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The Cut

May 22, 2020 by Tim

Look, if this Snyder Cut actually turns Justice League into a good movie, I’ll be thrilled to eat crow here. But I think the past few years of blind-faith hype over this thing has written a check that no amount of unused footage, or the man behind the camera, can possibly cash. Slice it up, rearrange it, add some new effects… I don’t think the core vision for this franchise was ever on solid footing to begin with.

I guess we’ll see, though.

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4 years ago

eRhMaGeRd Ur MoM wAs MaRtHa ToO?!
DC need to get some decent writers, have yet to see a film from them I though was worth the time watching it.

4 years ago
Reply to  Blake

Wonder Woman. Literally only modern DC movie that I’d consider worth the watch.

4 years ago
Reply to  Bookishjon

Birds of Prey And Harliquinn was good. Aside from the mess of the title. Most people I know with time for TV seem to genuinely love the DC shows. Overall though that still has them batting under .200.

Stephen M Schaefer
Stephen M Schaefer
4 years ago
Reply to  Hobbess

The Arrowverse has been pretty solid but I don’t have time in my day for five titles. Mostly we just watch Flash and Legends. And honestly, not bringing in Grant Gustin felt like a missed opportunity. Ezra Miller is a fine actor but Gustin brings so much charm to the role. Also, allegedly, he chokes fewer women outside of bars.

4 years ago
Reply to  Bookishjon

I thought Aquaman was pretty good, too.

4 years ago
Reply to  Jéquiyot

Aquaman was an enjoyable summer blockbuster kind of film. To make the dreaded Marvel comparison, while Wonderwoman was about as good, if not better, than anything Marvel has to offer, Aquaman was a bit like the mid-tier films (e.g. Antman, Thor 1, Iron Man 3) – I enjoyed watching them, but I probably wouldn’t watch them again.

Sean Rotter
Sean Rotter
4 years ago
Reply to  Jéquiyot

Visually Aquaman was impressive, acting and writing was dismal for the most part (Jason Momoa is did a pretty good job).

4 years ago
Reply to  Blake

they could start by doing the same thing marvel did, turn their comics into movies with a few changes.

4 years ago
Reply to  Blake

Watch their animated movies, they are for the majority movie gold.

4 years ago
Reply to  Blake

I wouldn’t even say writing is the major issue for DC but more that they need to just redo it from scratch and not rush through it this time and focus on the core and A rank stuff first. Don’t do stuff below B rank (Suicide Squad and the Harley Quinn movie were definitely D rank in the comic totem pole at best) until after the first Justice League movie. DC does have some films that show they can have some good writing, Man of Steel was pretty decent and Wonder Woman was good as well and that was before… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Blake

Honestly HISHE would have been a better choice for writing that movie.

4 years ago
Reply to  Kaitensatsuma

Or at least for finalizing the cut.

Bernie Margolis
Bernie Margolis
4 years ago
Reply to  Blake

I think the problem is that they hate Superman, who is, was, and always should be the anchor for the Justice League. They prefer Batman, but Batman is a loner. That’s his shtick. How can you have a loner leading a group of superheroes? The twentyteens version of the Justice League ended up being a bunch of loners who barely tolerate each other out of a sense of mutual respect. That’s a far cry from the Super Friends that I grew up with. Scott Meyer explained it really well in 2015: TL;DR – Maybe get people who actually like… Read more »

4 years ago

can’t believe I’ve seen comments that people are looking forward to this lol

4 years ago
Reply to  foducool

For some, getting out of the house to watch ANY new movie beats being stuck at home with momma watching her murderporn “stories”.

Nuno Fernandes
Nuno Fernandes
4 years ago
Reply to  Bwauder

Its coming out on HBO Max, not theatres

4 years ago
Reply to  foducool

Hope and hype are powerful drugs.

4 years ago
Reply to  foducool

I’m one of the few people who felt the film, while not great, wasn’t bad either and enjoyed it enough to validate watching it. So looking forward to the movie is saying a lot, but I’m definitely interested in it.

4 years ago
Reply to  Siliarba

I never saw the theatrical version, but I kind of enjoyed the extended cut that was released On Demand. Unfortunately I have heard that Whedon added most of the jokes that made the movie palatable, I can’t see making that movie MORE serious as being a successful venture, but we certainly shall see.

4 years ago

Snyder was apparently happy with the “perfect” cut of the film in 2017, but it clocked in at over four hours long.
If you need four hours to tell a cohesive story, you need to have a better grasp of storytelling. The Snyder cut will suck.

Nuno Fernandes
Nuno Fernandes
4 years ago
Reply to  ThePingMachine

Depends on the story ur telling, there are certain adaptations that would have been better served as a series because there’s so much to tell. although I agree 4h for a Movie is way too much, if all that has to be there, just break it in 2

Robert Loughrey
Robert Loughrey
4 years ago
Reply to  ThePingMachine

I disagree Many movies need to be in longer form. Basically anything that is based on a book of more than 250 pages.

Jay Field
Jay Field
4 years ago

This comic is FANTASTIC!! *LOL* I JUST posted a rant about this on my FB this morning, actually. With the exception of “Dawn of the Dead” and “300,” and MAYBE “Watchmen” (VERY maybe, and I personally classify it in the following category, the ending missed the ENTIRE POINT of the story), the rest of his directorial career is a slog of tiresome mediocrity and humorlessly grim-dark-edge-lord shaky-cam action and boring predictable drudgery and commercial or critical failure. – Legends of the Guardians: a movie no one knows, no one watched, no one remembers – Sucker Punch: How did he manage… Read more »

4 years ago

Honestly this move is more than likely a direct result of no one being able to make new content. This isn’t to appease fans, it’s because Hollywood has no other ideas to make money right now cause they can’t work in the studios. So they’ll take a tone of footage they already recorded and have people work from home to clean it up and release it, but it’ll still be subpar because they won’t be able to access teams the size they normally would for post-production work.

4 years ago
Reply to  Dylan

I wouldn’t blame Hollywood being stale on the cause of this movie being rereleased with a different cut, but more that DC has no clue what to do with their cinematic universe now because they screwed it up pretty badly but are too prideful to just scrap the whole thing and start over from scratch.

4 years ago

It’s really ironic to see the inverse of history here. The Avengers exist because JLA was making loads of money and Marvel was like “Hey, we like loads of money!” and copied the cross over idea. Cut to The Avengers MCU film and DC is like “Hey these Marvel movies are making lots of money, we like lots of money!”

It’s odd to see the Bizarro world result that has the DCU totally bombing at the box office but sure, adding a bunch of footage to a crap movie will make it not crap I guess. o_O

Robert Loughrey
Robert Loughrey
4 years ago

The Avengers is not a crossover movie.

4 years ago

For a second I thought this was about the Tony Hawk 1+2 Remaster.

4 years ago

Worked for Superman II for the most part when the Richard Donner cut was released.

4 years ago
Reply to  Kevin

Superman 1-4 happened despite the issues with #2. Justice League 1 pretty much killed that effort into a franchise, recutting it won’t save it, it can only make it fail less.

4 years ago

I’ll watch it if they make it, but other notable successes in this realm (Superman 2 Donner cut and Highlander 2 Renegade edition) saw the franchise moving forward despite these poor offerings. Justice League was supposed to kick off a DCEU, but with Batman already recast and Superman in question, this won’t unring the bell of a franchise ending move.

4 years ago
Reply to  Jacob

Henry Cavill still wants to be Superman if I recall but was just grossly under used and didn’t get more movies so he started to do his own thing. He might not have time to do it now though since he’s playing Geralt of Rivia in the Witcher now. DC’s loss for not keeping him busy with more Superman movies.

4 years ago

Ewwwwwwwwww, DC superheroes..

4 years ago
Reply to  Leon

well SOMEBODY hasn’t seen Aquaman, Wonder Woman, or Shazam…

4 years ago
Reply to  Char

SOMEBODY reminds me of Comic Book Guy from The Simpsons…….

4 years ago

while i agree with you tim, they rushed through the process to try and compete with marvel, ill happily sit through ANY comic movie. i do enjoy movies. wife and i watch b-grade movies for the giggles.that being said… ill wait till it is out on my cable service before going out and paying for it.

4 years ago

Whats the point?
they would have better luck not making a Batman or Superman or JLA Movie for a while.
Birds of Prey sequel?, I’m in.
Suicide Squad sequel?, I’m in ( lot of actors paydays for that one though).
How bout make a good green lantern movie?
DC got any other Characters they haven’t used yet?

4 years ago

If I remember correctly, Joss Whedon was brought in because the original cut was called “unwatchable” by test audiences.

Duane E Naulls
Duane E Naulls
4 years ago
Reply to  Tim

That’s when everything went wrong, not before when Snyder’s plans were still intact.

4 years ago
Reply to  Tim

There are many articles indicating Snyder was done before that. Whedon came in before that happened. e.g.
I’m willing to give it a shot, but I was very shaky on Snyder’s take on Superman and Batman. A house built on a weak foundation and all that.

Big Johnny
Big Johnny
4 years ago

The animated DC movies always deliver, but all their big budget crap is always just crap. Never understood it.

4 years ago
Reply to  Big Johnny

Man of Steel was pretty good in my opinion (Batman vs Superman sucked though), Wonder Woman was great, Aquaman was good, and Shazam was good as well.

4 years ago
Reply to  Big Johnny

just different productions, turns out good animator can do wonders only long as its not live acted

4 years ago

I’m curious about this but I’m really not expecting it to be a transcendental experience. Honestly my biggest problem with the Justice League movie was the way you knew as soon as things seemed darkest Superman would recover and show up to save the day. Superman is just too powerful to really be interesting in most stories to me.

Nuno Fernandes
Nuno Fernandes
4 years ago
Reply to  Unagiman

Remember the end of he Man of Steel? That was controvertial because Superman would have found another way, in the eyes of his fans. The interesting thing about Superman is he is so powerful, that its easy to solve any problem, if he doesnt care about the consequences. Its a hard concept to write for, because if you show that he worries too much, it gets boring. If he doesnt care, then it was never a problem to begin with because he is so OP, he wiil find a way to win, and its boring. The 1st Christopher Reeves Superman… Read more »

4 years ago

GenericCo Critic Rating of Justice League: 57%
GenericCo Critic Rating of Justice League: Snyder Cut: 61%

4 years ago

I dunno what it is with DC. They always seem to mess up somewhere or maybe it is the choice of Dark feel that superman/batman v S./Justice hero’s are shot in. Instead of the Hope/fun themes their later stuff is shot in like Shazam : pure child wish fulfillment and humor that kinda knew what it was and stuck with it. Aquaman : Drunken stoupor + reluctant King but the change just didnt feel earned Wonderwoman : Hope, seeing the good in people BUT that ending URGH. woulda been better if posion lady just incapacitated enough so she cant stop… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Coffil

I did like Man of Steel even though it had it’s flaws. I did like how it was a first contact sort of deal with an alien species type of movie in addition to Clark becoming Superman. I always did wonder why there wasn’t more of a reaction to first contact with an alien species.

I agree with the other films though.

4 years ago

DC/WB need to just stop making various batman movies and spin offs of that character. They have such a big catalog to choose from. Batman should only be part of a JL if included at all.

4 years ago
Reply to  EthernetGuru

Batman will always be in Justice League since he is part of the holy trinity of DC. It’s not really Justice League if Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman aren’t part of the team.

4 years ago

I usually call this somewhat puzzling phenomenon, the “Ivory Tower.” Where, in spite of the entire world telling them (in unison) what they’re doing wrong, and their access to top-notch marketing and research… They just keep on falling off the same cliff. Often enough, their desire for never-ending rivers of money keeps them sharp. But sometimes they just lose it, and it’s confusing for all of us. Maybe they’re just too far removed from the world the rest of us live in? Too surrounded by sycophants, to listen to anybody else? Huge companies often fail to recognise their own resources,… Read more »

4 years ago

This was supposed to be DC’s big crossover.

Compared to any of Marvels crossovers, even the unliked age of ultron, and it’s still a pile of steaming dog doodie.

The rAt
The rAt
4 years ago

I’m not gonna say Snyder is incapable of making a good movie, but he’s definitely capable of making a bad one (see Sucker Punch). People give Wheadon a lot of credit for how poorly Justice League turned out – and to be fair, they may absolutely be right. But Whedon, for me, has a more consistent track record, and more of the things that worked (for me) about Justice League that worked felt like they had his fingerprints on them than Snyder’s. As an example, Justice League is the first DC cinematic movie in which Superman’s personality (in my opinion)… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  The rAt

That’s part of the reason why I’m not really optimistic on this Snyder Cut of Justice League is going to be any better. If anything it might end up being worse in some ways because it would be a lot darker than the version we got.

Some guy who rages
Some guy who rages
4 years ago

I don’t necessarily think it’s the writers, but more the studio behind it making decisions. I very sincerely doubt the new cut of the movie will be somehow better, I’ve been burned by DC so many times I don’t have faith anymore, but if this IS better, then I hope the execs who thought it was a good idea to introduce Wonderwoman in a Batman V Superman film (packing it in even more densely for some odd reason) would listen up, take a slow deep breath and listen to the film makers. They’ve carved enough money out of fans to… Read more »

4 years ago

just to say but this is excellent meme template

4 years ago
Reply to  raven0ak

Yep, I was expecting the grave to read Fallout 76

W. James
W. James
4 years ago

This it exactly what I’ve been saying about Star Wars.

Dingle Bloopynoop
Dingle Bloopynoop
3 years ago

alright Tim do you want your crow baked, smoked, or fried?