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October 10, 2018 by Tim

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6 years ago

The wiggler hmm sounds like some 70’s porn stars middle name.

6 years ago

I really like the ‘broken’ children part.

6 years ago

I really pumped up where this story line is going. And once again I’m stunned at how the art work of the CAD comic has improved over the years. Just gorgeous, Tim!

elijah is a bag of douche
elijah is a bag of douche
6 years ago

Alternate villain names: Jack Thompson, Hillary Clinton, Leland Yee…

Timothy Nelson
Timothy Nelson
6 years ago

HAhahaha So true!

6 years ago

Tipper Gore

James Rye
James Rye
6 years ago

Now I wanna see the Ghost Villain. xD

6 years ago
Reply to  James Rye

Did you see Ant-Man and The Wasp? Female version.

6 years ago
Reply to  James Rye

Depending on who’s side you are on the Ghost’s in Starcraft are also villains… *whistling*

6 years ago

Finally! A hero to champion against all the evil of video games!

6 years ago

I guess on the scale of villainy, Elijah is pretty low. I don’t think anyone would change their minds over graffiti. Boy needs to step it up quick (heh) for that to not happen (because let’s face it, it won’t — he’s fighting an unwinnable battle at a faster speed than normal)

James Rye
James Rye
6 years ago
Reply to  Brent

I doubt he sees himself as a villain, more like a misunderstood hero of real justice to warn about the dangers of video games which everyone else ignores or don’t even see.

6 years ago
Reply to  James Rye

Easy to ignore what dosent exsist

6 years ago
Reply to  James Rye

If you were truly concerned of that you’d also seek ban of TV,movies,plays,radio and books ; entertainment as whole is of same bucket that seeks to bring emotional state out of entertained.

Benjamin Schollnick
Benjamin Schollnick
6 years ago

What’s the bit about the North Jefferson Nine? I’m assuming that’s in universe, since I can’t find anything regarding that IRL.

6 years ago

I was initially pretty sure it was a Police Presinct I the universe, Sort of like the show Brooklyn 99, but that doesn’t really sound like something you would need to tell the police.

My second inclining is that it’s some kind of tragedy that was loosely tied to video games and 9 people. Maybe someone did something to 9 people. Excited to find out.

6 years ago

Sounds like either a gang or a famous incident that killed/injured 9 people from someone doing something video game ish.

6 years ago

So he’s basically the illegitimate son of Jack Thompson. Okay, back to the XBox Ninjas!!

6 years ago

Looks like the guys just met their own personal Killmonger.
(A.k.a. A villain who also happens to be right, just right in a really wrong way)

6 years ago
Reply to  Damion

I wouldn’t say he’s *really* wrong. As long as this actual incident he’s mentioning is legitimate…
This seems like a legitimate form of protest (though he isn’t doing a good job of getting his message out clearly). Obviously people might disagree about what lengths people should go to, but I can think of worse things than spraypainting. Though… I can think of better things too.

6 years ago
Reply to  Halosty

Vandalism is not an acceptable form of protest.

6 years ago
Reply to  ArthurRex12

There is no such thing as an “Acceptable Form of Protest”

aaron Smith
aaron Smith
6 years ago
Reply to  SomberSadest

sure there is as long as you dont break anything get in anyones way or litter or tresspass or cuss or intimidate, and i guess id have to add lie.

6 years ago
Reply to  aaron Smith

Like let’s say kneeling during national anthem ? Yeah you’re right, people did think it was okay as far as I can remember.

6 years ago
Reply to  aaron Smith

“acceptable form of protest” as in legal. Kneeling during a national anthem is completely legal, and other people will go to their “acceptable form of protest” against that if they disagree.

6 years ago
Reply to  SomberSadest

I don’t think there’s a specific set of guidelines widely used, but usually the two key aspects relevant here are
*Non violent
*No vandalism (!)

6 years ago
Reply to  Halosty

He is definitely wrong. Like our heroes pointed out, there has never been a study linking video games to violence or crime.

6 years ago
Reply to  Lily

However, from Elijah’s perspective the two have been. I’m assuming he sees the 2 incidents that happen and uses it as conclusive proof.
Maybe a friend of his was killed when someone who was already mentally unstable did something crazy after playing GTA or something.
It doesn’t matter how many studies he sees showing they aren’t connected- in his mind, he has seen painful proof.

6 years ago

Could go with a name like Tazerface.

6 years ago
Reply to  FITCamaro

Actually, that’s a translation error.
The actually spelling is “Tae-zir face”. (Tay-eh-zeer)
Guy just speaks with an unusual accent in comparison to most from the ethnicity where that name originates.

Ian H.
Ian H.
6 years ago

Holy loud auto-playing Wayfair video ad, Batman! I don’t mind keeping the ads on to help pay for the site, but auto-playing video ads will certainly cause me to reconsider…

6 years ago
Reply to  Ian H.

Report it he takes out the ones that play sound pretty quickly

Robert Loughrey
Robert Loughrey
6 years ago

Pretty sure this guy is working for the Luddite that Zeke “works” for. Their interests seem to align at least.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
6 years ago

Love where this is going. Eli’s not *really* a villain; he’s got a cause of his own and is trying to make a change. Misguided, yes, but it’s hard to argue and fight with someone who believes, passionately, that they’re doing the right thing. I’m kind of afraid that the Nine are nine victims of a school shooting, or something like that. While violent games don’t cause violent behavior in most kids, the argument can be made that for individuals who are already mentally unstable or have a warped perspective due to abuse, it can give continual positive feedback to… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

Actually there is a trope-name for such a villian. Much like we got Anti-heroes we also got Anti-villians! Which are described as aiming for a heroic cause, but engaging in “evil” acts which mosft often due to their own traits/virtues tends to be rather benign. I say “evil” cause it can also be more a conflict of ideals with the protagonists of a story rather than general evil.

Seems like a rather apt description. no?

6 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

Unfortunately the solution is not clear cut. The argument could also be made that the violent video games give those same individuals a less destructive outlet for their tendencies and less likely to act them out in real life. Take away that outlet and they may go Carrie on the population. Or they may just do it regardless of video games and its something else that triggers them. Or nothing could happen either way because we are wrong about cause and effect altogether. Hard subject to study because its relatively rare in the grand scheme of things(small sample size), hard… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  merendel


6 years ago
Reply to  merendel

Well the Wiggler will unnerve hordes of Mario fans, meaning it should work for Elijah’s goals.

6 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

Exactly what I thought when I heard Wiggler.
So you jump on his head I think…

Aeneas Feggans
Aeneas Feggans
6 years ago

How about the speed-artist?

Aeneas Feggans
Aeneas Feggans
6 years ago
Reply to  Aeneas Feggans

Or Quickdraw?

6 years ago
Reply to  Aeneas Feggans

I though he was Laserjet

The rAt
The rAt
6 years ago

“I’m not hiding behind some mask!” *Slips mask on* “And I’m using my real name, Elijah!” *Omits last-name that would give them a chance of actually identifying him* “I’m going to show people that video games cause problems in society!” *Ignores societal constraints by painting graffiti – more specifically, in a location that only people who already have fully-formed opinions about video games are likely see, then leaves* ——————————————- For the record, the above is not a criticism of the character – in my opinion, he’s spot on. It’s a character with legitimate frustrations, acting out of emotion and applying… Read more »

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
6 years ago
Reply to  The rAt

Totally agree with how spot-on he is. His actions completely reflect his point of view – he doesn’t fight, after all, even though Lucas is raring to go and Eli could probably mop the floor with them. Even his last word – “Peace” – clearly has a double-meaning here.

I really love how he denies being given a villain name. Calling him Elijah, showing his name, really humanizes him in a way that making him the masked villain of the week would not have.

Noble One
Noble One
6 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

he and isnt at the same time. just a guess into his back story is some one close to him prolly was killed over a video game antic. we see it all the time and they blame video games and NOT the person at fault for failing to tell the difference. also he claims hes not hiding but yet only gives his first name, uses super speed to tag stores, and HIDES BEHIND A MASK….. if he was so passionate on changing the way people see video games he would do it in a different light. like Lily said hes… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Noble One

I think the mask is just being used to help him handle super speed. Even a strong breeze feels like 70 mph if you are moving quickly.

6 years ago
Reply to  The rAt

Yeah a lot of the best villains, are people who think they are doing right but are actually wrong.

Tim van der Meij
Tim van der Meij
6 years ago
Reply to  The rAt

I like how much of a hypocrite he is about it, haha.

6 years ago

As a lurker i would like to, off topicly, mention that i am in love with your privacy policy and the way you handle it, i certainly hope this will become the industry standard. Having been on the internet for years now, i see the value in adds for the presence and existence of websites world wide, but i can not and will not agree with those that try and violate my privacy, and sites that hold their content hostage as a means to pressure me to accepting it anyways are ‘personally’ blacklisted… So here is me hoping you will… Read more »

6 years ago

I’m predicting an on-again off-again relationship with Elijah, swinging between enemies to allies depending on if there is a greater threat at the time. The “Toxic Troll” strikes? Alliance, maybe preceded by a brief joint venture with the troll before he realizes that guy is nuts. Zeke wants to trash the power-lines to a video game con? Elijah will be on his side. Zeke wants to murder all of the workers in a factory making Pokemon Go wearables? Elijah will work with the heroes ( although he may also go off-script and sabotage the facility once he believes the workers… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Stephen

Elijah would probably never work with the Troll assuming the Troll survives. Too far apart in mindset and ideologies. The Troll will probably insult Elijah for not playing video games and wind up being beaten up before they could actually plot.
Zekesquad and Elijah could wind up working together, but fairly unlikely. Elijah doesn’t seem like he would be up for violence.

6 years ago
Reply to  Him.

I agree, but I think there is a chance that Elijah might attempt to work with these individuals before becoming fully aware of how violent they are. That or he may, for a time, to choose to compromise some of his morals in the interest of “the greater good”. This would of course be followed by a catharsis of some form where he realizes that know, the ends don’t justify the means.

6 years ago

Yeah, not calling him the wiggler. Elijah it is.

6 years ago

Not only is there no evidence of video games causing violent crime but randome violent crime has acctually gone down since game graphics improved

6 years ago
Reply to  Xero

It’s easier to shot a blob than a person.

6 years ago
Reply to  Xero

Also, that *may* just be assorted improvements in gun safety and quality of life.
Though it is less dubious than “video games cause violence”, if only because there is correlation (though not necessarily causation).

6 years ago
Reply to  Him.

I live in America, what gun safety?

6 years ago

“I’m not hiding behind a mask”
:Literally puts on a mask and disappears:

6 years ago
Reply to  Kaitensatsuma

Well….he’s not *hiding*. I assume it’s more of a wind shield combined with a gas mask (not sure if that’s the correct word for these masks painters wear to avoid inhaling the paint fumes).

But yeah, you still get a point, I guess.

6 years ago

I know what his super villain name is.: The Scapegoater!

I have an entire rant about this kinda subject, but I’m not gonna do it. I’d be preaching to the converted. Just gonna say, nothing is as annoying or as truly dangerous as someone who is wrong, but believes they are righteous.