This just in! Due to a glitch all calendar’s worldwide have suddenly jumped to friday while it actually is still wednesday! Nobody can explain this phenomena but experts are trying to figure out exactly how this happened. In the meantime we urge everybody to keep this peculiar situation in mind as otherwise mistakes may be made with work-schedules, especially when they are webcomic artists. Those who usually post a comic on friday should therefore still post one more comic this week!
Five bucks says it wasn’t the incident with the kid that gave it away, but he’s known even before they matched.
StepGamer Dad
3 months ago
Absolutely lovely. The expression on Ben’s face really sells the relief and gratitude Ben must be feeling that Lucas trusts him enough to come clean about being a super.
I would say it’s the transition between the exhale, which I could read the same way you’re saying, to that little smile underneath that mustache that to me screams love, acceptance, and relief.
Like, “Wow, I knew, but without being sure of that you chose to tell me despite the obvious and incredible risks we’re both extremely aware of.” It’s funny to say in the context of an openly gay relationship, but he’s touched that Lucas felt like he could come out to him instead of just running.
Except it’s not, and time and time again in the storyline we hear mention of laws that more or less protect vigilantes in Omnitrioolis, even unregistered Supers. Which is WHY folks like Deathblood aren’t just out and about, but protected legally from the consequences of their actions.
Everyone seems to forget about this. If the police were going to do ANYTHING about vigilante supers, they’d go after Deathblood first, they wouldn’t be looking to make examples out of some guy who revealed his superpower by saving an innocent child from being killed by an out of control vehicle, because that would send PRECISELY the wrong message.
I don’t think they automatically arrest all vigilantes otherwise Captain Prime would have detained them and turned them into the police when she met them. I think they allow vigilantes until they cause major trouble in which case you probably still don’t automatically get arrested but instead given the option to now officially register or quit amd if they catch you out superheroing again you’ll be arrested.
3 months ago
Holy shit, Lucas, you actually did it! Proud of you, buddy!
3 months ago
The way he says I know has me worried.
I read in the comments a while ago that someone thinks Ben might be that Punisher type superhero, and now I wonder if that’s true.
I am just worried that while he only heavily suspected he could ignore it, but now he knows for sure, they *are* unregistered and he is a police officer
3 months ago
“I’ve known this whole time, and I just got your confession! That’s right, I’m wearing a bug! You are under arrest for vigilantism.”
As it was said more than once, unregistered supers are not illegal.
See their interactions with Captain Prime (she disapproved of them, but didn’t try to arrest them), or Phasar (who actually assisted them when dealing with the Troll’s supposed hostage situation).
There were also those cops, who while initially unsure, who is the criminal on the scene, worked with Analog and D-Pad (and that kid with pausing powers, I forgot his name) against Demolition Duke.
It would be such an amazing plot twist, if Ben was just a police honey trap to catch suspected supes. I’d hate it, because I really love Ben, but I’d be in awe all the same.
He didn’t say he was a vigilante though, only that he has super powers.
Shy Hot Prince
3 months ago
Not sure if that is relief on Ben’s face. Seems a bit to me like: ” I hoped you wouldn’t say it.” Like now that Lucas has confirmed it himself there are some kind of consequences.
In the easiest way, Ben is “forced” to break up because of regulations inside the police force to either detain unregistered supers or to report them.
As long as Lucas didn’t say anything he could feign ignorance but now he may have to play his hand.
Or maybe it is just relief. The eyes tell different in my opinion.
Seems like kind of a bittersweet smirk to me. But I’m still following the theory that it’s a don’t ask, don’t tell situation so I’m probably seeing what I want to see.
But yeah, what OP said – he can’t, in good conscious, ignore it anymore. He’s an accomplice to any superhero shenanigans down the road.
Maybe their laws work in such a way that they just need a shotgun wedding so he doesn’t have to potentially testify against him, because Lucas deserves to be happy for once in his existence dangit~
I think Ben knew for quite a while, and has been pushing Lucas to tell him the truth by poking him with those comments. If he wanted possible deniability, getting Lucas to admit it is not the way to do it.
I think you’re right that Ben wanted Lucas to open up for genuine reasons.
Completely incongruent with Ben’s demeanor so far. Troll is not a supervillain, he’s just a troll. Quite effective in how he operates and in how he rallied support from others, but nevertheless he apparently has no superpowers. Except maybe surviving a fall into a vat of unknown chemicals.
I don’t think “the” Troll could turn his trolling on and off, it would be something that is continuously in his demeanor.
That would actually make me respect Ben a bit more.. Well…. not respect. Because… the Troll doesn’t deserve any respect. But the way Ben kept nudging Lucas the past days/weeks was really shitty and toxic in my opinion. He knew about it. He most likely knew that Lucas was keeping it a secret for a good reason (i doubt loved ones of superheroes have never been hurt/killed in this world). But he kept nudging him because he couldn’t handle Lucas not opening up about it on his own pace. And that’s not even counting other theories, like him wearing a… Read more »
3 months ago
That cheeky smile from Ben!!! Warms my heart <3
3 months ago
Hmm, what if Ben is under cover, collecting evidence so they can arrest him?
The A/C
3 months ago
Could he be an undercover cop trying to make Lucas confess? Is he wearing a mic?
It,s going to be so sad when he dies and latter when lucas is telling his next love about it and be like he told me as he was dieing with great power comes great responsibility .
3 months ago
Please, please, please let that small line above his mustache be a smile and him being happy to be finally fully let into Lucas’ life.
3 months ago
Ben’s the troll, isn’t he.
3 months ago
So many feels here.
Holy shit he actually said it!
Ben knew. Of course he knew.
Was Ben surprised because Lucas opened up and said it, or because it opens up a new set of implications and concerns?
Is that smile “happy he opened up, resigned to having to break up”? or “About damn time he addressed the elephant on the pier and now we can work through this”?
Lucas gave him a major sign of trust with that info. I really, really hope this goes well for both of them.
3 months ago
“Super Powers like eating seven whole French Toasts for Breakfast!”
3 months ago
Well done, Lucas
3 months ago
well shit that smile was cute
3 months ago
My personal read is that Ben is relieved that’s all Lucas wants to tell him.
“Yes dear, I know. I thought you were going to say you lost my cat or something.”
3 months ago
I swear to god, Tim, if Ben was playing a comically evil long-con with a wire on him for this exact moment, I’m going to… still read your comic but be angry and annoyed about it
3 months ago
The lighting is beautiful. Love your artwork
3 months ago
This is where we find out he knew he had super powers from day 0 and has just been playing luke so he can find out who ethan is for the government (ethan may be special but immortality is a pretty amazing power).
But now he has feelings for Luke and regrets it 🙂
3 months ago
I feel like I’m missing a huge part of the joke. Can someone explain it to me?
Also, damn I feel happy about this clip.
3 months ago
If he knows, why did his eyes go all wide on first hearing it?
Kevin Greenbaum
3 months ago
So he has known, at least now he can someone stop panicking about that part. He even waited for Lucas to open up about it, unless someone behind the scenes has happened that we don’t know about.
3 months ago
Finally! At first I thought you were going to make us wait another page or two to see how Ben feels about it. But I see the hint of a smile there.
Oh no. it’s the weekend! Have to wait for more anyway!!
3 months ago
I half expected something to the tune of “Duh, obviously.”
3 months ago
I am conflicted here. I want this to be a wholesome and tender moment…. why does the look Ben is giving feel so melancholy though? Like I WANT to love this, and for it to be a beautiful moment, so why is it giving “All you had to do was say nothing Lucas, I didn’t have proof… You just… shouldn’t have said anything…”
3 months ago
‘I do too.’ Place your bets!
3 months ago
PLOT TWIST – Ben thinks he means super powers of like, being sexy or eating lots of food, or silly stuff like that.
3 months ago
I. Love. The. Smile.
3 months ago
YESSSS. Ben clearly looks relieved. Ill bet he knew the entire time but wanted to let Lucas Break it to test their relationship? Fingers crossed <3 they’re a cute couple <3
3 months ago
I’m hoping that the next strip goes like this: 1st panel:Ben: I have a confession too. I’m really Death….. Second Panel:*Lucas tenses* Ben: ….word. Third Panel: Lucas; I’ve never heard of you. What’s your power? Ben: Oh, it’s nothing great. Basically, I can read the comments of any comic that I appear in. Fourth Panel: *Ben stares straight at us* Ben: And, for God’s sake, people! No, I’m not Deathblood!!! What the &%*$ is wrong with you people?!? …….. And, no, my power is not a rip-off off Deadpool ether!!! (Bonus points if Tim has Ben appear in The Campaign… Read more »
3 months ago
clever boy!!! he seemed like a “Boondock Saints” fan!! *applause*
Han Solo likes this 🙂
So… when do we put Ben on ice? 😅
Because Ben shot first?
Leia: “Luke, it’s a trap!”
Luke: “I know.”
Han: “Hey – that’s *my* line!”
Actually: “Hey – that’s *my* line, kid!”
(and then the realisation this is page 21… darn you Tim!)
Wait ? All CAD stories have 21 pages ?
If it is the case, I quit reading now ! 😮 (but maybe I will check on monday morning :P)
Nope. The last one (Secrets) was 21 page long.
Full issues used to run for 24 pages. Infernal Demons even had 25 pages.
And I’m seriously hoping against hope that it’s not the final page of this issue…
Tim did say this story would be 24 pages.
that leaves me both eager and terrified that its 3 more for this set before a wait period
Definitely cliff hanger material here.
And it’s a Friday. We all know he plans cliffhangers on Fridays on Page 21
This just in! Due to a glitch all calendar’s worldwide have suddenly jumped to friday while it actually is still wednesday! Nobody can explain this phenomena but experts are trying to figure out exactly how this happened. In the meantime we urge everybody to keep this peculiar situation in mind as otherwise mistakes may be made with work-schedules, especially when they are webcomic artists. Those who usually post a comic on friday should therefore still post one more comic this week!
More on this later, now onto our next subject.
Of course he knows.
Five bucks says it wasn’t the incident with the kid that gave it away, but he’s known even before they matched.
Absolutely lovely. The expression on Ben’s face really sells the relief and gratitude Ben must be feeling that Lucas trusts him enough to come clean about being a super.
Really? I’ve read it as “sh**. No more plausible deniability. I have to arrest you know”.
I would say it’s the transition between the exhale, which I could read the same way you’re saying, to that little smile underneath that mustache that to me screams love, acceptance, and relief.
Like, “Wow, I knew, but without being sure of that you chose to tell me despite the obvious and incredible risks we’re both extremely aware of.” It’s funny to say in the context of an openly gay relationship, but he’s touched that Lucas felt like he could come out to him instead of just running.
I had to look closely, but you are right! 😮 That cheeky bastard has been playing Lucas all along to try to get him to confess. 🤭 🥰
Having Super Powers is a crime in their city?
It’s not a crime to have super powers, but taking law enforcement into your own hands (vigilante-ism or whatever) would be illegal.
I read it as going one of two ways:
Thank you for trusting me with this. Now we can actually have a chance to grow together.
I know. And now I can stop the charade and more directly work to destroy everything you hold dear…
Except it’s not, and time and time again in the storyline we hear mention of laws that more or less protect vigilantes in Omnitrioolis, even unregistered Supers. Which is WHY folks like Deathblood aren’t just out and about, but protected legally from the consequences of their actions.
Everyone seems to forget about this. If the police were going to do ANYTHING about vigilante supers, they’d go after Deathblood first, they wouldn’t be looking to make examples out of some guy who revealed his superpower by saving an innocent child from being killed by an out of control vehicle, because that would send PRECISELY the wrong message.
Yes, specifically the Vigilante Act:
I don’t think they automatically arrest all vigilantes otherwise Captain Prime would have detained them and turned them into the police when she met them. I think they allow vigilantes until they cause major trouble in which case you probably still don’t automatically get arrested but instead given the option to now officially register or quit amd if they catch you out superheroing again you’ll be arrested.
Holy shit, Lucas, you actually did it! Proud of you, buddy!
The way he says I know has me worried.
I read in the comments a while ago that someone thinks Ben might be that Punisher type superhero, and now I wonder if that’s true.
Nah, not a chance. I don’t think they even have the same body type.
True, but at the same time it could be just body armor that gives the impression.
I am just worried that while he only heavily suspected he could ignore it, but now he knows for sure, they *are* unregistered and he is a police officer
“I’ve known this whole time, and I just got your confession! That’s right, I’m wearing a bug! You are under arrest for vigilantism.”
As it was said more than once, unregistered supers are not illegal.
See their interactions with Captain Prime (she disapproved of them, but didn’t try to arrest them), or Phasar (who actually assisted them when dealing with the Troll’s supposed hostage situation).
There were also those cops, who while initially unsure, who is the criminal on the scene, worked with Analog and D-Pad (and that kid with pausing powers, I forgot his name) against Demolition Duke.
It would be such an amazing plot twist, if Ben was just a police honey trap to catch suspected supes. I’d hate it, because I really love Ben, but I’d be in awe all the same.
He didn’t say he was a vigilante though, only that he has super powers.
Not sure if that is relief on Ben’s face. Seems a bit to me like: ” I hoped you wouldn’t say it.” Like now that Lucas has confirmed it himself there are some kind of consequences.
In the easiest way, Ben is “forced” to break up because of regulations inside the police force to either detain unregistered supers or to report them.
As long as Lucas didn’t say anything he could feign ignorance but now he may have to play his hand.
Or maybe it is just relief. The eyes tell different in my opinion.
I’m having the same impression. That last panel doesn’t quite say “relief”…
EDIT: Nope. There’s a smile under the moustache, as someone already mentioned. 🙂
Seems like kind of a bittersweet smirk to me. But I’m still following the theory that it’s a don’t ask, don’t tell situation so I’m probably seeing what I want to see.
But yeah, what OP said – he can’t, in good conscious, ignore it anymore. He’s an accomplice to any superhero shenanigans down the road.
Maybe their laws work in such a way that they just need a shotgun wedding so he doesn’t have to potentially testify against him, because Lucas deserves to be happy for once in his existence dangit~
Wow. That smile is *so* subtle. I read Ben’s expression as a kind of resignation, but with the smile, yeah, I agree it looks a lot more positive 😁
Yeah I am inclined to agree. Eyes say shock. I’d have recommemded looking to get Ben’s opinion and department regulations around superfolk first.
It’d be a shame if he shared only to find out that even flimsy implausible deniability is ok, but an explicit reveal is not.
Again, the law caters for unregistered supers. Lucas has spoken to police, even Captain Prime, they haven’t been hostile.
I think Ben knew for quite a while, and has been pushing Lucas to tell him the truth by poking him with those comments. If he wanted possible deniability, getting Lucas to admit it is not the way to do it.
I think you’re right that Ben wanted Lucas to open up for genuine reasons.
While that’s all well and good, the man shouldn’t be trolling Lucas with all these puns if he really wanted to avoid it.
Teasing is what lovers do.
… Because I´m the Troll! Ahahahahaha!
That would actually be pretty epic.
That would be a worthy plot twist !
Completely incongruent with Ben’s demeanor so far. Troll is not a supervillain, he’s just a troll. Quite effective in how he operates and in how he rallied support from others, but nevertheless he apparently has no superpowers. Except maybe surviving a fall into a vat of unknown chemicals.
I don’t think “the” Troll could turn his trolling on and off, it would be something that is continuously in his demeanor.
I mean, realistically of course it isn’t the troll. It would be kind of hilarious, in a messed up way though.
That would actually make me respect Ben a bit more.. Well…. not respect. Because… the Troll doesn’t deserve any respect. But the way Ben kept nudging Lucas the past days/weeks was really shitty and toxic in my opinion. He knew about it. He most likely knew that Lucas was keeping it a secret for a good reason (i doubt loved ones of superheroes have never been hurt/killed in this world). But he kept nudging him because he couldn’t handle Lucas not opening up about it on his own pace. And that’s not even counting other theories, like him wearing a… Read more »
That cheeky smile from Ben!!! Warms my heart <3
Hmm, what if Ben is under cover, collecting evidence so they can arrest him?
Could he be an undercover cop trying to make Lucas confess? Is he wearing a mic?
How do you think he qualifies as “undercover” when he’s been completely honest about his career from the start?
Peels off face mask is Zeke underneath
Completely ruined his chance of saying “I’m gay”
That’s why Ben is sad. /s
But also, If this now goes into a cliffhanger…
We riot! 😛
Ben’s like…. “Oh god, how hard am I going to troll him… should I … golden opportunity… I…”
Good on you Ben, you resisted. Good on you.
My radioactive spider sense I inherited from a super that I’m a clone of detected you were a super too before we even spoke.
I love the subtle change from concern to relief (almost joy) in the last panel.
He was a fed all along
Who else felt like waving their arms in the air because they CALLED IT?!
It,s going to be so sad when he dies and latter when lucas is telling his next love about it and be like he told me as he was dieing with great power comes great responsibility .
Please, please, please let that small line above his mustache be a smile and him being happy to be finally fully let into Lucas’ life.
Ben’s the troll, isn’t he.
So many feels here.
Holy shit he actually said it!
Ben knew. Of course he knew.
Was Ben surprised because Lucas opened up and said it, or because it opens up a new set of implications and concerns?
Is that smile “happy he opened up, resigned to having to break up”? or “About damn time he addressed the elephant on the pier and now we can work through this”?
Lucas gave him a major sign of trust with that info. I really, really hope this goes well for both of them.
“Super Powers like eating seven whole French Toasts for Breakfast!”
Well done, Lucas
well shit that smile was cute
My personal read is that Ben is relieved that’s all Lucas wants to tell him.
“Yes dear, I know. I thought you were going to say you lost my cat or something.”
I swear to god, Tim, if Ben was playing a comically evil long-con with a wire on him for this exact moment, I’m going to… still read your comic but be angry and annoyed about it
The lighting is beautiful. Love your artwork
This is where we find out he knew he had super powers from day 0 and has just been playing luke so he can find out who ethan is for the government (ethan may be special but immortality is a pretty amazing power).
But now he has feelings for Luke and regrets it 🙂
I feel like I’m missing a huge part of the joke. Can someone explain it to me?
Also, damn I feel happy about this clip.
If he knows, why did his eyes go all wide on first hearing it?
So he has known, at least now he can someone stop panicking about that part. He even waited for Lucas to open up about it, unless someone behind the scenes has happened that we don’t know about.
Finally! At first I thought you were going to make us wait another page or two to see how Ben feels about it. But I see the hint of a smile there.
Oh no. it’s the weekend! Have to wait for more anyway!!
I half expected something to the tune of “Duh, obviously.”
I am conflicted here. I want this to be a wholesome and tender moment…. why does the look Ben is giving feel so melancholy though? Like I WANT to love this, and for it to be a beautiful moment, so why is it giving “All you had to do was say nothing Lucas, I didn’t have proof… You just… shouldn’t have said anything…”
‘I do too.’ Place your bets!
PLOT TWIST – Ben thinks he means super powers of like, being sexy or eating lots of food, or silly stuff like that.
I. Love. The. Smile.
YESSSS. Ben clearly looks relieved. Ill bet he knew the entire time but wanted to let Lucas Break it to test their relationship? Fingers crossed <3 they’re a cute couple <3
I’m hoping that the next strip goes like this: 1st panel:Ben: I have a confession too. I’m really Death….. Second Panel:*Lucas tenses* Ben: ….word. Third Panel: Lucas; I’ve never heard of you. What’s your power? Ben: Oh, it’s nothing great. Basically, I can read the comments of any comic that I appear in. Fourth Panel: *Ben stares straight at us* Ben: And, for God’s sake, people! No, I’m not Deathblood!!! What the &%*$ is wrong with you people?!? …….. And, no, my power is not a rip-off off Deadpool ether!!! (Bonus points if Tim has Ben appear in The Campaign… Read more »
clever boy!!! he seemed like a “Boondock Saints” fan!! *applause*