The correct way to do this is having him accept his newfoun mortality and discover he is still immortal when he’ll have to sacrifice himself to save Lucas or Lila. 😉
That would be very dramatic and all, but to be honest, some tongue-in-cheek is also nice from time to time. I’d definitely chuckle at Ethan discovering it’s all a trick through sheer stupidity and forgetting he needs to be careful around things.And also, that would totally take any pleasure of the ‘joke’ away from the troll.
i could see this being accompanied by a number and picture of his head only he can see. instantly realizing hes not only got his lives, but they are technically limited.
Given they got their powers from an arcade game, I’ve just assumed that 25 cents magically disappears from his bank account or pocket every time he respawns.
Ooh I like that idea! Though to stick to the video game motif there has to be a way he can get more lives and that on it’s own is ripe with story potential! In something that is *not* CAD, you could use the score system and assign them to actions. To make things interesting you could have heroic, good, just, and kind acts generate a range of lower score points and have villianess, evil, hateful, and hurtful acts generate a range of very high score points. This then gives our just superhero a built in reason to commit villiany.… Read more »
pretty sure the correct way is to have him accept his mortality, give it up, nearly die saving Lucas or Lilah, THEN choke on cereal in the hospital and respawn
Yes, except it is exactly what is everyone expecting which is in my opinion not what is Tim shooting for. But all you wrote without the death and THEN immediately random stupid death. That is maybe more CAD2.0?
A random arrow is what killed him the first time when he discovered his powers. (But I never thought of that as a potential callback to the original CAD until now)
I only realized it yesterday, but I think his superpower is actually a callback to those times. It wasn’t just arrows that killed him back then – There was a strip where a ninja randomly appeared and decapitated him with a katana, for example. In giving him unlimited continues for CAD 2.0, Tim pretty much turned early CAD 1.0 Ethan’s comedic deaths and unexplained survivals by the next strip into a superpower. Or a superpower that he had all along…
Last edited 1 year ago by JozMk.II
1 year ago
… most people survive their days … but this is Ethan we’re speaking about …
1 year ago
Confirmed super hero ethan eats ancient captain crunch
Reminds me of the old CAD strip where Ethan has been eating from an ancient box of cereal nobody remembers buying, which apparently self-replicates because it never seems to run out. Lucas calls Poison Control.
1 year ago
Maybe this has been said, but could he just give himself a small cut? Or does it have to fatal for him to respawn?
Now the true question, in my opinion, is how did Ethan discovered it’s power in the first place and is he Ethan enough to go “Hey if I do that again….. This may lead to a flashback on the day they received their powers the could be cool
I don’t think we established how long Ethan and Lucas had been Superheroing – They were both normal before the arcade cabinet, and I don’t imagine Ethan was any less…”accident prone” before he got his power.
Its specifically stated that he was impulsive and reckless before. Scott noted that the universe had a sense of humor.
1 year ago
Ethan was never normal.
MIchael Anderson
1 year ago
Very interesting to find that my first and only slightly critical comment had been deleted. Way to go tone policing to only allow adulation – my comment had no curse words, politics, personal attacks or anything.
It’s good to see Ethan is feeling better, the mopey attitude was becoming a bit tiring. Now let’s hope it’s not *just* a facade.
I know this is fiction but boy, imagine having empathy… it was a pretty understandable response to the events of the story…
Agreed. Admittedly at least it didn’t last for a whole arc.
Let’s see how he gets on and what happens when he is thrust into a situation where he has to be heroic without his powers.
I’m guessing Ethan choking on his breakfast cereal and respawning would be a bit too much on the nose…
And a throwback to the silly happenings back at the start of CAD
The correct way to do this is having him accept his newfoun mortality and discover he is still immortal when he’ll have to sacrifice himself to save Lucas or Lila. 😉
That would be very dramatic and all, but to be honest, some tongue-in-cheek is also nice from time to time. I’d definitely chuckle at Ethan discovering it’s all a trick through sheer stupidity and forgetting he needs to be careful around things.And also, that would totally take any pleasure of the ‘joke’ away from the troll.
True, and if have read from beginning, remember how Ethan found out of new power in 1st place
I hope so.
i could see this being accompanied by a number and picture of his head only he can see. instantly realizing hes not only got his lives, but they are technically limited.
Then as he takes in criminals, he finds he gets a 1-up for every 10 he captures.
Leading him to go a bit off the rails and start taking in petty criminals like jaywalkers.
I Wish someone would jail jaywalkers. Even the reCapcha agrees! ‘click on the crosswalks’
Given they got their powers from an arcade game, I’ve just assumed that 25 cents magically disappears from his bank account or pocket every time he respawns.
Ooh I like that idea! Though to stick to the video game motif there has to be a way he can get more lives and that on it’s own is ripe with story potential! In something that is *not* CAD, you could use the score system and assign them to actions. To make things interesting you could have heroic, good, just, and kind acts generate a range of lower score points and have villianess, evil, hateful, and hurtful acts generate a range of very high score points. This then gives our just superhero a built in reason to commit villiany.… Read more »
pretty sure the correct way is to have him accept his mortality, give it up, nearly die saving Lucas or Lilah, THEN choke on cereal in the hospital and respawn
Yes, except it is exactly what is everyone expecting which is in my opinion not what is Tim shooting for. But all you wrote without the death and THEN immediately random stupid death. That is maybe more CAD2.0?
Oooh. He could be hit by a random arrow while he’s in his own home. Now that’s a throwback. 🙂
To the knee, of course.
Then he’d get to tell the story to super-tots all like. “I once was a superhero like you then I took an arrow to the knee”
A random arrow is what killed him the first time when he discovered his powers. (But I never thought of that as a potential callback to the original CAD until now)
I only realized it yesterday, but I think his superpower is actually a callback to those times. It wasn’t just arrows that killed him back then – There was a strip where a ninja randomly appeared and decapitated him with a katana, for example. In giving him unlimited continues for CAD 2.0, Tim pretty much turned early CAD 1.0 Ethan’s comedic deaths and unexplained survivals by the next strip into a superpower. Or a superpower that he had all along…
… most people survive their days … but this is Ethan we’re speaking about …
Confirmed super hero ethan eats ancient captain crunch
Reminds me of the old CAD strip where Ethan has been eating from an ancient box of cereal nobody remembers buying, which apparently self-replicates because it never seems to run out. Lucas calls Poison Control.
Maybe this has been said, but could he just give himself a small cut? Or does it have to fatal for him to respawn?
Lucas had to kill him after Zeke paralyzed him for him to respawn.
Riiiiiight. Nevermind
Now the true question, in my opinion, is how did Ethan discovered it’s power in the first place and is he Ethan enough to go “Hey if I do that again….. This may lead to a flashback on the day they received their powers the could be cool
Flashback to how they got their powers starts there.
Thank you ^_^
Thanks a lot for the refresh, Your the Man. I had completly forgot about it (I know, Shame on me to forgot any piece of this awsome comic :-))
Lucas accidentally decapitated him.
Normal Ethan should date.
I don’t think we established how long Ethan and Lucas had been Superheroing – They were both normal before the arcade cabinet, and I don’t imagine Ethan was any less…”accident prone” before he got his power.
Its specifically stated that he was impulsive and reckless before. Scott noted that the universe had a sense of humor.
Ethan was never normal.
Very interesting to find that my first and only slightly critical comment had been deleted. Way to go tone policing to only allow adulation – my comment had no curse words, politics, personal attacks or anything.