s the man for it.

1 year ago

That’s even better than “I like you” – “Thanks” ?

Patrick Driscoll
Patrick Driscoll
1 year ago

I like this development. It is setting up the plot line for Lilah to want to date Ethan separate and apart from Analog. A nice meetcute from her coming to the store. Then he will have to keep his Analog identity a secret from her. It will also be all the more funny when she realizes that the simple face mask worked on her. She will of course have to get saved by Analog and it will be revealed that Analog is in fact her boyfriend Ethan and he didn’t tell her. There will be an entire betrayal plotline followed… Read more »

1 year ago

Big ol’ *BUT* assuming she lives.

1 year ago

She’s all but said she knows who he is, and the simple fact if you want a secret identity, you do not interact with anyone as the super that knows you in real life. A mask like his only covers his eyes and cheeks, same hair, same voice, same behavure. I keep referring to the dark knight movies because it’s the only superhero movie where the hero actaully made the effort. The only other movie where the super had the perfect disguise was Iron man, and he came out publicly in his very first movie!

1 year ago

That’s one of the worse saying too. But it’s much, much worse if you flip it around, well, not really unless you “eat where you sh*t.” He’s not shot down, she just doesn’t want to date a “super” since she writes about them. Make’s sense really, how can you report something about the person you love if they screwed up? Most people will try to deflect attention from the mistake, to protect a loved one. Same with doctors, they can’t treat a family member or a spouse if it’s needed, you can’t think on your feet if you’re fighting the… Read more »

Last edited 1 year ago by Scarsdale
The Legacy
The Legacy
1 year ago
Reply to  Scarsdale

Maybe it will work in reverse?


1 year ago
Reply to  The Legacy

Maybe, but she’s heard him and met him as Ethan before, even accused him of lying when he tried to come out to her. He stood there both heart broken and dumbfounded as she stormed off. Later when she heard him as Analog, she was in denial thinking he was trying to stalk her until now, after seeing him actually doing hero stuff. So it’s no longer “he’s a creep” but “how could I?”, Love finds a way… But she’s not in love yet, just starting to see his dumb charm.

1 year ago

I like the idea that he didn’t even consider his hero identity being for protecting his normal identity. Just that he was so hyped about being a superhero he wanted all the superhero features like a mask and cape and name.

1 year ago
Reply to  KaoGen

Ethan doesn’t think like that, he hasn’t adopted the “split personality” all supers have to adopt to be effective and keep both personas. She just made him realize he should and could. D-pad had and didn’t consider that Ethan hadn’t.

1 year ago

1c on her being a secret super ;-p

1 year ago

he tried, it didnt work. We all went there at least once.

1 year ago
Reply to  leduk

Lois Lane, enough said…

1 year ago
