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October 12, 2018 by Tim

I am going to be moving to a new store soon with some new merchandise, and since we’ve only got a handful of books left, I’d rather not mess with shipping them over to the new warehouse. So on Monday we’re going to have a little sale; the CAD 1.0 Set will be marked down to $50. It will also be the final days to pick up anything else there you may want, because I don’t intend to move any of that product over to the new store. Fresh start, and all that.

So if you’ve been thinking about picking up a book set, make sure you check back on Monday.

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6 years ago

*playing the world’s biggest cello*

6 years ago

I like how Ethan 2.0 can actually be sympathetic and is capable of deep thought.

The Legacy
The Legacy
6 years ago
Reply to  Swordust

Me too.

6 years ago

Some Ethan wisdow right here. That’s a rare chance.

6 years ago
Reply to  Blobsy

I hate how I can’t edit, so *wisdom.

6 years ago
Reply to  Blobsy

That’s one of the things I absolutely love about CAD: the intelligent, sometimes surprisingly deep and thoughtful storytelling.
It’s interesting how wisdom of otherwise more than goofy characters seems to weigh even more than coming from a generally very serious character.

And yes, the missing edit functionality is really a pain in the backside.
: is there any possibility to add one?

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
6 years ago
Reply to  mandoschMUh

I agree: an edit function would really help out.

6 years ago

feels… feels everywhere…

6 years ago

It feels like there’s missing a page or transition, when you read these two pages right after eachother.
It’s like they teleported. Maybe an infobox on this page’s first panel, stating later that week, day, or whatever.
Otherwise, this is great 🙂

James Rye
James Rye
6 years ago
Reply to  Daniel

Maybe a little narrator box in the first panel saying “next evening…” would help with that feeling.

6 years ago
Reply to  James Rye

Why did I just hear in my head the announcer voice saying “Meanwhile, back at the Hall of Justice…”

The rAt
The rAt
6 years ago
Reply to  Daniel

I think it’s about placement. A scene transition between panels typically contains everything necessary to deduce a transition has occurred. A scene transition between pages can be more difficult if you can’t see both pages simultaneously and pick up on those cues. In (print) comic books, the same thing seems to happen if a scene change occurs with the turn of a page – you sometimes wonder if you turned one too far. A challenge of the medium, I suppose. Still, I prefer to go back a page (physically or electronically) to catch up over the presence of an otherwise… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  The rAt

Well, you could get a transition, with this page starting with a panel, showing us time has passed. It’s like with movies. One scene, they’re out at night, and just talked to Elijah. Then it jumpcut’s to this scene, without giving the viewer information, that time has passed between the two scenes. If there had been a page taking place with other characters, then it would have been easier to tell time has passed.
That’s why I feel like, there is a page missing. Side by side, these two pages don’t transition into eahother

6 years ago

Wow. Well done, Mr. Buckley, well done. *slow clap*
Seriously, this is awesome.

6 years ago
Reply to  toughluck

I agree … this is good stuff right here … (it even made me write on the comments for the first time …)

Love this part of the story… Actually Ethan is in the perfect position to maybe give Elijah some sort of weird closure …

He can be some sort of punching bag until Elijah realizes what he is doing … I think that’s the only way to help him … some weird sense of closure …

6 years ago

Huh. This is the first time I’ve felt Ethan to be an actual human rather than a caricature construct. Well done.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
6 years ago

Older brother and guardian. That got me.

Sometimes, an older sibling is a legal guardian when the parents are abusive, or endanger the child in some way. Most of the time, though, it’s because their parents died and the sibling is the closest living relative.

Either way, it’s a real tragedy in either case, and it means that Elijah put aside whatever other plans he had after high school and had to essentially become a parent. Then, this.

Love Ethan’s reaction and analysis. He’s a crazy screwball sometimes, but he gets it and his heart’s in the right place.

Aston W
Aston W
6 years ago

Will we get a flashback because I never remember seeing Ethan’s sister in CAD 2.00.

Just a mention.

6 years ago
Reply to  Aston W

She was dead from the beginning and has yet to appear. So you are not just not remembering it hasn’t happened yet. She has been talked about a few times and especially in I believe the second comic where they went through the backstory of why and how they became what they were as she is the reason he is out on the street and why they both knew this was the right thing to do. She was also brought up a lot when Ethan was trying to come to terms with letting that guy fall.

6 years ago

“I don’t intend to move any of that product over to the new store.” does that mean there gonna be a bon fire for everything that DOESNT get sold???? i want a video!

6 years ago

Just don’t cross that line of getting politically preachy and we’re cool.

It was deep, good of Ethan to think about the motivations of his enemy, the empathy is a weird emotion coming from Ethan. Just cause… it’s Ethan.

6 years ago
Reply to  Casra

Somehow I doubt Tim would ever tip into political preaching on subject (being person who plays video games himself too, political preachers tends all be those who don’t and inherently view games either as evil or easy blame target), if you look even now its pointed that videogames in general are getting falsely accused because of one lunatic

6 years ago
Reply to  raven0ak

Guns. They are talking about guns, not games.

And if Tim does want to get political, that is his perogative as the creator. If Casta doesn’t like it they can fuck right off.

6 years ago
Reply to  Vydra

Oye, you can piss off eh? Political preachy is annoying. All that does is drive half your audience away.

6 years ago
Reply to  Casra

that’s how YOU think. I disagree.

6 years ago
Reply to  leduk

No, it’s called Get Woke Go Broke… And other terms. That’s all

6 years ago
Reply to  raven0ak

We’re talking about a guy who made a comic page with people wearing MAGA hats and he basically said “Kill them all” in his Far Cry 5 parody…

6 years ago
Reply to  Tim

THERE just mad that THEIR are fewer trolls in THEY’RE neck of the woods…….


Great comics as usual, thumbs up

6 years ago
Reply to  Tim

I remember that one, cause it was about a week later that a deranged democrat shot all those republicans at the softball practice. Timing was priceless.

6 years ago
Reply to  Tim

But…I don’t want to remember…

6 years ago
Reply to  Tim

*Shrug* While you might not have meant it that way. I can certainly understand why plenty of people interpreted it that way.

Kinda a Death of the Author thing

6 years ago
Reply to  Memberberry

I think it’s important to put aside the politics of it and actually examine and discuss the actual issues. Taking the lazy way out and turning it into a black and white issue with only two choices is just not realistic or how things work. Life is infinitely more complex than going with one political party to have all the answers and fix everything. I greatly appreciate the introspection the Tim provides for us to examine something we might not have considered before. That’s how progress is made, and compromise started. Also, could we get some CAD hoodies? It’s finally… Read more »

The rAt
The rAt
6 years ago
Reply to  Michael

This is part of what I meant in my post on the previous page – we’re in a polarized world right now where people are too often more interested in righteous indignation and moral superiority than actually understanding their opposition. If you can’t be bothered to try to understand those you disagree with (even vehemently), then not only are you going to fail to change their minds, but you kinda don’t deserve not to. It’s not about you being right; it’s about working and living together. It’s about coming to understandings with and finding ways to live with those we… Read more »

6 years ago

OK… this one got it right. Like really really REALLY right. When it counts Ethan does display a savage amount of wisdom – it happened before in CAD 1.0. Every now and then, a comic springs here which I read it again and again, just to taste the words over and over.

6 years ago

I respect you taking on something serious like this in a respectful way. Keep it up man.

That said, I’m with Eithan. For now the guy is just tagging stuff. Not exactly the criminal if the century

6 years ago
Reply to  Fletcher

Yeah. If they see him trying to steal everything and then destroy the building, that’s a problem.
This is someone cracking open a punching bag in comparison to the people they normally fight. (And those are low level villains).

Giuliano Marques
Giuliano Marques
6 years ago

Does that include the digital version of the books?

6 years ago
Reply to  Tim

I really would like to pick one but 195$ to get it to france I just can’t
I don’t blame you but it’s still sad.

6 years ago

*applauds* this was an unexpected development of depth and character in this story universe. It’s relevant, provocative, and still on theme. I love it :] just don’t forget the roots/origin of the strip with newfound narrative.

6 years ago

wow, man that got deep all of a sudden… well played Tim, well played

Rex Vivat
Rex Vivat
6 years ago

Honestly? At this point, they shouldn’t have anything to do with this. This guy may have superpowers, but tagging stores is hardly endangering anyone; backstory aside, this isn’t something for superheroes to handle. You want to do something about it, Lucas? Then tell the cops, you have the name and appearance of the guy, then let the regular authorities’ do their job.

6 years ago
Reply to  Rex Vivat

They only are helping out because 1. they are low tier superheroes, so taking out a graffiti artist is actually just below their paygrade and 2. THE GUY PAINTED THEIR STORE MAN!!! Joking aside, it is more a personal matter than a serious one. They are in super gear because it is a disguise.
And the regular authorities wouldn’t help in this case, even if they are just doing their job it would probably result in exacerbating Elijah’s grief. At least he’s painting stores instead of say smashing windows or burning things to the ground.

Weston Davis
Weston Davis
6 years ago

Yup, a good story. Would fit in fine as an official comic.

6 years ago

I honestly thought Lucas had last a hand somehow when I read the first panel.

6 years ago

I wish to cry, but there aren’t enough tears.

6 years ago

3 pages later…
“Hi, we’re looking for Elijah?”
“Elijah! Your weird friends are here!”
“Hon, I told you I’m going ou–”
“Oh hi”

6 years ago
Reply to  Somewhere

You mean like in Comic Page 02.15

6 years ago
Reply to  EMMachine

Yes, exactly
Congrats on finding it 😀

6 years ago

Wait, Fortnite is the one that turned an undiagnosed psychopath into a mass murderer? I’d have thought PUBG would have done that.

6 years ago
Reply to  BakaGrappler

Fortnite is more popular among the youths currently. PUBG may be more realistic, but there is a higher chance that the kid was playing Fortnite than PUBG.

6 years ago

*slowly raises hand* Can I just toss my 2 cents in here that the biggest tragedy in North Jefferson High was that no one ELSE was armed? I don’t play fortnite, but think about it. Armed guy comes across a bunch of unarmed people, free kills. Armed guy comes across a bunch of armed people, or even just ONE person he thought was a victim, but had something to defend themselves with, that ambush turns into an asskicking. So…. is it possible that Elijah can tag a few gun control legislators’ houses as well? You can never control psychopaths, but… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Ven

In that case even more people would probably die in the crossfire, assuming any of these other armed students/teachers even pulled their weapons instead of fleeing for their lives.
As someone who lives in a country without a gun culture, it really baffles me how some people think ‘more guns’ is the solution to gun violence.

James Rye
James Rye
6 years ago
Reply to  Ven

Why? Just make sure that the psychopath can’t buy a gun and ammo at Walmart and you’re fine as well. Several countries are able to do so, making life harder for criminals to get cheap guns and ammo without much paperwork or control and they do have way less school shootings than America.

6 years ago
Reply to  Ven

It’s possible that he did that, though it would be more likely because he felt they didn’t actually believe in the cause they argued for.
Otherwise, your argument is…unusual; the absence of a gun causes less violence than the presence of multiple.

6 years ago

The circle is now complete, back in 1.0 you were advocating against blaming video games for violent crimes, now you ARE Jack Thompson. Funny how that works out. I almost want to go check if you’ve deleted your old comics that deal with the same issue but with you on the other side of the fence but I don’t want to do more work on my weekend off.

Anything for a buck, eh?

6 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Some people don’t understance nuance.

6 years ago
Reply to  SarcasmWars

I don’t think you read the same comic as everyone else.

Brendan Keating
Brendan Keating
6 years ago
Reply to  SarcasmWars

SarcasmWars, you’re COMPLETELY ignoring just a *ton* of subtext in this and the last comment. Tim still has video game superheroes. On the last page, Lucas points out the lack of correlation between video games and violence. There is a difference between exploring video games and violence, and the nuance in the debate, and actually saying video games cause violence. Also, dude, your points are rude and out of line. That being said, Tim, that’s a pretty crappy way to respond to a longtime fan. There is actually an element to this that supports what SarcasmWars is annoyed about (I… Read more »

Brendan Keating
Brendan Keating
6 years ago

*this and the last page. FUCK.

Brendan Keating
Brendan Keating
6 years ago
Reply to  Tim

I mean I get the frustration. I totally do. No denying the guy was a dick.

6 years ago

I thought the Analog and D-pad universe used fictional video games, not real world ones? (Unless Immortal Thirst is a real game that I just totally missed!)

Jet Holt
Jet Holt
6 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Can I ask what makes this situation different?

Just curious.

Brendan Keating
Brendan Keating
6 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Or a canon excuse: Fortnite is so popular that it’s a cross-dimensional constant.

6 years ago

Just like Shakespeare and Will Smith

1 year ago
Reply to  Magpie

They have World of Warcraft and Fallout. Last I checked, those games are real.

Brendan Keating
Brendan Keating
6 years ago

Okay. It took me a little while to unpack, and I didn’t want to comment until my head was on straight about it. There’s something about this comic that rubs me the wrong way. Specifically, it’s why the kid, Derek Silva, shot up his school. Not the fact that he *did* it, mind you- I think exploring the correlation (or lack thereof) between video games and violence is really valuable, especially in a video game comment. The fact, however, that Silva did this because of a confusion between a video game and real life is unfortunately indulging the video game… Read more »

Brendan Keating
Brendan Keating
6 years ago

I do want to quickly acknowledge that Ethan in the previous panel points our the lack of correlation between video games and violence, I’m not *actually* accusing him of being an anti-video game propaganda peddler- the issue is if there was ever a school shooting actually like the North Jefferson Nine, it might actually be a solid case FOR a correlation between video games and violence.

Brendan Keating
Brendan Keating
6 years ago

**Lucas. Stupid lack of editing.

6 years ago

See I am not reading this as anti-video game. Someone entered the school, screaming a reference to a video game and killed fellow students. It is the act that is important to Elijah. He is not looking to what else went wrong in this young man’s life. If he had a history of mental issues. Only that he did a terrible thing in a specific way. And as Ethan found, he also blames gun stores for this young man even having a weapon. This is not soft, and it is not blaming. It is about how someone grieving needs a… Read more »

Brendan Keating
Brendan Keating
6 years ago
Reply to  Nealithi

All very valid points, absolutely. Tim addressed my concerns below, so this is all basically pissing in the wind at this point, but I was just pointing out that the method it was carried out could be interpreted poorly *shrug*

Now I’m just eagerly awaiting my next page. xD

Brendan Keating
Brendan Keating
6 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Alright see, that’s the nuance I hoped you’d introduce, and I’m totally on board. I think this… confusion? is largely an artifact of the page-at-a-time format of your webcomic. Thank you for addressing my concerns.

6 years ago

I’ve been following CAD for years now, but I can’t remember Ethan having a sister… Did I miss that or am I just becoming demented? In which arc does she appear, so I can go back and revisit that part of the story?

6 years ago
Reply to  Exarikun

She doesn’t appear in anything yet.
Rory seems to have been Author-magicked into being Carlie, who died at some point. It’s a major part of Ethan’s backstory, though we haven’t actually seen her.

6 years ago
Reply to  Somewhere

Aha, ok, thanks for the clarification 🙂

6 years ago

I love this page.
Empathy and wisdom born of comittment are awesome things and will (with the minor assistance of some dramatic punching) win the day.
Kinda see The Wiggler becoming an eventual (if cantankerous) ally.

P.s. “politically preachy”? Since when is being “anti assholes-who-shoot-people” a political statement?

6 years ago
Reply to  Damion

Ever since people decided that the 2nd Amendment of the U.S. constitution also covered weapons strictly intended for war instead of just low level firearms which can’t slaughter a classroom of people in the time it takes to miss a phone call

1 year ago
Reply to  Somewhere

So, December 1791? Because that’s always what it has meant.

6 years ago

Hopefully Tim is alright. Monday’s comic hasn’t popped yet.

1 year ago

I can understand Ethan’s heart not being in it, and right now he doesn’t seem worth wasting time on anyway, but it isn’t just going to stay at tagging stores. He’s likely to escalate and become violent when nobody listens to his message.