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October 9, 2020 by Tim

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3 years ago


Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
3 years ago
Reply to  Pal87

And behold, some are last who will be first, and some are first who will be last.

3 years ago
Reply to  Pal87

Try to be interesting “first”

3 years ago
Reply to  Pal87

And the worst, Pal…

‘First’ (at least in a long while) to recieve so many down-votes! xD

3 years ago
Reply to  Pal87

At least you got an impressive number of downvotes.

Twilight Faze
Twilight Faze
3 years ago
Reply to  Pal87

Let this be a lesson to you: NOBODY cares that you’re first. It was a thing back in early 2000 but now? Yeah, your downvotes speak for themselves.

3 years ago
Reply to  Twilight Faze

nobody cared back in the days, now people cares enough to downvote

3 years ago
Reply to  Pal87


3 years ago

Reminds me of a toddler being placed in a play pen.

3 years ago

Lucas sure does put “vigil” back into “vigilante”, doesn’t he?

3 years ago

for the first time i understand ethan. i mean that thing is MASSIVE…

3 years ago
Reply to  Oracle

Yeah, it was like half the height of the guy in video

Cameron Nicholls
Cameron Nicholls
3 years ago

I was watching the video, and then he pulled out that chonker of a heatsink and I was like “holy moly, that’s a chonky heatsink!!”

3 years ago

What do you guys think: Does the added size correspond to added quality? Durability and lastability, maybe? Have we moved past a “planned obsolescence” economy?

no thanks nintendo
no thanks nintendo
3 years ago
Reply to  Me-me

If it ends up being a quiet console instead of the living room jet engines that were the PS3 and PS4, then yes. The added size will correspond to added quality.

3 years ago
Reply to  Me-me

Size is ultimately irrelevant to quality unless the reason they were previously the size they were was due to cutting costs. If they’re bigger because they genuinely need that size to be optimal, then there’s no problem with it. If they’re bigger just because they can be, it doesn’t really matter.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
3 years ago
Reply to  TuffMelon

TBH, the larger the system, the more obnoxious it’ll seem to space-conscious Japanese households. Sony probably considered it a nonissue, as they essentially have a monopoly in Japan for high-end next-gen console gaming. But Microsoft’s Series S has turned a few heads over there with its compact, Eastern-friendly design.

3 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

Oh, true. Honestly, when I said it doesn’t really matter, i meant more in the sense that making it bigger just because they can isn’t really an influence on quality.
Convenience is always going to be an issue, especially when it comes to consoles. With PC you know that the case is probably going to be cumbersome. Definitely true that part of the appeal of consoles was being so compact.

3 years ago
Reply to  TuffMelon

Size doesn’t particularly correlate with quality yes, but there -is- a loose correlation between size and durability. Some of the tradeoffs made when trying to miniaturize a product are stuff like; thinner, weaker mounts; tougher heat management and more heat stress; minimal shielding/space around key components with smaller tolerances for impact flexing. Good engineering and build quality can still trump those problems compared to a cheaper, bigger product. But a well-built product without size tradeoffs can always be built to last better.

3 years ago

Considering how efficiently he just shut down Ethan there, I’m surprised he doesn’t just use that maneuver all the time.

3 years ago
Reply to  Tobias

Yup! Amazing what a few upvotes can do…

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
3 years ago
Reply to  Dodgy

Took me a second there. Clever.

James Rye
James Rye
3 years ago
Reply to  Dodgy

Would have been even funnier if Lucas had turned his Upvotes to Downvotes when Ethan asked “So…Can you…?” instead of saying nah. XD

3 years ago
Reply to  Tobias

I think he does.

3 years ago

I genuinely cannot find a reason to care about any of this drama so long as it plays the games I like adequately. “Oh noes! teh jet engine!!11eleventy” like maybe my house is hella loud with ambient noise or something but I’ve only ever noticed the fans when I’m done playing.

3 years ago

Definitely a big heatsink on there. Ultimately I don’t care how big it is (twss).

And my PS4 Pro might make noise, but it’s never loud enough for me to remotely hear over the game I’m playing. And I sit 3 feet from it.

Man of the West
Man of the West
3 years ago

Having powers sure makes Lucas’s Job easier.

3 years ago

So casual

The Legacy
The Legacy
3 years ago

Why do I have a feeling this is a pretty normal reaction for Lucas? ?

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
3 years ago

I just love the concept of supers using their powers for everyday, mundane tasks like this. Peter Parker, snagging a can of pop from across the room. Clark Kent, cooking a microwave burrito by staring at it. Wolverine, opening up that terrible plastic packaging on electronics. Bruce Banner, trying to get through Black Friday crowds.

Jest Phulin
Jest Phulin
3 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

You might want to check out the website TextsFromSuperheroes dot com then. Just general chat among the supers…

3 years ago

Ethan + hammer = symphony of destruction

Sean Rotter
Sean Rotter
3 years ago

I love this comic so freeaken much HAHA!!

3 years ago

Much cheaper and more effective than a shock collar.

3 years ago

Just turn it 90 degrees, Ethan.

3 years ago
Reply to  Rea

While it may be shorter in height, *that* gives it a bigger footprint, taking up even more space.

But, guess it all depends on whatever is being used as an entertainment center.

3 years ago

Cought it through Yong(Yea!)’s reaction.. And he brought up an interesting point.

The ease with which the cover panels come off, and the accessibility of 3D printing, could lead to some slightly more minimized systems. Even directly from Sony; they could sell different ones at a later date (and milk more money out of it!). Or even open it up for game developers to offer their own ‘limited/collectors edition {insert AAA game} PS5 covers’.

3 years ago

Yes, but at least the PS5 still feels like a console. Unlike the Xbox Series X, with its questionable name, which promises to be a PC that only plays games that your actual PC can also all play, as it has no exclusives to try to give you a reason to buy one. Other than towards those with no PC or terrible PC’s. On the Xbox Series X’s name. Of course, I’m sure you’ve seen it abbreviated to the Xbox SeX. As that’s an easy one and remember one of people on Microsoft begged people in a tweet to not… Read more »

3 years ago


Profession: Co-Owner of video game store
Superhero Status: Active
Superhero abilities: Capable of being the ultimate babysitter.

aaron Smith
aaron Smith
3 years ago

soo many questions like why hasnt lucas asked all the stores to not sell anything remotely dangerous to ethan and if its theyrs why wasnt it locked up lol

3 years ago

hey! I was curious, did you program this website yourself? if so, it looks great! Is there any chance you could add an option to share on tumblr? I use that platform the most, and I’d prefer not to just repost your content.

Jay Field
Jay Field
3 years ago

JFC . . . I hadn’t actually looked up the video until now.

. . . That thing is the size of a small widescreen TV. Like, my current monitor, on which I am presently viewing this site . . . that’s the surface area of that friggin’ console. I think my actual elite gaming tower has a smaller broadside profile than the PS5.

He’s not gonna just have to expand the doorways, he’s gonna have to rent a forklift to move it in!

– J

3 years ago

I feel like this isnt the first time this event has happened