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The Good Son

November 8, 2021 by Tim

Whelp, that’s a wrap on Issue #9, which means its back to work for me. If The Starcaster Chronicles is not your cup of tea, I appreciate your patience while I took a much-needed vacation.

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I’ll be the first to admit that I often overwork myself and that I am not great about scheduling regular days off (or often, days off at all), and so the time off that posting issues of Starcaster provides amounts to the only real break that I get. And it’s important to take a step away once in a while to recharge.

I wish I could say this vacation was all rest and relaxation, but it ended up being rather the opposite; a week up on scaffolding siding a portion of my house, renovating one of our bathrooms, driving a state away to help my buddy take out a wall in his kitchen. Though, in a way, that sort of stuff provides its own sort of peace, in that having projects handing over my head is a constant source of stress, and getting them done clears that away.

And there were lots of fun projects, too. Overnight campouts, driving to see friends, doing Halloween pumpkin crawls/haunted houses with the kids, building a bunch of proton packs for our family costumes, etc. While I wouldn’t say I’m well-rested, it certainly did a lot for my mental wellbeing.

I did find a few days in there solely for me, to just completely veg out and play some games. Got into the new Guardians of the Galaxy game, which proved to be incredibly entertaining. Not particularly deep; the combat had just enough to prevent it from getting too stale, but wasn’t necessarily complex. But the story, voice acting, tone of the whole game was a really nice surprise.

Moreover it was proof that you don’t need to tack on a ton of multiplayer or ongoing service features to a game like this; you can simply create a fun, contained experience and that’s enough.

I still love the combat in The Avengers, and I enjoy playing through all of the story/campaign additions they bring to the game every couple of months. But over a year out, there is still little compelling reason to grind that game in a regular basis. The loot/gear aspect of the game isn’t very engaging, and while I hoped they’d make some strides in that department, for every step forward they make, they take one or two backwards or sideways.

Spider-man is finally coming at the end of the month (apparently), and I will happily fire up The Avengers once again to play through his story content. But more and more I feel like that game would have gone over much better if the story stuff is all they’d done. Tacking on all of the extra stuff and then fumbling it clouded what could have been exactly what Guardians is: a fun, contained super-hero story that you play through and move on from.

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3 years ago

Personally, I wouldn’t mind longer breaks without content, that’s a given for web comic artists. But I am not a patron, so my opinion might not matter much.

3 years ago

Not a fan of the Starcaster stuff, but then you all probably know as I’ve been an ass about it. What I did realize is how much one (such as myself) takes the free stuff for granted and that I tend to forget that Tim also needs a break every now and then.

So I hope the time off did you some good (I read your piece) and welcome back!

3 years ago
Reply to  Dodgy

…Is that an apology in a online webforum? My faith in humanity just got a little bit improved.

-The John-
-The John-
3 years ago

My dude I totally love your Starcaster stuff.

3 years ago

Starcaster is the reason why I F5. Tell a story

Jeff CB Jones
Jeff CB Jones
3 years ago

Personally I like the Starcaster stuff. My only problem with it is that the story seems to move a little slowly. Not to criticize, just that there seems to be a lot of dialogue and debate without much really happening… Kind of like watching a season of Battlestar Galactica. You know something’s going to happen at the end of the season, but until then there’s gonna be a lot of interpersonal arguments, intrigues and discussions… and not much else.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jeff CB Jones

mayyyybe. At the same time Calway got even more “screen time” and that really builds that character. She will be important and a big part of the story. But I agree; this issue was particularly slow, but it established some rather important flagpoles.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jeff CB Jones

slow story progression? My man, you should definately check out the story arc of
Now THAT is a 10 year masterclass on “how you drag a story out”. 😀

3 years ago
Reply to  evilleet

LFG was good once… unfortunately now the plot is just confused references to issues of the day or stolen from whatever tv/stream he may have been watching.
Hopefully it stays up so the early days are still available for checking out again, but the last year or more are just evidence of it circling the drain.

The Legacy
The Legacy
3 years ago
Reply to  evilleet

Ugh… tell me about it. Lol It jumped the shark after that main character died. Honestly the way that part of the story line ended should have been it. It was masterfully done in my opinion.

At this point it feels like they’re trying to beat a dead horse for the past four years. It’s already dead. The creators simply haven’t realized it yet, nor do the fans who still give it enough love to keep it going. Honestly, they should have ran with NPC.

Last edited 3 years ago by The Legacy
Robert Loughrey
Robert Loughrey
3 years ago
Reply to  Jeff CB Jones

Its proceeding quite quickly actually if you read it through at once. It only seems slow because about 2 issues come out per year. If you pay the $2.00 and read all 11 issues straight though on the Patreon the pacing is good.

3 years ago

I do not agree that it proceeds quickly. I have the Patreon, and while it’s quality reading and I have no qualms about paying a whopping 24 dollars a year, it’s definitely slow in my opinion and markedly weighted towards dialogue. 11 issues in and very few impactful action sequences, there’s been a couple feisty interactions with the Grin assassin but that’s pretty much it. Even the “space battle” we just saw in issue 9 was literally four pages long and then the enemies ran away. I understand the story is still building, but the writing style certainly seems more… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Jesse
3 years ago
Reply to  Jeff CB Jones

Some shows like BSG have such great characters and actors that merely having them talk in a room for an entire episode is infinitely more entertaining than seasons of a show that constantly has over the top action and contrived plot developments for their own sake. And BSG was its worst when it devolved into nonsensical plot arcs at the end while neglecting its characters. The Starcaster stuff is not on that level though. But I think that has more to do with the comic book format. You can’t just put too much depth into short comics, so more focus… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Jeff CB Jones

Yeah, BSG was the worst… It started well with the miniseries and then it all fizzled out. Instead of focusing on the brilliant main plot the show chose to ignore it. Instead we got people arguing, fistfighting and being depressed. Like we got a whole episode about them visiting a black market or some girl being unstable because of some scarred drone. Two worst filler episodes in the history of TV. These should have been C plot in other episodes instead of wasting two whole episodes. Anything that happened in the first three seasons could have been done in half… Read more »

3 years ago

At this point S.E. is on my shitlist for owning so many IP’s and leaving them all to rot.
Deus Ex
Legacy of Kain
Would it kill them to make a new Chrono game in the modern gen?

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
3 years ago
Reply to  Kaitensatsuma

Chrono is the grown child who had a falling out and now no one ever mentions at family Christmas, for fear that Mom’s going to start throwing things again and keep telling the littles that they need to be thinking about POSITIVE role models, like big brother Final Fantasy.

3 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

Too be fair to Mum, he did go a little off the rails in his Cross days. He was experimenting, but definitely had more than a few people worried for good reason. That being said, it is only a matter of time till big brother asks him back to write a raid for FFXIV.

3 years ago
Reply to  SimplyMonk

There’s literally a game that was just recently released named “Dungeon Encounters” and what it is, is literally what it says on the tin and they took the “Back to the Basics” thing a bit too far, so I don’t want to hear from Mum about experimentation is bad or something. ? “Oh, but the guy who came up with ATB and other awesome systems from 9 and 12 took part in it” How? I don’t see any evidence of his involvement here. Is this like that Konami thing where they slapped Kojima’s name over everything in MGSV even though… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Kaitensatsuma
3 years ago
Reply to  SimplyMonk

Chrono Cross is my favorite RPG of all time…

3 years ago

I like most of the story lines, the only part I don’t like is the switching of story lines while the old story was not done. I don’t mind switching, but I hate when it happens without any satisfying end/intermediate point.

3 years ago

I like to dive into the lore of worlds (watching how the world functions), so the Starcaster Chronicles is quite nice in that case.

Analog & D-Pad Mainstory (or even the mainstory of the old CAD Comics) goes into a similar direction, even though in a more silly way.

I think the question is, if we really need 3 comics each week if this is too much work. And if Tim had used his normal schedule for Starcaster Chronicles he had more freetime.

In case of Analog & D-Pad, would it be possible to bring back Abby, the Punkgirl?

3 years ago

Just as it got startet to get interesting again. Why Tim? 😉 It is safe to say, we would like to see more ongoing content of you in the future, so taking more days off and not getting burned out (sickleave and shit) , should be possible and totally okay with your followers. We will come back anyway, if new content is available. Of course the backers should also be asked first, but I just asume they will be even more forgiving. Stay healthy and thanks for the great effort, to keep this going!

Erik B
Erik B
3 years ago
Reply to  Alex

As a Patreon backer of Starcaster, I can assure you when Tim told us he’d be skipping a month’s release, we were fine with it.

Michael Halpern-Nadel
Michael Halpern-Nadel
3 years ago

I’ve been around since the very beginning… I enjoy all the storylines 🙂

3 years ago

Hulk sad…….

3 years ago

Was surprised the starcaster stuff was over already, felt like there was still more to go before a chapter end

Also went back to make sure I hadn’t missed something. Didn’t realize you’ve been purging Starcaster from the archives

no thanks nintendo
no thanks nintendo
3 years ago
Reply to  faaresemo

He hasn’t been purging anything. There’s just weirdness in the navigation of the website. One set of buttons only moves you through the current “plot”, so if you pressed them on today’s comic you would never find Starcaster. The other buttons will go through everything ever uploaded.

To this day, I still can’t remember which buttons are which, and often hit the wrong ones while archive binging and get confused.

3 years ago

well, easy remember: buttons next to page are for page, buttons top of page are for site

3 years ago
Reply to  raven0ak


It depends upon whether you are on a main page or comic page

If the comments are not loaded, you are on a main page and buttons (all of them) work through site

If the comments are loaded, you are on a comic page and buttons (again, all of them) work through specific series

3 years ago

Would it be possible to set up two back/previous buttons (where appropriate):

  • back to previous date
  • back to previous in this series

The second one is only needed when you change series in the main page. Hmm, I guess you might also want two forward/next buttons for the same reason.

3 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Hmm, so I see. It’s still a bit quirky, though, because of the way the top button changes behavior once you enter a series, and also you have to be careful how you go back. That is, using the browser back button works in a series, but doesn’t work from the main page top buttons. So you get into this mindset of thinking “I have to use back/forward from the page, not the browser”, but if you use the big arrow back, you can’t use the big arrow forward to go back to the main page, because now you’re in… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  CityZen

Wait, what? I am on Chrome, and I don’t see those gray arrows. If I click the green previous button I am sent into the previous comic of that series in the archive. (Currently the previous button takes me to “Master of the Grind” )

3 years ago
Reply to  Arcatus

You might want to play with your window size/zoom – if the arrows don’t have enough space near the comic page they don’t get shown.

no thanks nintendo
no thanks nintendo
3 years ago

Spider-Man is coming… But only if you bought the game for PlayStation. Xbox and PC customers get excluded.

Spider-Man’s release should be a fun time, a reason to be happy, but instead it’s just another reminder of how badly Square Enix botched Avengers. To this day this remains the reason why I won’t buy the game no matter how low the price gets – I’ll still be getting excluded from part of the game, so Square Enix simply doesn’t deserve my money.

All paying customers deserve the full game regardless of the platform they choose to play on.

Last edited 3 years ago by no thanks nintendo
3 years ago

Wait, Starcaster issue 9 finished already? Was there only one choice this issue?

3 years ago

A month ago I said I’d be back once Tim started stealing his kid’s Halloween candy. At the time I thought my post might have been too early, yet here I am a week into November.

I’ll be back in a few minutes… I know my kids still have Halloween candy around here. By the way, how many licks does it take to get to the tootsie roll center of a tootsie pop?

3 years ago

I love Starcaster, I’m always super happy when it’s back

3 years ago

so, the opposite of the movies, I guess

3 years ago

I love Starcaster for what it is worth. A great series.