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June 21, 2021 by Tim

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3 years ago

Not coming out on a PC? You can’t have my money. Hope the exclusive was worth it.

3 years ago
Reply to  MRD

In the article I read it said it was releasing to pc and xbox. So maybe they just mean it’s not going to PlayStation.

3 years ago
Reply to  MRD

It’s an Xbox exclusive as far as consoles go. These days most “Xbox exclusives” are still available on PC, you just have to use the Xbox client to buy/download.

3 years ago
Reply to  Prose

Nah Microsoft release them all on Steam these days too. If you buy through the Microsoft store you often get “play anywhere” though – where one purchase works on both Windows and Xbox.

3 years ago
Reply to  MRD

Yeah its Xbox and PC.

3 years ago
Reply to  MRD

Microsoft considers windows to be in the “X-Box Family” ever since they started including X-Box Live and the X-Box Game Bar as standard features of Win10 (Whether you want them or not). So what they actually list it as is an “X-Box Family Exclusive”.

3 years ago
Reply to  MRD

I meant in the more general term. Yes, pretty much everything Bethesda does is going to end up on PC these days. I don’t own an xbox and the latest Playstation console is PS3 for me.
You guys can have all the console wars you like. If it isn’t on PC, I’m not going to get it.

no thanks nintendo
no thanks nintendo
3 years ago
Reply to  MRD

It is on PC though, so you can stop complaining now.

3 years ago

I believe the “I meant in more general terms” was intended to say “I plan to complain and am not going to let facts get in my way!” 😀

3 years ago

Sadly it isn’t the other way around. Playstation exclusive games almost never seem to come out on pc.

Juzek Powruzek
Juzek Powruzek
3 years ago
Reply to  Lily

Horizon Zero Dawn?

3 years ago
Reply to  Juzek Powruzek

Almost never. There are apparently others coming to PC, too, but not nearly as many as there are exclusives, and not particularly new or requested games either.

3 years ago

I’m not complaining. It’s just a statement of fact. In much the same way I can say, “It’s raining today.” That’s a statement of fact, not a complaint. If I say, “Ugh, it’s raining. I don’t like it when it rains,” that’s a complaint.
But hey, keep the rate downs coming, folks. If you want to be offended over statements of fact there is little I can do about it.

3 years ago
Reply to  MRD

I don’t think there’s any real console wars these days though. Playstation is more or less the winner and has been for a long time. Don’t get me wrong I’m not on either side of the “war”, this statement is solely based on the fact that the Xbox is pretty much only a big seller in the USA/North America. So it’s not a huge surprise that Microsoft is courting companies that make games which appeal mostly to American audiences, because in the USA there’s still a split between the Playstation and the Xbox.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
3 years ago
Reply to  Unagiman

That’s a very narrow point of view, especially when Nintendo’s been outselling PlayStation 4 and 5 pretty much since the Switch came out, and Oculus has blown away PSVR numbers. Yes, Sony’s done absolutely incredible last generation, and is doing very well this one, but the console war is a marathon, not a sprint.

For me, personally – the moment that Microsoft announced the Bethesda acquisition was the moment I knew I’d never have a *real* reason to buy a PlayStation over an XBox.

Robert Loughrey
Robert Loughrey
3 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

War. War never changes.

3 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

I consider Xbox the ‘winner’ of this new generation simply because I don’t need to buy the Series X.
This is a purely ‘from a consumer’ perspective, I might add.
Don’t really care about what numbers they sell unless that number comes right back to making our experience using the console better.

3 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

I get your point, but to be fair, Bethesda games never were a *real* reason to buy a PlayStation over an XBox. Bethesda games were pretty much always cross platform. It would, however, now be a *real* reason to buy an XBox over a Playstation for those that have to decide.

3 years ago
Reply to  Unagiman

Winng, by what standard? Sony’s been pissing off developers in Japan (one of their primary market places) left and right. So we can almost certainly expect to see more japanese developed games going to Nintendo, and MS. Their “store” is barely functionable, with less and less Backwards Comp. games being put up as they keep going, and almost all at a cost. And while *newer* games come out, more of them are only available on the *newer* PS, which still has trouble staying in stock. Their “Live” equivalent, while a similar price last I checked, has closer to bare bones… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  MRD

Yeah, its coming out on PC. Its Xbox which is owned by Microsoft which owns Windows so when they say “Xbox exclusive” that always, always, always, ALWAYS means “Xbox/PC exclusive.”

3 years ago
Reply to  MRD

If you did your research, you’d know Xbox exclusives come out on PC as well. For Consoles, it’s only going to be on Xbox.

3 years ago
Reply to  MRD

If it comes out as XBox exclusive it will almost always come out on PC as well at same time.

3 years ago
Reply to  MRD

Xbox and PC are the same marketplace to Microsoft. so yes it will be on PC too.

3 years ago

You know, its not his call. Microsoft bought the company he works, well it bought the company that owns the company he works for. And I don’t see Microsoft saying “Sure sell games for the competition” Just like Sony which owns Insomniac games which is why Spider-Man is a play-station exclusive. The people Bethesda had nothing to do with the sale. Blame the people running the parent company Zenimax.

Last edited 3 years ago by Vukodlak
Jacob Keller
Jacob Keller
3 years ago
Reply to  Vukodlak

Spider-man came out as an exclusive before Insomniac was officially purchased by Sony. But they have done a lot of exclusives already for Sony. And one for Microsoft. So the purchase of Insomniac made way to much sense for Sony because they already had that working relationship with Insomniac.

3 years ago
Reply to  Vukodlak

Zenimax is Bethesda though. Bethesda created Zenimax as a parent company because it was easier to have the business side of game development separated from the studio. So Zenimax is, and always will be, Bethesda.

3 years ago
Reply to  Casi

Quick google search (if correct) shows Zenimax was founded in 1999. Unless you’re seriously telling me the company wouldn’t have changed at all in 22 years, then Zenimax by this point is very likely NOT Bethesda anymore.

3 years ago
Reply to  Casi

Christopher Weaver founded Bethesda and was a co-founded Zenimax. Notice that name is not Todd Howard or Pete Hines or any other name you can associate with a major Bethesda game tile. Because the people running the business side were always incharge of the game development company.

Michael Delaney
Michael Delaney
3 years ago

I don’t think he owns the pile of money yet, “earn out” clause in merger/acquisitions are standard nowadays that existing executive staff don’t get their full stake buyout until years later when they deliver key milestones (like improved sales, release products, no screw ups)

3 years ago

Suddenly reminded of the “we’re sorry” commercials from the oil company in South Park…

Graeme Spence
Graeme Spence
3 years ago

It’s funny when this happens with Sony the fans are like “It’s exclusives that’s the point”
But when the boot is on the other foot they throw the toys out the pram and cry about it.
I got friends who are die hard Sony Fan boys and they are having a big moan over this.
Personally I’m PC if it don’t come out on PC i’m not buying it

Matthew Harrison
Matthew Harrison
3 years ago
Reply to  Graeme Spence

Yeah there’s a lot of Sony people who get mad when a previous Sony exclusive comes out on another console or PC (really don’t get the reasoning) yet they also get butthurt when there are games that are exclusive to other consoles or don’t come out on Playstation. I own a PC, PS5 and Switch, and I’m just happy when games come out on as many platforms as possible!

Last edited 3 years ago by Matthew Harrison
Jacob Keller
Jacob Keller
3 years ago
Reply to  Graeme Spence

But this was a game that was already announced and if I remember correctly there was interviews with Todd Howard talking about the how it is developing games for PS5. And now it’s exclusive. So it’s a game you are already getting hyped about and thinking it’s coming out for the system you might own and it doesn’t. Exclusives suck either way. It kind of sucks we have gotten to the point where the console companies are just buying up publisher/developers to gain access to their IP for exclusives, instead of just getting exclusive rights to certain games. It’s definitely… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Jacob Keller

Yeah? companies have promised one platform or another before only to have a wad of money waved in front to make it exclusive, for time any way.

I’m just enjoying hearing fan boys moan they now get to experience what has been standard for PC, months if not year or more between release and PC version. Yes schadenfreude(you english speakers really need your own word for being happy about someone else suffering) is best kind of fun.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jaeger

Ah, but we Speakers of English do have such a word … because we appropriated yours MUAHAhaaaaaaa!

3 years ago
Reply to  Jaeger

Also people knew this was coming the instantly MS dropped the 7.5b on purchasing Zeni. Why people are suddenly acting surprised baffles me.

Also, as Freddie pointed out, Schandenfreude is that word in the english language. The english language is notorious for being that language that beat up and mugged the rest of them, stealing the words and scattered grammar rules they had on them.

Last edited 3 years ago by Kaogen
3 years ago
Reply to  Kaogen

To be fair though “the British Isles have been invaded several times, including by the Romans, by the Germanic peoples, by the Vikings, by the Normans, by the French, and by the Dutch.” Followed by Birtain conquoring most of the world and by extension trading with most of the world. Followed by America being a massive collection of various cultures coming together. It makes sense that English would end up with a lot of words from other languages, and mostly due to US being beat up and mugged! 😀 A lot of languages borrow a lot of English words too,… Read more »

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
3 years ago
Reply to  Jacob Keller

That’s literally what Sony has been doing through how much of the last generation – throwing their money around and getting games blocked from all systems but theirs. It’s been such an effective strategy at shutting down the XBox One, convincing players that if they want to play these games years early – or at all – they need to own a PS4. IMO, one company buying out another – so they get funding and support to make even grander, more exciting content that will support that platform and drive customers to it – is a far, FAR better business… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Eldest Gruff
3 years ago
Reply to  Graeme Spence

why are they butthurt over a bethesda game on playstation? that was the worst market to play any of their games on anyway. its like complaining your frozen pizza isnt as good as delivery.

no thanks nintendo
no thanks nintendo
3 years ago

I’ve seen people who actually think Pete Hines was sincere with his apology. You kidding me? One, Pete Hines has never been sincere in his entire career, and two, he doesn’t care as long as he gets paid and he’s definitely getting paid.

Austin Mills
Austin Mills
3 years ago

Considering this is Bethesda and no one really trusts them anymore, I don’t think anyone will be too broken up about being excluded from their next barely functional dumpster fire. No one wants to see more bad games, but with Bethesda…the odds aren’t in their favor right now.

3 years ago

I take my stance on this same as I did with RDR2 and Cyberpunk: didnt care then, dont care now, nor will ever care

3 years ago
Reply to  raven0ak

You care at least enough to let your “lack of caring” be known!

So, you *do* care. Just.. 0.0000000009%

Shinji Schneider
Shinji Schneider
3 years ago

Fast forward a few years when everybody is complaining about the game being a buggy, overhyped mess not living up to it’s praise.

3 years ago

least it doesnt have a predecessor to be compared to and called an inferior version of constantly.

3 years ago
Reply to  Pulse

What, you mean it isn’t just going to be SSSSKKYYYRRRIIIIMMM IIIINNN SSSPPPAAACCCEEE! ?

3 years ago

Nothing new here, how long have they had console exclusive games now? People still complain about it, don’t see the point of complaining about it anymore.Piles of cash make the gaming world go round.

3 years ago

I’m curious, so allegedly this game has been a “25 year old idea” but it’s also relatively console exclusive, so which is it?

I mean, I’m not counting on Bethesda to not fuck it up somehow, but this is just extra salt in that wound.

3 years ago
Reply to  Kaitensatsuma

they been trying to get the game made while working on other stuff and know better then to do the good ole “hey looky itll be great” then deliver 1% of what you promise routine. meanwhile the people who own them sell to a major player and said major player says “you know we’re half the markets you make for, so lets just call it all the market”

no salt from them. toss the hate and salt to microsoft.

3 years ago
Reply to  Pulse

No no, I’ve been playing shitty reskins of Bethesda’s Oblivion engine for a decade and a half too long with too few New Vegas’ in between to throw salt at Microsoft for this.

Last edited 3 years ago by Kaitensatsuma
3 years ago

Missed opportunity to call this comic “Sorry-Not-Sony”.

3 years ago
Reply to  Sabine

look at the url below 😉

3 years ago

Well, Starfield is one game I had been looking forward to that I’ve scratched off my list, because no way in hell I’m buying a PC rig or an X-box just to play one game.

I really hope they don’t make Elder Scrolls VI an exclusive as well, because that will suck to miss out on as well T.T

3 years ago
Reply to  Kenju

Yeah, they are going to do that. Why wouldn’t they when Sony does the same kind of crap.

3 years ago
Reply to  Urazz

The thing of it is, since the day the original first Xbox came out, this is the first time it has had a single game I was remotely interested in. Think about that, it has taken 20 years for Xbox to have anything I want to play, at all, period. I don’t care for FPS games, Fallout is something I’ve enjoyed since FO1 thanks to the storyline, I couldn’t care less about the gameplay itself. I have friends and family with Xbox systems, and have played games with them at their houses over the years, but it’s just only ever… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Kenju

It is kinda cute how naive you are. You can be about 95% sure, that TES VI will not be released on PlayStation. Until E3 there were still possibilities for a later release etc. but the strategy of MS seems pretty clear with what they showed. Well it doesnt really matter to me, I got all plattforms, so I wont miss out. But I definitley prefer the Xbox, especially Gamepass. If you are buying more than 3 games per year, you would be insane not to get the gamepass. Imo a great value for players, especially for games they would… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Terendir

I usually get eight or nine games a year, problem is Xbox has no other games aside from Starfield or TES VI that I find remotely interesting. At some point over the years I would have bought an Xbox had they released half a dozen games or more that piqued my interest. Two games out of twenty years of production just isn’t enough to justify the cost imo. That and I’ve honestly never liked the Xbox controller. It’s far from the worst (that would be Gamecube, the controllers were too damn small for people with larger hands). Between the lack… Read more »

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
3 years ago
Reply to  Kenju

No, but I’d stream it on X Cloud to play one game.

3 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

That would still require a system that can run the game. I can’t even afford a laptop right now, let alone a gaming PC.

I also freely admit I am completely and totally lost when it comes to computers. My knowledge for playing on PC extends to as far as ‘insert disc and wait for autoplay to start’. Anything more complicated than that I need to get one of my little cousins to deal with it lol

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
3 years ago
Reply to  Kenju

Fair point; I was under the impression that XCloud was on all mobile, but it looks like it’s not on ios yet. So yeah, I guess, if you just use Apple products and don’t own a laptop or desktop made in the last ten years, I guess there’s a barrier to entry. I’m sure minor latency is still a thing – Stadia currently still has the edge there – but by the time ESVI comes out I don’t think it’d be noticeable. That’s like ten years away, at least. I might hate game streaming as a whole, but I’d do… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

See that’s another thing, I flat out will not under any circumstances stream a game. I *only* play by disc, because I want to own a physical copy that I know isn’t going to get ganked out from under me because they decide to shut down the old system online library or contract BS or something else. If a game isn’t on disc, I don’t play it, simple as that. As for mobile devices, I have an old tablet that I use for reading up on a games wiki or watching a walkthrough, but otherwise I don’t actually own a… Read more »

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
3 years ago
Reply to  Kenju

Seeing as you’re saying “on disc” rather than “on card” kinda tells me that you’re speaking from at least a PS4 or XB1 perspective. In which… sorry… but half your “physical” games are half-digital anyways. Meteor lands on Sony HQ the same day your PS4 erupts into flames, and you’re stuck playing base vanilla unpatched, if it even lets you play it without connecting first. I’m all for physical when it makes sense. But I have no illusions that physical is forever. Discs rot, flash memory degrades, batteries die. You can’t take it with you. And a hard-and-fast rule of… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

I still enjoy playing on my PS1, PS2 and PS3 all the time, none of those discs have had any issues despite a number of them being well on their way to twenty years old. Likewise I have yet to encounter a game that requires an online connection to play, so I have no idea what you are talking about there, is that something common for PC games or XBox, to require a connection to play? If that is the case I wouldn’t be able to play much given how horrible the internet is out where I live, literally just… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Kenju

Don’t buy it, if they make it non exclusive in future it’ll still be there, if you ever get onto that platform in the future, it’ll still be there. I got sick of all the exclusive crap a generation or two ago,I was playing destiny and saw the content being held back for a year (to the point that it was functionally useless) this from a traditionally xbox friendly platform too, this is the equivalent to what Epic has been doing, taking ahold of properties that already exist and shutting people out. I traditionally get both platforms anyway.. but i… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Tracker

I suppose part of the issue is Xbox has never released a game I actually wanted to play, thus there has never been a reason to get one. I’m all for exclusives as it gives one console something to offer and attract players over another. While I know this isn’t *entirely* accurate, I’ve always seen Xbox as the console for FPS and sports games. Given that I have zero interest in those, there has never been any reason to buy one. You don’t have JRPG’s on Xbox, and as far as I am aware they’ve never really had any action… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Kenju

And a large part of the issue of “xbox not releasing games (you) want”, is because Sony has been pulling this same “Exclusuve” bullshit for the last 20 years!. They haven’t LET any of those other games be released on anything *except* their console! They cornered the market on all those games, and prevented others from getting to them.

@Eldest Gruff: Game Pass Ultimate *is* on cloud, for Android.

3 years ago
Reply to  Logan

The problem with that argument is outside of Final Fantasy and Armored Core, there really aren’t any Playstation exclusive titles that I own. God of War is on XBox, Monster Hunter World is on XBox, Devil May Cry is on XBox, Farcry is on Xbox, etc.

Before Spiderman on the PS4, I think the last Playstation exclusive game I got was inFamous on the PS3.

3 years ago
Reply to  Kenju

thats actually my reasoning for not getting a playstation. one or two games just isnt worth dumping my entire year’s game budget on a system that will be replaced a year or two later. if the modern consoles werent so expensive id actually get one. got my computer and switch so go 90% of the ones id wanna play anyway.

3 years ago
Reply to  Pulse

And that is an entirely reasonable stance. If there are one or two games you would like, but literally nothing else that is exclusive then there really isn’t any reason to buy a system.

Part of the reason I got into the playstation consoles I admit is their ability to play DVD’s and Blurays, so they do have that extra bit of value for me, especially as it’s impossible to stream with the internet we got out here.

3 years ago

Waiting on those Spider-Man apologies like…

3 years ago

Every game Bethesda makes is less ambitious, shallower, and frankly more dumbed down than its predecessor, and yet somehow also ends up being buggier. It wouldn’t surprise me if they made console exclusives, since every game panders harder and harder to the worst console gamer stereotypes. You want to know why PC gamers have a reputation for elitism over our console counterparts? This is why. After Fallout 4 — the downright infantile and insulting dialog system, the breathtakingly awful settler AI, and such inspired UI choices as putting “melee attack” and “throw grenade” on the same button — I decided… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  ImpishCoder

Lol, the fact you never played 76 is quite clear. 76 was terrible by even Bethesda’s standards. It’s part of the exact reason people threw it under the bus so hard. 76 makes Cp2077 look like a shiny polished gem.

Last edited 3 years ago by Kaogen
3 years ago
Reply to  Kaogen

“76 makes Cp2077 look like a shiny polished gem.”
Only because some fancy raytracing. But if you look beyond the shiny graphics, CP77 is more broken, more buggy and less complete than 76.

3 years ago

I never buy Bethesda games for anything but PC anyway. Bethesda games don’t feel right without a mouse, keyboard, and unrestrained modding community.

3 years ago

What did anyone expect when Microsoft bought Bethesda? This was inevitable next will be the Skyrim and Fallout games as well.

3 years ago

AS I have a decent PC, a Series X and a PS5.. (We always have all the consoles..) I don’t worry about exclusives, but I get why people get all up in arms over it. We have two shoes boxes, we put a few bucks away, we’re already saving up for the PS6 and Xbox Ultimate… Because I hate being not able to play something.

3 years ago

Its ok, Ill laugh as Gates eats you

Nick G
Nick G
3 years ago

The worst part is listening to people try to justify how people only being able to play this on one game console is a good thing. I get that exclusive games are how game consoles compete, but coming from the world of PC gaming where people get pissed off when a game is an Epic Store Exclusive, the idea of being forced to use a specific brand’s hardware to play a game feels wrong and the idea of being excited that you are forced to buy that hardware to play the game feels incredibly stupid.

3 years ago

You Will be sorry. *Lights pile of money on fire with microtransactions as the spark.

Last edited 3 years ago by Crestlinger
3 years ago

at least these exclusives are better announced then epic exclusives. they wont have to use stickers to change the labels

he who rages
he who rages
3 years ago

yea, sony can go fly a kite. After they screwed up so many Marvel characters for me with their “adaptations” and almost pulling the plug on Spider-man appearing in the MCU, it gave me PTSD when I used to own one and was told I can’t sell my games on the 2nd hand market or mod my PS look the way I wanted because they own the hardware, not me. Hell, they even pulled the same crap with the PS5 with the custom plates start-up company…. so no thanks. Sony are A-holes and they get what they (and their die-hard… Read more »

3 years ago

I hear people saying that this isn’t the same thing as Sony buying out exclusives years ago, but I argue it really is. It’s just the 2021 version. These days there just isn’t many studios out there that are large enough to be well known, not cost an entire orphanage of arms and legs to buy, and don’t release titles reliably for both sony and microsoft. The acquisition isn’t any different, just the circumstances of it that come due to the year it is.

Last edited 3 years ago by Kaogen
3 years ago

I am puzzled why this is a problem. Sony have released loads of games Microsoft users will never get to play: uncharted series, ghost of tsushima, bloodborne, shadow of the colossus, spiderman, God of War and so on.

If I am honest, I’m pleased the boot is on the other foot for a change.

3 years ago

I wonder how many sales they lose due to being exclusive?

3 years ago

Can game makers start making linux versions as their “PC” version? That way we can get them AND give the finger to Microsoft? It would be epic to have neutral ground for once.

OMG Hello
OMG Hello
3 years ago

At first I thought the hill was covered with grass, so the Bethesda guy was so rich he didn’t even need snow *facepalm*
Grass is greener on the other side (this time is for real)

3 years ago

“You like my hat? It’s made out of money! You want to stay for dinner? I think we’re having MONEY!”

3 years ago

Is anyone surprised by this, since Microsoft acquired Bethesda? I’m not.

3 years ago

Its quite funny to see how Sony fans cry about exclusives while they were always praising their own ones before as one reason PS is better. I am totally against exclusives at all. However, as a PC gamer I prefer XBOX ones since they arrive on PC too.