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Surrender, p3

December 4, 2023 by Tim

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10 months ago

Apology in the form of seeing how much of a bigger drop he can survive?

Lord Foxxy Foxington
Lord Foxxy Foxington
10 months ago

Kill the Troll and be done with it, the man has already killed other Supers, so ide just end him and call it a day. There’s no reforming sub-human trash.

10 months ago

That’s not how justice works and it isn’t your place to make a decision like that. We’ve seen Deathblood operates in that manner so you’re not wrong for suggesting it, but that’s not the paragon path. Being a hero is more than just saving people.

10 months ago
Reply to  Techbender

I agree. Ethan’s mistake is trying to be a hero in the first place, achieving sub-optimal results in exchange for moral superiority on a philosophically ambiguous scale. “Justice” means different things to different people, and when you have real power outcomes are all that matter. Deathblood’s methods might have people squeamish, but zero of the targets he death with have come back to hurt other people. Those garbage criminals are no longer a drain on the economy, no longer causing trauma to others, no longer spreading pain and suffering. They have been excised. Anyone who pretends society didn’t benefit was… Read more »

Richard II Weatherfield
Richard II Weatherfield
10 months ago
Reply to  ThatMageGuy

So he should just…do nothing? Become the very thing he fights by murdering the Troll? Imagine if the cops thought the way you apparently do about criminals. That’s how police states happen. No thank you.

10 months ago

Cops already think that way. That’s why people get killed over an alleged counterfeit $20 bill.

10 months ago
Reply to  Cassidy

i mean, if they start to lose their shit and vigorously fight the cops attempts to simply put them in the car…

10 months ago

if there is an unrepentant killer out there and permanent confinement hasn’t proven to be doable, KILLING the troll is absolutely the thing to do. priority number one must always be the safety of innocent people. if the troll is a threat to that and they can’t seem to figure out how to confine him, then termination is absolutely the way to go.

also, murder is unjustified killing.

10 months ago
Reply to  ThatMageGuy

Well, you’re advocating killing people with no trial, so its ok if I do that to you right? Morally?

10 months ago
Reply to  SkullsGrav

Only if ThatMageGuy is a criminal who is actively hurting people.

But I guess you ‘accidentally’ missed that important bit of his comment.

Last edited 10 months ago by Killiak
10 months ago
Reply to  ThatMageGuy

Where is the line?

You say it’s okay to kill criminals for the greater good, but criminality has degrees

Kill a murderer? Okay, I can see people being okay with that. Kill a shoplifter? That’s a bit extreme.

And your suggestion doesn’t leave room for extraneous circumstances, WHY did the shoplifter shoplift? Punishing the crime doesn’t always fix the underlying issues

In the US, states with the death penalty often have higher crime rates, because the punishment only does so much to deter crime, the circumstances that lead to crime remain unaddressed

10 months ago
Reply to  Paradox

That’s why Batman doesn’t kill, because he knows if he ever started he wouldn’t be able to stop.

10 months ago
Reply to  Vukodlak

then he doesn’t need to be out there doing what he does, because he’s murdered countless innocents by the act of letting certain insane clowns continue breathing.

10 months ago
Reply to  ThatMageGuy

What is always baffling about these kinds of reasoning is that implicit in its statement is the idea that we haven’t tried this before and we’d get better results if we did.

Except we have tried this before, and we didn’t. We didn’t end up with most civilized societies abolishing the death penalty for no reason. We ended up there because the results don’t line up with the theory.

10 months ago
Reply to  Dorander

all civilized societies aboslished death penalty. Country still killing ppl and calling it justice arent civilized.

10 months ago
Reply to  ThatMageGuy

Here come the downvotes, with pleasure. Wanabee murderer are pathetic kids.

Kevin Greenbaum
Kevin Greenbaum
10 months ago
Reply to  Techbender

I agree that’s not how justice works, but in this instance each time he catches the troll and he escapes, every kill after that is partially on him along with the rest of the justice system. It’s like Joker, let him live and he causes more harm later, or finish him off and save people in the long run.

10 months ago

Here’s the real problem with that: You can’t outright kill villains in a comic without it appearing like a call for doing the same in real life. Even if that’s not how the author means it, you can’t prevent the association. And in real life, there’s no omnipotent writer around to clearly establish somebody as a villain who needs/deserves to be killed. Any attempt to use capital punishment in real life will, at best, waste ENORMOUS amounts of time and money to make sure they’re doing it right, and at worst (and there will always be worst-case scenarios from time… Read more »

10 months ago

When I’d make a more humane suggestion in the past, proposing waiving or changing some laws to better catch such a guy… I’d often receive a mountain of personal attacks and negative votes. I was called a psycho or so, multiple times. Labelled an apologist for mass murder, while explicitly presenting non-lethal solutions. And of course, I’d also get the absurdly wrong counter-arguments like “killing shoplifters would be extreme,” as if anyone had even come close to supporting that idea. Like you get them here. You suggest killing the troll, and you get generally respectful and positive replies. I’m not… Read more »

10 months ago

Are you by any chance american? because every civilized country abolished death penalty long ago, but murder still seems to be the solution for a lot of ppl around here.

10 months ago

I would like to point out, to everyone who says “Just kill the Troll already,” that by the same logic Ethan should kill Scott for trying to murder the XBot…unless you’re going to say that he should only kill the person who has already landed the killshot. And, given how they seem to think Deathblood has the right idea, they won’t.

10 months ago

I HATE getting political, but (as a non American, I apologise for speaking about your country like this, but I do feel very strongly about this) this sounds very much like the kind of “alternate facts” that Trump uses all the time.

10 months ago
Reply to  Colin

I’m an American and I’m right there with you buddy. Twisted manipulation of the truth to win sympathy and support from people who don’t fact-check.

10 months ago
Reply to  JozMk.II

Agreed. The worst part imo is that both sides think their side doesn’t do that.

10 months ago
Reply to  Colin

Gaslighting is a very common troll tactic

The Legacy
The Legacy
10 months ago
Reply to  Soeroah

Not to mention an abuse tactic.

10 months ago
Reply to  The Legacy

Same thing.

10 months ago
Reply to  Soeroah

Gaslighting isn’t real, you made it up in a fit of insanity.

10 months ago
Reply to  Colin

Alternate facts is a good euphemism for lies. Unfortunately nearly every politician does it in both sides.

10 months ago
Reply to  Rakoric

One side MUCH more than the other.

10 months ago
Reply to  SkullsGrav

How naive.

10 months ago
Reply to  SkullsGrav

Saying that “one side does it more” comes across as defending the side that does it less

They are both guilty, remember that

10 months ago
Reply to  Colin

Honestly, it sounds like our entire political circus. Both sides.

10 months ago

I went back to check what happened with the troll and it was in 2015 December. 8 years ago. Damn I feel old.

10 months ago
Reply to  Lazlowi

Holy crap its been that long already!? Man time is a fickle thing.

10 months ago
Reply to  Lazlowi
Matt Braddock
Matt Braddock
10 months ago

This perfectly illustrates today’s mob mentality and the scene on social media. Against trolls, you can’t win. Apologize and you’re weak. You only encourage them. You confess guilt. You’re done. Not only do you humiliate yourself, it also won’t work, because you essentially confess to the crime, and now the public will rightfully shun you and throw you off the pedestal. Resist, and you will be a villain who threw a mentally sick person off a roof. You can’t win. People don’t want heroes. Heroes are better than them. They want to drag them down and expose them for being… Read more »

10 months ago
Reply to  Matt Braddock

This I call it the “empty can theory”, when you see someone throw a can to the floor instead of walking 20 feet more and throw it to the trash. The correct one is an easy task, but the wrong is faster and easier (immediate) ?

Last edited 10 months ago by Gonfrask
10 months ago
Reply to  Matt Braddock

Unfortunately, I find myself agreeing. You don’t need to keep climbing the mountain of self-improvement, when you have a simple alternative of deciding that the rest of the world is being automatically lowered to keep you on top as is.

10 months ago
Reply to  GUNnibal

Pretty much summed up by Kingpin in Ultimate Spiderman: “Fisk: They – society – hates you because they don’t want your help. You remind them of how weak-willed and sheep-like and unspecial they are. How gleeful they are, deep down, to be ordinary. They don’t want heroes. They don’t want special people around them. Because if there are special people and they aren’t one of them— well, who wants that? Who wants a constant reminder that they aren’t even trying to be special? See, the difference between you and I is that you really are just a child. You benefit from the wide-eyed optimism… Read more »

10 months ago
Reply to  Matt Braddock

‘Crabs in a bucket’s is always an apt analogy for that.

10 months ago
Reply to  Logan

Except in the case of crabs in a bucket, the reason they prevent the other crabs from getting out is because they don’t have enough brainpower to realize the thing they are grabbing is another crab

“Crabs in a bucket” is more apt to explain the phenomenon of a drowning person pushing nearby people underwater in panic

10 months ago

He absolutely needs to rant to his reporter friend, who uses select quotes, and the pictures she took that day to back him up. She gets kidnapped by the Troll, he rescues her, and in the process, the mask comes off. Calling it now

10 months ago

This is why the villain needs to die every time

10 months ago
Reply to  myd

What a villainous statement.

10 months ago
Reply to  myd

this is why I hope I’ll never be anywhere near you. And I dont even know your definition of vilain.

10 months ago

The answer I see to this is to do a single formal response. An interview in costume on the air and for “Analog” to tell his side of the story. He gives your formal statement, make’s his case, and then he just walks away from all of it. Not that he should walk away from helping others, but Ethan just walks away from all mention of the Troll. If the antagonist organizes another incident Ethan should still do what you can to stop the guy and his plans, but if anyone outside Ethan’s friends friends asks “Analog” about the incident… Read more »

10 months ago
Reply to  Drakin

Last time the troll was ignored completely, people were kidnapped and bombs were tied around them while being hung from a scaffolding.

10 months ago
Reply to  Urainkhali

Yeah like, that part isn’t up for debate right? Does the public remember that???

10 months ago
Reply to  Esc

Given how people are literally defending and justifying terrorist groups because the other side also did bad things leads me to believe that people DO remember the Troll doing that, and simply don’t care

10 months ago
Reply to  Drakin

That response only helps when dealing with reasonable people. It doesn’t work against people that care nothing about facts or reason. There’s no point giving a statement like that here. Neither the Troll nor his followers care about the truth, they’re only interested in the drama. They’ll either just ignore a denial, or use those ‘cruel lies’ as an excuse to escalate things. There is nothing here worth responding to, and nothing to achieve by it. Anyone listening to the Troll isn’t going to care about Analog’s statement. And anyone willing to listen to Analog’s side isn’t involved in this… Read more »

10 months ago
Reply to  GeorgeV

I don’t disagree with your assessment of things, but the point I’m getting at is he needs to give the Troll nothing. Nothing to work off of, nothing to use against him, no response to his taunts or jabs. Just get in there, save the hostages if need be, and remain completely stone-faced through the whole thing. There’s no easy win against a jerk like this, but the less the Troll can get under his skin the more control Ethan will have over the situation. If he lets his anger control him then the Troll can use that anger to… Read more »

10 months ago
Reply to  Drakin

The answer I see to this is someone other than Analog takes the Troll down
Analog’s too close, the public has associated the two together (now even more so)

The public doesn’t deserve a formal statement. I can’t recall the last celebrity formal statement I read on the internet that I considered sincere

10 months ago

Hey Analog, how about you call your good buddy Deathblood for some help ?

10 months ago

I think a better question is why is the news allowing a live feed from a known wanted fugitive. Mental illness does not make you immune to the law. A therapist is a mandatory reporter. If he is actually seeing a therapist she would be required to report him as a danger to himself and others and be would be admitted to a hospital for treatment.

10 months ago
Reply to  Techbender

This is gonna be the in universe equivalent of Fox News I imagine

10 months ago
Reply to  Quilla

This is already the in-universe equivalent of CNN.

10 months ago
Reply to  Techbender

No when you are your own therapist…or internet forum…

10 months ago

I would just take a year long vacation from saving people. Too bad that’s not going to happen with Ethan’s personality.

Nothing hurts a troll more than not knowing what’s happening with your target.

Richard II Weatherfield
Richard II Weatherfield
10 months ago
Reply to  Daniel

Last time Ethan tried ignoring the Troll, people ended up hanging from a bridge tied to explosives.

10 months ago

You’re not wrong, but your statement kind of implies the police are completely useless in this universe. Let them handle it. Why is it Analog’s responsibility to save those people?

Matt Braddock
Matt Braddock
10 months ago
Reply to  chargersfan

Um, because you only become a hero when you firmly believe it is your responsibility to save people? Especially if, even though remotely and indirectly, you are responsible for the situation they are in?

Richard II Weatherfield
Richard II Weatherfield
10 months ago
Reply to  chargersfan

Bro, the entire reason superheroes are even a thing AT ALL is because there are things the cops just cannot handle, aka super-VILLAINS. How do you think it would have gone over if the police hadn’t reached out to Analog and D-Pad during the bridge incident? I’ll tell you. It would have been another WACO

10 months ago

A construction crane, not a bridge. You might have the fable of a bridge troll in the back of your mind.

Richard II Weatherfield
Richard II Weatherfield
10 months ago
Reply to  Mike

No, it was the fact that the victims were hanging from a bridge

10 months ago

You’re right, but it’s going to be harder for him to keep public sympathy if he keeps “acting out” against innocent bystanders. So he either has to pursue a different target or the public will call out his pretense.

10 months ago

I have to give credit for genuinely making the Troll a villain I truly despise, that has not happened in a while.

10 months ago

Analog has the ear of a reporter. If he can get his story out there, the “true” story, he has a chance of turning the public’s view of The Troll.

But The Troll is cunning and a few steps ahead. He knows it just comes down to “he said – he said”. He would do some kind of counter move.

10 months ago

It would definitely be a lot easier if Deathblood just found this guy and ended him. Cockroaches are sometimes difficult to get rid of and an exterminator is often needed. The news channel definitely should not have broadcast this before vetting it. I’m sure he just put a stream out there and they decided to pick it up and run with it. Very poor choice that they did this, but of course they only care for the ratings for being first. Lilah did hear the truth from Analog: Sadly, it wasn’t on the record, or even incidentally recorded. However,… Read more »

10 months ago

So like…how is this going to play to the public? Did they forget this dude strapped bombs to people? He’s an escaped fugitive!

10 months ago

As far I can see, the troll, among other things not revealed, hung 4 innocent civilians from a construction crane with bombs attached, which detonated and would have killed them if D-Pad did not shield them.

That’s 4 kidnapping and murder attempt counts. There is nothing to apologize about.Nobody with a moral compass should take the troll’s side of things.

10 months ago
Reply to  OliGagnon

Which is why he’s speaking to mainstream media.

10 months ago

99% sure scott is the troll but can not proove it yet…
per prime canon i expect scott and the linux penguin to get involved.

10 months ago
Reply to  william

…So…you think the guy with no sensible motive, whose personality is pretty much the opposite of the Troll in every way, who’s been repeatedly shown in different locations than the Troll, who’s had so many better ways to hurt Ethan than the Trolls efforts, and who still has a normal face is somehow the same guy as the mutant horror seen at the end of last chapter?

I can’t even begin to comprehend how that could work. There’s plenty of plausible villain theories possible for Scott, but the Troll really isn’t one of them.

10 months ago
Reply to  william

Sir, we don’t say the P-word here.

10 months ago
Reply to  GUNnibal


10 months ago

Trolls make my blood boil like nothing else, and the worst part about them isn’t even the trolling, but all the people who say things like “just ignore them, they WANT your attention”, “they can’t hurt you if you don’t engage them” etc. ‘helpful’ things.

10 months ago

This is a rough situation for Ethan, as the correct response for him is to do nothing. Somebody else has to come to his defence, and that someone is the reporter.
She saw what happened, and while Ethan is unsure if his grip just slipped or if he dropped him intentionally, she can at least attest that Analog didn’t laugh or say anything like what he was accused of saying.
It won’t solve the problem completely, but it is the best course of action that can be taken.

10 months ago

The product line counter Continues! This time to set the troll up as the foil! Analog’s response: *While Wearing The Same Mask! ‘Now selling therapy masks! Note, they will not protect you from falling off buildings as my co-host has to vehemently demonstrated, With footage!, but Will keep your audience focused on what’s behind the mask and not your armpits! Get yours today!’ ‘My good sir.’ (*addressing the Troll.) ‘Could you please put up the website to order from for our lovely viewers who may be in the same mental state you are!’ *Now to the audience: ‘I apologize my… Read more »

Kevin Greenbaum
Kevin Greenbaum
10 months ago

We don’t know what powers he may have gotten for falling into those chemicals, they got their powers because of chemicals and an electrical shock, so it’s a possibility he gained some sort of power as well.

10 months ago

I’ve considered it. But, since we have no solid clues yet, I’ve avoided speculating further. Maybe he’s like the Joker, the clear inspiration so far. No powers, only crazier after taking that nose dive.

Maybe he has some literal Troll powers. He got the looks, at least.

Maybe he can multiply, or influece minds. Now THOSE would be the worst nightmare.

10 months ago

Dear Ethan: Be pragmatic and ethical. It’s always been the best way through. Manipulate the Troll into a position where he can be captured and locked up for good. Ideally, as many of his followers as possible too. He’s clever, but he’s also insane in ways that give you an edge. Also, you can count on good help in ways he can’t. Lucas, Scott. Even Lilah and more Supers too, perhaps. And if he doesn’t survive this mess, even though you tried… That’s on him. Then make a public declaration about what REALLY happened. The smarter people deserve it and… Read more »

Last edited 10 months ago by Rolando
10 months ago

Reading these comments and seeing how many armchair murderers there are… Welp that is enough internet for me for a month…

10 months ago

It might’ve been an amusing gag to cut away to a reverse angle of some random dudebro in the Xbox section who just–having witnessed Ethan’s outburst–dropped the copy of Call of Duty he was buying and is now just standing there awkwardly with all three of them staring at him. ?

Jonpaul Gee
Jonpaul Gee
10 months ago


10 months ago

Well, I guess that’s a somewhat healthy way of dealing with the situation. Just hope he doesn’t take it too far and become Two-Face.

10 months ago

“Ethan roll a Sanity Check.”

10 months ago

“It does not make any sense. Wouldn’t anyone remember him kidnapping and threatening to murder four innocent citizens? How can he even expect people to see him as a victim?”
Well, Hamas is doing it right now, WHILE holding and threatening to murder the hostages, so I guess it’s just how the Media works, y’all.

10 months ago

Everyone here acting like the troll didn’t admit to murdering one person and attempting to murder 3 more. Not counting superheroes.

10 months ago

Is Ethan wearing an Analog mask, or is Analog wearing and Ethan mask?

Richard II Weatherfield
Richard II Weatherfield
10 months ago
Reply to  Tim


10 months ago

Just apologize geeez.

some guy
some guy
10 months ago

While I enjoy this storyline, I also kind of hate it. Because unlike other stories, this one isn’t detached from reality.
I can easily imagine such manipulations and media space for a clear villain to happen in out current world. I mean, we’ve already seen things like this to a lesser extent and it’s not that far fetched that even such an extreme could easily happen today.

10 months ago
Reply to  some guy

I assume that’s the point. ?

Lord Fancy
Lord Fancy
10 months ago

It’s funny seeing all the trolls defend the Troll. Morality is ambiguous. It’s a POV. There is no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ in this situation. Yes, killing is arguably bad. Yes letting this guy live is arguably bad. However, where-in lays the point where people stop looking at this as black and white, and start looking at it from a more gray perspective. In life, we don’t have the power to go against most trolls, so we placate to the idea of not feeding the troll. In this case, even if it is just a groupie, Ethan is justified in his… Read more »