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Renown, p9

August 25, 2023 by Tim

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StepGamer Dad
StepGamer Dad
1 year ago

Ethan seems to be taking the rejection pretty maturely. Like others have commented on the last panel, he probably still needs some time until he’s “worthy” of being in a relationship with anyone, but he’s definitely moving in the right direction.

1 year ago
Reply to  StepGamer Dad

Relationships that start out fast almost never end well. That’s for rom-coms and bad writers. Slow starts, working your way in, being friendly and respectful is the only way. I met my wife when I was 22 and she was 17, we didn’t start dating until she was 19 and I grew a brain about it. It only took a near-fatal car accident for me to start that.That’s all that Ethan needs to do and maybe he’s learning it. Not the accident part, but you get the idea.

1 year ago
Reply to  Scarsdale

I think some of that depends on the age of the people involved. You two, sure, you met when you both were essentially kids, so it’s good to get to know each other while you mature.

But two people who have dated a fair bit and have years of adulthood behind them may be able to move quicker on the scale of months instead of years.

1 year ago

Given how undercooked the Diablo 4 endgame is, those donuts better be good.

1 year ago
Reply to  Klaster_1

considering the amount of gaming time you need to reach that endgame, that probably wont be a problem for ethan, since he has 2 jobs.

1 year ago

Been there, done that, still have the pounds on my body.
I feel ya Ethan

Lord Foxxy Foxington
Lord Foxxy Foxington
1 year ago

…Potholes get filled?

1 year ago

Usually with scraps of broken tires where I live.

1 year ago

Ethan seems to be the guy that would eat donuts until he dies and marks down the limits of how many he can eats before dying.

1 year ago
Reply to  Flame

Then tries to beat that record on the next go.

1 year ago

Well I think Lucas’ face is pretty.

1 year ago

“Without disappointment, you cannot appreciate victory” – Memphis Raines

1 year ago
Reply to  Jacob

I’d like to test that. Done the first part, now I need to be insanely successful at something without trying and see if I appreciate it. I’m thinking lotto would be a good test.

1 year ago

switch Diablo for Baldurs gate 3. Fill that pothole a bit quicker lol

1 year ago
Reply to  Omians

Or Shadow Gambit: the Cursed Crew (a tactical/stealth game from Mimimi, people behind Shadow Tactics and Desperados 3), also just out.

Eric the White
Eric the White
1 year ago
Reply to  Omians

For sure! My whole group bounced off Diablo pretty hard. We’re into our second run on BG3 already.

Henchman Twenty1
Henchman Twenty1
1 year ago

I got a one word rebuttal for Ethan’s remedy: DIABETES.
Found out the hard way back in 2018…

Last edited 1 year ago by Henchman Twenty1
1 year ago

I can relate Ethan, although you still have a chance, women change their minds all the time, you just have to take the time for her to get to know you. It never happens overnight. I understand the hole you spoke of though, my first serious girlfriend was a very cute girl I met on accident, like Lilah, she thought I was a guy creeping on her and tried to kick me in the danglies, I was just walking behind her, I understood since it was Gary, IN and that was the normal for guys to do the creeper thing… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Scarsdale

That’s awful, I’m so sorry for your loss! ??

1 year ago
Reply to  Olivia

It happened in 1978, but thanks. I’m pretty sure I would of married that girl. It was rough, but I did get some help and once my wife and I started to date, the real me started to come back out. She didn’t replace May, but she did fit the hole pretty good. FAR better than the 100 Proof crap I kept pouring in it…
I quit cold turkey after we were married. She deserved better and I needed the money for other things now.

Last edited 1 year ago by Scarsdale
Aaron Morano
Aaron Morano
1 year ago

“Like filling a pothole.” …seems legit. I mean that’s what I would do anyway.

1 year ago

Just realized that the fact he can respawn after death means he can eat all the doughnuts there are, all at once.

1 year ago

Hell yeah emotional maturity!

Really like how Ethan and Lilah navigated this last encounter. Of course he would like to date her but its not the end of the world. Seeing someone take rejection so well but still not afraid to express his emotions over it is great. This is probably the best way for this to get resolved. For now.

The Legacy
The Legacy
1 year ago

Didn’t she give Ethan the hint to ask her out as Ethan, instead of Analog? ?

1 year ago

I have been here for years and the third panel made I spitied my coffe…hahahahha….

1 year ago

Next time I find a nasty pothole, I’m going to compress hundreds of donuts and copies of Diablo into it until it’s fixed. 😀

1 year ago
Reply to  CTOWNS

Hell, I know a huge pothole just begging to be filled by a Game Stop store or so… Lousy place to shop for games, clerk tried to sell me a ruined disc of a game I wanted, and threw me out of the store for calling him out on it. Insisted it was the only copy when I could clearly see 3 more on the shelf behind him.

Del Cox
Del Cox
1 year ago

That “wrong timeline” feeling, since we know how perfect Ethan an Lilah were for each other in the original comic.

1 year ago

Whatever happened to the delivery girl Ethan was seeing? I can’t remember them ever actually separating.

1 year ago
Reply to  weasley009

Took a while but found it:

1 year ago

You know he’s just going to come to the sudden realisation that she rejected Analog and not Ethan, as she doesn’t know Ethan therefore…

1 year ago

Have i missed something or was it ever revealed what happened in the warehouse with Deathblood?