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Surrender, p8

December 15, 2023 by Tim

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10 months ago

…. is he actually surprised by the sincerity or is that itself a troll? body language suggests he is somehow surprised ethan didn’t and doesn’t want him dead.

10 months ago
Reply to  wilddeath

The last two balloons makes me think he was just trolling him.

10 months ago
Reply to  wilddeath

That was just to make what he said next sting more.

Richard II Weatherfield
Richard II Weatherfield
10 months ago
Reply to  wilddeath

Everything the troll does has to be taken with an entire mine’s worth of salt.

10 months ago
Reply to  wilddeath

I think it’s a case of being genuinely bemused that Analog does care. For the troll it’s a way to exploit Analog further, but one he probably didn’t see coming.

10 months ago
Reply to  wilddeath

My bet is he was hoping to keep doing the “whoa poor me” schtick because he figured it’d play well against the fact that analog didn’t do anything wrong and was honestly caught off guard by Ethan’s heartfelt response. Not that he cares or was moved by it just that it was a play he wasn’t prepared for. He’ll now twist that and dig at that point despite it being a completely different position from what he previously took. It’s what trolls do after all, you can’t ever win by playing their game because they don’t play to win they… Read more »

Shy Hot Prince
Shy Hot Prince
10 months ago

One comment about the “Goo” we have seen before on Wednesday made me think how this will play out. How known are Analog’s abilities to the world? Obviously, many people have seen him dying and reviving, like those gangsters some stories ago (now all dead). But is it common knowledge? Does the troll know it or not (you should expect an archenemy to be informed). If yes: Can the goo mutate supowerpowers and mess with Analog’s revive abilities? Would be a non-deadly defacement be kept after revive (which was discussed quite a bit before)? If no: Does the troll deface… Read more »

10 months ago
Reply to  Shy Hot Prince

I thought about the green goo been Ethan’s DIP (or kryptonite, if you prefer). Yet, it’s not the Troll’s theme, to defeat Analog by having a superpowered weapon. Killing heros is just not his style.
Killing civilians? Of course, but just as a method of driving heros to madness. I would be surprised if the Troll tries to really kill Analog

Shy Hot Prince
Shy Hot Prince
10 months ago
Reply to  Daniel

I didn’t consider the Troll trying to kill Ethan. I meant that either the troll thinks the goo will be capable of messing with Ethan despite the potential revive cop-out (like permanent scars or changes to his superpower). Or if the Troll somehow is not aware of the revive-power, he might be successful in scarring/mutating Ethan. But then Ethan just kills himself and revives unscarred again, making the Troll furious in the process. Or jealous. Furious would mean the Troll would go even harder against Ethan because the troll got outtrolled. Jealous would mean that he tries to get his… Read more »

10 months ago
Reply to  Shy Hot Prince

Actually, NOT many have seen him die and revive – and many who did might not comprehend that power. They might think he does illusions or fast healing, not respawning. Issue 1 – Convention was chaos. Most would have fled. Issue 2 – Just the phasing guy on a deserted street. Issue 3 – conspiculously… no respawn Several with ZK, but nobody except ‘the Master’ knows and he may be dead/captive to ZK by now. Deathblood killed all the criminals who saw Ethan respawn. Lilah may know, but he did it off panel. And she writes what she sees, not… Read more »

Shy Hot Prince
Shy Hot Prince
10 months ago
Reply to  Steve

Well, this leaves the option open for the Troll being in for a nasty surprise. Like, he will offer Ethan to free the hostages if he jumps into the goo himself. And Ethan just goes: Sure, why not.

And after the hostages are freed, Ethan will kill himself and respawn unharmed, causing the Troll to rage.

10 months ago
Reply to  Shy Hot Prince

What “goo” are you talking about?

10 months ago

Is he actually saying ‘lol’, instead of laughing/giggling in reality?
That alone justifies another flying lesson.

10 months ago
Reply to  Bwauder

Yes. He is.

10 months ago
Reply to  Bwauder

That is real. I had a classmate that did that.

Tim Tucker
Tim Tucker
10 months ago
Reply to  Arcatus

It happens. Years ago I went on a date with someone who said “sad face” in conversation.

10 months ago
Reply to  Bwauder

“Did you just say “lol” out loud?

-No. That would be “lolol”

10 months ago
Reply to  Bwauder

Execution…no trial.

10 months ago
Reply to  Bwauder

first time? happens a lot. Heard it countless of times.

10 months ago

I think it’s worth doing a thorough test into whether The Troll has respawn abilities. Really take your time with it.

10 months ago

Please please please let Ethan be recoding this interaction

Matt Braddock
Matt Braddock
10 months ago
Reply to  Colin

Well, since he’s in radio contact with D-Pad, there’s a good chance it’s also being recorded. Ethan might be a dumbass, but luckily, he’s not alone and the rest of the gang is smarter.

jonathan corbett
jonathan corbett
10 months ago
Reply to  Matt Braddock

Legally, he cannot record him, because he did not give consent. That is inadmissible as evidence.

10 months ago

It actually depends on what state they’re in. Some states are single party consent states and only one party has to be aware and consent to the conversation being recorded in order for it to be admissible

10 months ago

Does it matter if it is admissible as evidence? Ethan is recording for simply publishing after the fact to inform the public.

Think of every single phone video of someone capturing another doing something belligerent or awful, do you think the subject being recorded consents? Doesn’t stop the video from getting out.

The Legacy
The Legacy
10 months ago

Depends on where. In Canada it’s single-party consent nation-wide. In the U.S., most states allow it. Other countries it varies.

10 months ago

If you are part of the conversation you can record it, at least in Spain.

10 months ago

ethan isnt a cop tho

10 months ago

That only applies if one has a reasonable expectation of privacy. This conversation is happening outside, with a small army of cops surrounding the building. The police likely have listening devices recording this entire conversation listening for any clues.

10 months ago
Reply to  Vukodlak

You’ve made the same error as jonathan. The rules and laws about recording and consent vary enormously depending where you are. Even in the US, these laws differ quite a lot in each state.

However, in the great majority of jurisdictions, recording without consent in areas such as outdoors on a rooftop or a clearly public space is usually legal.

If it weren’t then there would be a LOT of youtubers in jail for posting recordings of their political debates online without their opponents’ consent.

10 months ago
Reply to  CTOWNS

No I haven’t, several others already pointed out the jurisdiction issue. I saw no reason to repeat it.
I brought up the point that even if this is a two-party consent jurisdiction, he’d still be wrong for a variety of reasons.

10 months ago
Reply to  Colin

As if it mattered. Truth doesn’t matter.
There will always be people that support villains, whether it’s for material gain, misguided belief in their cause or sob stories, or just out of spite.
There will always be agents to push the narrative forward or even take up the mantle in copycat fashion.
It doesn’t even need to be fictional. Look at politics, you’ll find people working against their own, or the society’s, best interests — and sometimes even both — on all sides of the political divide.

10 months ago
Reply to  toughluck

Correction: Truth always matters. You have people that face it, and people who evade it. But both types of people, base their lives on truth. Just as someone is often defined by their enemy, a truth-evader is defined as well. Much of their personality and behavior tends to form around their evasion, after all. Of course, there’s the shades of grey in the middle. They’ll face or evade, depending on circumstance and so. But my point still applies to them. Just because some people are so cowardly and stupid they’ll try to burn down their own lives (and those of… Read more »

10 months ago
Reply to  Colin

My thoughts exactly.

10 months ago

What a surprise…as if the Troll was to accept any kind of apology, about the truth or his trut…

10 months ago

“well I am [beta with noodle arms] and no I don’t lift.” just to troll him back. Come on Ethan you know this, you gane enough.

10 months ago
Reply to  Merida

Reminds me of one time playing…I think it was Battlefield 1 (the one about World War 1). I had command of the ship. I was keeping it further back so that the enemy didn’t have an easy time destroying it. One guy was getting livid that I wasn’t bringing it forward, called me retarded. I responded “I may be a retard, but I’m a retard with a boat.” Another person chimed in, “He’s got you there.”

Lord Foxxy Foxington
Lord Foxxy Foxington
10 months ago

Yeah, this parasite is beyond saving, and he already has blood on his hands, im all for doing the right thing, when it makes sense to do so, but sometimes you just have to say, screw it, and just throw the human garbage out. Or, in this case, off a higher roof.

10 months ago

“Apology not accepted.”


“What do you mean whatever?”

‘The terms were that I apologize, not that you accept my apology. I’m leaving now and going to let the bajillion cops and supers with heavy hitting powers already here have a swing at you now.’

10 months ago
Reply to  M37h3w3

But knowing Ethan, if that dead man switch is real and the hostages die, he will blame himself forever. Even though it’s not his fault. I despise the “look what you made me do” or “their blood is on your hands” thing because no, it’s not, that’s just gaslighting

10 months ago
Reply to  Quilla

That’s the thing about gaslighting. It sucks because it works.

10 months ago
Reply to  Rune

Does it though? If someone said that to me I’d laugh in their face. Everyone is responsible for their own actions. The “you dropped me off a roof” isn’t even necessarily gaslighting with Ethan though. He genuinely thinks that he might have let go on purpose, or at least not held on for as long as he could have. There is real doubt and guilt there because Analog is a good person and was very angry and is doubting himself. I also think that’s why its so easy for the Troll to continue to get under his skin.

10 months ago
Reply to  SkullsGrav

The bit about dropping him isn’t gaslighting although it is manipulation. He knows Ethan torments himself and he preys on that. But the bit where he has Ethan convinced that everything that he does after that is his fault is what I’m talking about.

Also, yes gaslighting works if it’s done well. This is obviously not a…realistic portrayal of it but the thing of “you made me do this” is very common in abusive situations and unfortunately yes, it does work

10 months ago
Reply to  M37h3w3

That would be gold, but we know Ethan is not that mature and wise. Not yet, at least.

Or maybe he is, and he wants to say that, but he feels risking the lives of potential hostages are not worth sacrificing for the pleasure of owning the troll with such a line. So, he plays it as cool as he can, for now.

10 months ago

Please tell me you’re recording this, Analog.

10 months ago

This is such an occasion where Ethan needs to pull out the ultimate anti-troll weapon of ‘At least I can get laid’ and just walk off. Take the wind out of Troll’s sails and leave him to stew.

10 months ago

“You got my apology, now it’s up to you” (walks off and kicks the dust from his shoes)

10 months ago

In panel 3 it looks like The Troll is getting a little… excited.

10 months ago

Tim, I love how you have created a villain, that we all hate. You have created them in the past, but I believe I can speak for everyone that this guy is the most hateable.
…..Aaaaaaand that he dies/gets captured by BEING trolled himself. lol ?

Anon A Mouse
Anon A Mouse
10 months ago

See, I don’t “hate” The Troll. I’ve “hated” villains, for their views or methods or whatever else. Its entertaining because you want to see them lose and fail although they wont for some time. You want to see the hero confront them with their own views and their eventual comeuppance, short and bitter though it may be. The Troll just annoys me. I don’t care for what he “represents” nor do I feel like he is well-written as a villain, no offense to Tim. I just don’t want him to be around anymore. I don’t care what his “next move”… Read more »

10 months ago
Reply to  Anon A Mouse

Talk about a well written character: The Troll is so effective at what he did that he broke the 4th wall and got under this guy’s skin.

10 months ago

“To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.”
– Thomas Paine

So, I hope Analog’s going for another angle. Stalling, distracting, etc.

10 months ago

I’m thinking The Troll has got Emily and is planning on dumping her in the goo.

10 months ago
Reply to  AustynSN

Legitimately, everyone is talking about this “goo.” I keep going back into the past few strips, and I cannot find a single vat of goo at all. What am I missing? lol

10 months ago
Reply to  Sean

It was a while ago.

10 months ago
Reply to  Sean

It was back in a previous issue, It wasn’t a vat though it was a jar.

Last edited 10 months ago by SkullsGrav
10 months ago
Reply to  Sean

You have to go WAY back to 2015. first possible one they mean (the truck that the Troll fell into). the goo during their origin story on how they got their powers.

jonathan corbett
jonathan corbett
10 months ago
Reply to  AustynSN

My idea, the goo is actually just guacamole, and is yet another troll move.

10 months ago

While I like the suggestions here that Ethan has apologized already and should walk away, here’s my prediction:
A scuffle breaks out, and both of them fall off the roof while grappling each other. Analog intentionally rotates himself to be on the bottom, allowing his body to break the troll’s fall, saving his life. And then he dies and vanishes, leaving the troll to contemplate the fact that Analog just saved his life.

The Legacy
The Legacy
10 months ago
Reply to  chargersfan

I like it!

Also, kaboom. ? Doubt the Troll would be holding it on impact, willingly or not.

10 months ago

Do you know who they meed right now, Sam, aka Gameboy. The kid with the ability to pause others. How awesome would it be if if Ethan and Lucas had the secret plan to keep the Troll distracted so Gameboy could come in and pause the Troll preventing him from triggering the Deadman switch.

10 months ago

‘Well let’s at least see what damage i did do? It can’t be That bad can it?’

‘No don’t raise your arms to take off the mask. I’ve had enough armpit jokes for three lifetimes.’

10 months ago

I feel a lot of incel vibes in that troll.

10 months ago
Reply to  leduk

He represents trolls well, in that many of them are extremely fragile people stuck in overcompensation mode. Acting like, the dumber their behavior is, the smarter they are. A variation on the Dunning-Kruger bias. Much of their mockery, is just a form of projection and evasion. They’re too immature and cowardly to handle their own shit like functional adults, so they just try to dump it all on top of others. And you know incels match everything I said. The only difference, is they’re usually more hateful and less mocking. But in this case, it’s plenty of both. After all,… Read more »

10 months ago

I’m going to call it here that this isn’t the Troll, at least not physically present. The whole ethos of a troll requires the safety of a screen and keyboard. Because there cannot be personal consequences to your anonymous actions, any action becomes acceptable. I’m going with a mask with a radio receiver, either communicating with this follower or speaking directly through a speaker in the mask. Actually, an epic narrative way to close this interaction would be for the Troll to get hit with a headshot, lose the dead man trigger, causing a nearby bomb to explode, and then… Read more »

10 months ago

Does superheroes paint their eyelids with a matching shade to their domino masks?

Everywhere one of them wears one of those things, their mask eyeholes constantly seem to change shape

It’s a mutant superpower!

10 months ago

I worry that the troll will get in Ethan’s face, maybe bump him or grab him, and then let go of the dead man’s switch- later telling the world that analog made a grab at him and caused the hostage deaths.