The big Black Friday / Cyber Week / Whatever The Fuck You Want To Call It sale in our new store is ending this weekend, so make sure you check it out. 15% off and all that. A lot of the shirt designs in the store are only available for the pre-order period, so if you want one, grab it now.

“Do you smell Butter?”
Better than smelling squid, Lucas, better than smelling squid.
Also Ethan really hates jrpgs. XD
nino ku ni is a great game and you don’t have to be a jrpg addict to love it!
The first one was great. The second one, not so much. Based on the art on the cover in part 7 he appears to have brought over the so-so sequel.
oh ok then, didn’t played the second one, I’ll trust you on this one
I heard the second one was still good though
Oh, it’s still a pretty good JRPG. It just suffers from overambition, gameplay-wise. Lots of really cool systems and concepts that, if really well fleshed out, could be amazing. But there’s no meat on the bones of those systems, they’re all just… shallow. Playing it left me constantly wanting to play the same game, but with more depth.
2nd one is okey, just gimmick of it (aka army fights) was kinda bad compared to first one (pokemon collecting)
I’m so glad there’s someone else besides myself that doesn’t like JRPGs!
“No! Refuse not. Accept, or overaccept. There is no refuse.”
I’m waiting for the inevitable reaction from Ethan when he finally discovers a JRPG that he likes
Time for a Persona 5 cameo….
He’ll probably never see it coming, either.
I’ll see myself out.
I’m really enjoying this arc, I just hope Emily doesn’t end up in a refrigerator…
But it’ll let her survive the nuclear explosion!
… that still works right?
What if they put the bomb inside the fridge?
This is a reference to Kyle Rayner? Please say yes….
No, it’s an Indiana Jones reference XD
OK – I got the fridging reference and I got the Indiana Jones reference, so I’m 2 for 3, but I haven’t picked up a comic book in ages, so I have to ask – what are they doing to poor Kyle Rayner?
His GF was killed by Major Force and stuffed into a fridge. He found her. This lead to the “Stuffed into the Fridge” trope, or at least the term. Mostly, someone the hero cares for being killed in a horrible way just to cause the hero trauma.
It’s not what they did to Kyle Rayner, but what they did to Jade, his girlfriend during a Post Crisis run of Green Lantern. His girl was literally stuffed in the fridge for him to find after being killed by the baddy. This names the trope “Stuffed in the Fridge” on TV Tropes, and refers to when a woman is introduced into the story solely to be killed and give the hero a quick and dirty reason to regain or gain his motivation.
Wasn’t it his first girlfriend Alex that happened to? iirc, Major Force did it not long after he got the ring. As for Jade, I dont remember what happened to her
You might be right. It’s been a while since I”ve ready any GL stories. I just remember Jade being the last one he was with so she popped into my head.
Lucas is looking at us when he asks about the butter.
Hi is there an avenue for fan mail directly to Tim?
After just finishing the Ethan storyline in the CAD comic for the second time (the feels are still real all these years later) it’s really refreshing to find this story line. It’s not the same but it is entertaining and a fresh change of pace.
I like this character progression. please don’t completely destroy it with something dumb.
if this doesn’t work, it better be worth it.