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The Presence

August 2, 2023 by Tim

Ever been woken up by that “there’s someone in the room” sixth sense?

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Lord Foxxy Foxington
Lord Foxxy Foxington
1 year ago

Only by my dog.

1 year ago

In my case is not exactly the same, but being awoken by a wet thing touching my hand suddenly…those noses are dangerous weapons

1 year ago
Reply to  Gonfrask

Wet thing touching Your hand? Imagine wet cat’s nose right at Your face with some purring ASMR. 😛

Dan Major
Dan Major
1 year ago
Reply to  Mike

OR cat-butt on your face – so much fun – thanks kitteh!

1 year ago
Reply to  Dan Major

Or your cat jumping on your belly to wake you up… sometimes he misses the belly and lands right below it.

1 year ago

When I was a kid, my first dog would wake me up by kissing me in the face repeatedly until I got up and out of bed. She’d then go to sleep in my bed right where I was laying down immediately after.

As an adult with my current dog, she’ll put a paw to my face and then give me a kiss or two to wake me up to feed her.

1 year ago

Our youngest child did this semi-regular back when she was a toddler; crawling out of her bed, walking to us and just standing there silently until one of us wakes up.

Lost years of my lifetime back then…

1 year ago
Reply to  DokuroKM

Our kids never did this, they probably understood their parents were semi-feral and went from sleep to attack. Their trick was to fall out of bed so hard the whole house shook and then climb into their toy box and start rummaging. You wouldnt think lego makes that much noise but in the confines of a toy box our youngest managed to get extra reverb and volume.

I can and have slept though tornadoes but once they got going i really envied my deaf wife.

1 year ago

This happened to me this morning :0 I pretended to be sleeping for minute and my daughter just stood there watching me…

1 year ago

6:23AM? You lucky, lucky bastard.

1 year ago
Reply to  Robert

5 am… almost every morning…

1 year ago

Seeing this, I’m (extra) glad I don’t have kids. 😉

1 year ago

Many years ago I was visiting some distant relatives who happened to have a house cat. He wasn’t particularly hyped about new people invading his territory; and that’s on top of the fact that he was generally not the most trusting cat in the world – despite living with that family for years, he was on really good terms with only one person – the guy who picked him up when he was a stray. Anyway, one night/early morning I was sleeping in a bed that was really low and close to the floor. Something disturbed my sleep (must’ve been… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  GUNnibal

One time I was visiting some friends, who had a 3 story house (walkout basement) and 3 cats. I slept on the couch in the basement that night.

What I didn’t know was that two of the cats don’t get along, and each keeps to their own floor at nighttime. The main floor cat got locked in the basement with the other one, and the two proceeded to fight all night long. Around me, on top of me, even. They didn’t tell me until the morning that Ymar wasn’t supposed to be down there.

Sir Syzygy
Sir Syzygy
1 year ago

The word you’re looking for is “propioception”: the ability to sense when others are outside your field of vision. A useful adaptation to protect from off-screen predators

1 year ago
Reply to  Sir Syzygy

Propioception is your ability to sense the location and movement of your body, also known as kinesthesia.

1 year ago

In fact i had that once, was so convinced that someone was there i kicked into the air in darkness … Scary shit

1 year ago

Oh yes, THIS is something I can attest to, to a frightening degree. Woke up in the middle of the night some years back, and literally not two, three seconds later I heard the doorknob to my front door jiggling, at 3am.

Flipped on ALL the lights and stomped my way to the living room just in time to hear someone running away.

Next morning, found out one of our neighbors had been robbed that night, beaten up and left tied up.

Needless to say, every single light inside and outside the entire house remained on for the next year.

Dan Major
Dan Major
1 year ago
Reply to  Kenju22

YIKES – that would have me doing motion-sensor lights, cameras, etc…

The Legacy
The Legacy
1 year ago
Reply to  Kenju22

I’m glad you woke up! And glad you’re okay. Scary stuff.

1 year ago

If that ain’t the damn truth. Two boys, both of which have always had silent ninja feet and you get the hair raising up on the back of your neck at 3 AM. Awake to see 2 eyes peering at you 6 inches away and as you’re silently screaming at whatever evil thing is about to kill you, it whispers “can I have a juice box.”

Fun times.

1 year ago

Putting this here, cause I’ve loved this story ever since I first read it.

1 year ago


Yes, both my boys did the VERY same thing to me when they were young! Usually after I had pulled a double shift and was too exhausted to put up a fight, so to speak. Once my wife and I had a conversation about it, it came to a screeching halt! Next time I got woke up, I’d tell them to ask mom, which they already had so they pestered me instead. Gotta love them kids!

1 year ago

Make it scary and it will stop. Some alka-setzer tablets, I little eye makeup and all the growling you can muster and you will Not be interrupted or have to deal with monsters either as you awakened improperly will be more frightening than Anything an imagination can conjure.

Duane E Naulls
Duane E Naulls
1 year ago

Back in the 90’s when my parents owned a pot bellied pig, the pig would jump on my back and squeal in my ear (the pig’s way of dealing with deaf people) every morning for breakfast.

1 year ago

Once. The cat decided 2am was an excellent time to jump up on my legs. I attempted to both wake up and sit up instantly. Sadly gravity was not in my favor to sit that quickly and ended up doing a jackknife in bed. My rising legs combined with the blanket turned into a make shift Cat A Pult. My furry friend spent the next 3 days glaring at me after his brief experience with flight.

1 year ago

My daughter has done this but she has long straight hair. And my side of the bed has a light from the background that she always stand in front of, giving her the girl from the ring movie look.

I can’t tell you how many times she’s just stood there not saying anything but I wake up for some reason and just see that looking down at me.

1 year ago

Everything about this is my life. Get out of my head,

1 year ago

Got 4. So yeah. Every. Single. Morning…

1 year ago

I remember doing that to my parents.
It wasn’t until I was much older that I realized how terrifying it must have been.