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The Campaign: Against The Clock

May 3, 2017 by Tim

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7 years ago

Just wondering. Is there a specific rule set that they are following? The world seems really interesting and I’m interested in learning more since Only know 5E

7 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Does that mean they are constantly being told they have new email at their terminal?

7 years ago

I am so glad for a new campaign! Thank you so much Tim I love your comics I have read them all!

7 years ago

The barbarian is very wise. He must’ve stated heavily into wisdom. 🙂 On a side note our group had something similar to the lil debate 2&4 was having. We had one of our party members scouting up far ahead under a invisibility spell, when he overheard orders from the evil rulers of the place to go kill the rest of party, who were simply relaxing waiting for their friend to come back. Now our invisible friend had basically two choices at that point, he could hurry back to warn his friends of the impending attack and fight with them, or… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  tiamatt

I am so confused by this, as someone who has never dabbled in tabletop RPGs. Like, are there rules on what happens if your character doesn’t make the decision to warn them? Like, some kind of combat buff or something? Because everyone is listening to the DM say all that right? And it seems like allot of this is on the DM to weave a story that doesn’t suck. I thought Tim was taking creative liberties but it seems like DnD games actually get this complicated.

7 years ago
Reply to  todofwar

No, and yes. All PCs can interact in any way (within reasons) with any other PC. If the character is apathetic towards everything and deems the sacrifice of his companions a worthy price to pay, say for instance to learn the answer to the question that defines him or her… Like, “We will tell you all about how you can make a city float if you slit your friends throat!” Then yes, it is a hard choice to make. However, your PC fellows *will* take revenge on you with their new characters. Best time I ever had was when I… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  todofwar

Generally what’s supposed to happen is what the players know isn’t necessarily what the characters know and we’re supposed to pretend as such. Like say we meet a regular looking villager but we find out his name is Victor Von Doom. Now this would set up all sorts of red flags to many people IRL but our fantasy characters has never of Dr. Doom nor that they know anything about his powers/evil deeds or anything like that, so they would treat him as a regular villager, although perhaps a little bit more wary due to his name. In my story’s… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  todofwar

The term aesthetic distance comes to mind. It’s when you know something your character doesn’t or your character knows something that you wouldn’t know. IT is how you play a childish character or an egotist.

7 years ago

I still have yet to see the Clock.
Prehaps the Trial is actually just fighting a giant clock? 🙂

7 years ago

Reminds me of a time I DM’d while stoned and killed off my party with pile of demonic purple poo.

7 years ago

Once had a character die and the group decided (with one tank still rolling) that I (a barbarian) could stay dead for a bit. Mind you I was killed by a crit that even before the barbarian rage HP drop did over 160 damage making me the only person it would not straight up kill. They ended up clearing rhe dungeon without me and and only brought me back to life when I begged them to before the books boss we had been chasing down for a long while. Igot the mised exp but still was annoying to sit for… Read more »

7 years ago

So… from a logistical standpoint wouldn’t it make far more sense to let Cake die and then just use raise dead on her (ideally they’d do true resurrection, but NPC clerics of that level are always rare)? She loses a level, but they’re in a massive golden temple full of clerics that one of the party members is affiliated with. Getting the raise isn’t going to be hard presumably. Heck if this place is like the Vatican of this religion, there might even be clerics who actually CAN use true rez, unlikely sure, but it would negate the entire issue.… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Cmd1095

I would assume that if the poison is strong enough that it requires divine intervention to cure it prevents rez

7 years ago
Reply to  Cmd1095

I’m going to assume any DM would try to prevent this easy out, doubly so here since the DM is also the player cleric. Like if I was in 3’s/Tim’s shoes I would say that the poison had elven magic or something to that effect so Raise Dead wouldn’t be able to remove it, in which case Cake would just be in the same situation after they’ve used Raise Dead. As for True Rez, well it’s among the strongest spells in the entire game so I would consider normal low-mid lvl adventures even finding someone that can cast it being… Read more »

Commentary Ver.2.72
Commentary Ver.2.72
7 years ago

Could she be saved by equipping a starcaster?

3 years ago
Reply to  Tim

I’d pay to see that!

7 years ago

I love how the out of character moments and in character ones are mixed. It reminds me that they’re just playing a game but take the idea of character death seriously.