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Silly #616

August 13, 2017 by Tim

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Mr. Casual
Mr. Casual
7 years ago

You laugh, but a lot of people are giving it another chance and liking it, now. I know I finally broke down and bought it. The 60% off sale doesn’t hurt.

Lt. Kettch
Lt. Kettch
7 years ago

Still no new enemies? Meh.

7 years ago

The silly works!
Seriously though NMS might be a real thing if people gave it a chance.

7 years ago
Reply to  Him.

People did. A year ago. It was filled with lies and deceit.

Why would they go back again? To further reward those horrible business practices? It’s not like there is a dearth of good games right now. You can find plenty without rewarding developers who engage in fraud and false advertising.

Tim van der Meij
Tim van der Meij
7 years ago
Reply to  Skyblade

Hey remember when Destiny was supposed to launch with a story? Yeah…

7 years ago

Remember when Halo 2 was supposed to have an ending?

7 years ago
Reply to  Skyblade

I personally think the issue with NMS was that it was misleading advertising amongst the potential buyers themselves with rumors and what not. There were a lot of promises that were not made by the devs which were expected by the players. I feel like some people expected a very different game than what was actually being shown. Granted, it wasn’t a very well done game. But it could have been received better if it wasn’t as overhyped. Then again, trillions upon trillions of planets available is basically hype bait from a marketing standpoint, and it is kind of hard… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Hamstermer

“There were a lot of promises that were not made by the devs which were expected by the players”

Oh don’t even pull that nonsense. There’s plenty of video evidence of the devs/Sean Murray promising everything people expected.

7 years ago
Reply to  no

I second that.

While Mighty No 9 indeed suffered murky communication between the team and the fans (especially in the early stages, where the game was overhyped and backed while it was still in the conceptual phase – Stop Skeletons from Fighting made a good video about this) which led to some confusion about what to expect from the game, No Man’s Sky simply didn’t deliver on it’s promises.

7 years ago
Reply to  ZORK

It really could have been much better done, but when you are on that scope you tend to wonder if it is easy to make that much world creation with each unique sets, including life, and not accidentally screw up everything else.
Also saving edits probably took forever.

7 years ago
Reply to  Him.

You mean ANOTHER chance? Because people already gave it a chance, last year, when it launched for $60 and they paid the $60 and didn’t get the product they had been promised.

7 years ago
Reply to  no

Well, yes,
I’m reffering to the new update.
I do feel like 60$ is a sizable price tag though. Like, ridiculously so. “What happens when every patient is a gold mine”

6 years ago
Reply to  Hamstermer

Starting off at 60 is fairly common now though…

7 years ago

one more big update and if the game is on sale and i have no other games lined up to play i might buy it