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Tagged, p9

October 8, 2018 by Tim

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Man of the West
Man of the West
6 years ago

A surprisingly forthcoming man.

6 years ago

Well you could say he comes fast 😉

6 years ago
Reply to  NNextremNN

That one was so bad, that it was good.

3 years ago
Reply to  NNextremNN

No wonder he has no girlfriend…

6 years ago

Unless this guy has a hell of a weakness, he knows nobody is remotely in his league.

Well, then again, all speedsters do have a few common weaknesses. I mean, slippery floors can be hard to escape. But also lethal to encounter unexpectedly as you become ballistics, and then, depending on the severity of impact, either physics or salsa.

Adhesive is also good, but you might catch only a shoe… or only a foot.

Yeah, I’m suggesting we’re heading for “I think I preferred when he just dropped them off roofs.”

6 years ago
Reply to  DannyboyO1

Interesting thought: The slippery floor / adhesive weakness only applies to characters who are genuinely fast. Those issues wouldn’t do as much against a character who lives in their own compressed / accelerated time bubble. A time bender would appear fast to Ethan and Lucas, but from the bender’s frame of reference would only be moving normally. In the case of a time bender, the weakness becomes their mortality, as they appear to age prematurely due to all the time spent in compressed time zones.

6 years ago
Reply to  Verity

Unless he doesn’t compress time and is just like Quicksilver. But if he does compress time, it has interesting ramifications

6 years ago
Reply to  Verity

Well, even a person who is fast needs some enhanced reflexes and heightened senses to avoid constantly tripping and slamming into things and considering this guy can seemingly spray paint accuraretly while maintaining super speed, I would imagine he has the necesary secondary powers of reflexes and senses that comes with it.

So wether it is time bubble or actual super speed, I dont see these two catching him any time soon unless some specific limitation or weakness is introduced.

6 years ago
Reply to  Verity

Wondering about the paint he uses. It can stick to Lucas’
arrows and is capable of being applied so fast that the can and painter are not visible, just the applied paint. That would take some pretty high pressure and flow rates to be able to apply. Don’t see that in a spray can size option.

Justin J. Conidaris
Justin J. Conidaris
6 years ago

Take his picture on a phone, do a tag search on Facebook or something, find his real name and address.

6 years ago

Or you know ask him he might answer XD

6 years ago

omg I love him! I want to give him a hug!

James Not-A-Zombie Jameson
James Not-A-Zombie Jameson
6 years ago


6 years ago

…… ‘s productivity

6 years ago

I mean, as far as supervillainy, vandalism (or whatever spray painting on someone’s store counts as) is not a particularly… serious crime. Annoying? Yes. Still wrong? Sure. But he’s not going around emptying bank vaults or cash registers or stealing wallets or slitting throats (as far as we know).

6 years ago
Reply to  Halosty

Well to be fair, not every super hero can be the Superman or Batman taking on the major criminals. You always have to start as the friendly neighborhood vigilante before you can move on to the big fish like Lex Luthor or M.O.D.O.K.

Tim P
Tim P
6 years ago

Now with his brazen-ness(?) at giving away his fave and info, and cockiness about his speed, who he’s been reminding me of clicks!

….. Static Shock. Just as a Speedster, instead of whatever SS was.

Likely to end up a cooler character, easily, though. ^_^

6 years ago
Reply to  Tim P

Man I loved Static Shock… I wonder if it holds up.
As for what he was… an electricity dude, I guess? Except it was pink electricity.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
6 years ago

Dude, Elijah’s *really bad* at this. Chances are that there’s some surveillance cameras around here, too.

Also, I’m a bit nervous about Lucas. I have a feeling that the only real way to stop him is going to be using his powers, and I haven’t forgotten just how sharp those arrows are.

6 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

So, we need a new table.

6 years ago

Elijah smells more like 3rd party member material than secondary antagonist. He doesn’t seem to be doing anything that bad, he’s being fairly open, and at first glance he seems to be relatively affable. Maybe he’s just being paid to do this and is too moral to rob banks (but graffiti is already his thing, so that’s okay).

6 years ago
Reply to  Him.

Unless he’s Jack Thompson’s Godson.

6 years ago
Reply to  Him.

Perhaps frenemy might be more accurate, more akin to Batman and Catwoman, or Wolverine and Deadpool. A Chaotic Neutral / Chaotic good character.

6 years ago

As much as I like video games I do like to hear reasoned debate on the topic. So hearing why he considers the sale of video games to be poison may be edifying.

He may make a decent foil or new friend. But I am already interested.

6 years ago

Well….THAT was anti-climactic. Come on, guys. Let’s just give this guy a boop on the snoot and toss him into the police station. We’ll be done with this in time for raid night. =.=

Andrew Turnock
Andrew Turnock
6 years ago

You’ve all got it wrong

New game coming out called Poison

The stores he is tagging stock that game. Next level marketing.

6 years ago
Reply to  Andrew Turnock

The people who hired him are going to have a talk with him about asking for permission before starting the paint job…

James Rye
James Rye
6 years ago

Maybe Elijah is not a villain but some sort of vigilante who believes his graffiti is some sort of retribution to evil video game shops? Maybe Gamestop only paid him 5 bucks for his 100 game collection and 4 consoles when he really needed the money to pay for the hospital bill of his deathly sick mother/wife/daughter? Or something like that.

6 years ago
Reply to  James Rye

Probably something more dramatic than the used game store business model. He is calling them poison traffickers, not scam artists, so he likely has the issue with video games themselves.

My guess is that he sees them as cultural poison or has seen a family fall apart because of one member who spent a little too much time gaming instead of being part of the family.

6 years ago

I already see where this is going. Next page, we find out he’s the son of either the mayor or the chief of police. A few pages after that, we find out that he’s been living on the floor below Ethan and Lucas the whole time. Next Issue, he’s living with the two of them and is the Tim Drake to their Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson. Issue after that, he’s Ethan’s best man while Lucas is officiating

6 years ago
Reply to  Brent

Na, he and Lucas become an item.