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The Starcaster Chronicles 06.09

June 4, 2018 by Tim

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6 years ago

wait, so theres only one starcaster ?

6 years ago
Reply to  arsawatt

If I understand/remember correctly, there are four in total. The Federation have two, the Dranglaex claimed to have two but only have one, and Cort has the other one.

Commentary Ver.2.72
Commentary Ver.2.72
6 years ago
Reply to  arsawatt

There are six (known) starcasters, and there was a balance with both sides of the conflict possessing 2, until it was revealed one side only actually had one. This caused balance to be slightly off.

6 years ago

And we have no idea so far where the other two are. To add to your statement.

6 years ago

Yes, as was stated in the drangalex were supposed to have 2, the federation 2, and the other 2 are apparently of no consequence (belonging to races that Tim probably hasn’t even come up with a name for yet)

6 years ago

“… treat him to a nice drink at the nearest drinking establishment and send him on his way” ??

James Rye
James Rye
6 years ago

Great, now the feds want us dead and Cort will like never fully agree to work for the feds again given his history, so we’re royally fucked from both ends. xD

6 years ago

Oof…now I’m even more concerned. Also, what galaxy is Quell living in? Last time we were close enough to be helped and he brought up our ‘shared history’, we lightspeeded ourselves the hell away from him to stop hearing him. The only good news here is that we’re all correct in predicting how the government will react – by wanting our head either under their thumb or on a plate (wait….)

6 years ago
Reply to  Brent

Cort may be more receptive now that he has time to think things over. Like yes he has bad blood with the Federation but he also probably still trust Quell as a old family friend and he really doesn’t want the burden of having the Starcaster. It is possible (but very unlikely since Cort is pretty darn stubborn) that Cort actually accepts Quell’s offer to help the second time around. The way I see it Cort really doesn’t want to deal with the Starcaster anymore, if Quell were to say offer him safe passage within Federation who most likely have… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  tiamatt

Sorry but Cort was dead on about the corruption and greed that has moved like a cancer in the Federation. He most likely will avoid the heck out of them as this is a Grey vs. Black morality of the two major factions.

6 years ago
Reply to  Nealithi

True but I think he puts Quell in a different light from the Federation that he hates, and again he really wants to be rid of the Starcaster. Also I’d like to think he’s smart enough to know that he can’t actually just run and hide from everyone looking for him. Just saying if the one trustworthy person in the universe besides current shipmates offers him a out to a situation he really wants no part of I don’t see him not giving it some serious thought.

Mr B
Mr B
6 years ago
Reply to  tiamatt

Yeah…No. He’s not going to hand over “the ultimate weapon” to a group he thinks of as corrupt, greedy and power hungry people. Regardless of what the reality is. And, of course, he simply can not hand it over, since the story would end. He MIGHT be willing to act in the best interest of the federation, IF they are willing to pay, and only instances where he agrees with what the federation wants. Quell is going to have a hard time to float that past the higher ups, meaning this is soon going to end up being him running… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Mr B

Not that he can. One of the downsides to wearing the Starcaster was that you couldn’t remove it without removing the limb attached.

5 months ago
Reply to  tiamatt

I’m not convinced that he can trust Quell. Cort hasn’t acted like he trusts him.

I know Quell promised Cort’s father to watch out for him. I know Quell appears honorable. But Cort having found out Quell is a ‘dirty cop’ would fit the back story we know Really well.

Cort’s leaving in disgrace. His disallusionment with the Federation. Cort not talking with Quell. Quell watching for any sign of Cort. ECT

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
6 years ago
Reply to  Brent

However you look at it, distance-wise, Quel can’t be more than a few hours’ travel away from Cort. Forget about away light-years and galaxies; they’re just moot numbers when everyone can travel at the same speed. Because Spek and Cort were discussing travel time and route when discussing a discrepancy of a few hours, it wouldn’t have been a trip that took up days. You don’t agree to meet for dinner without specifying a time when it could be a few days’ journey. And besides, Quel’s got people tracking Cort right now. He certainly can act.

6 years ago

Cort? Threat to the federation? Ha!
…he’s so dead…

6 years ago
Reply to  Mistborn

“Just back the hell off! Don’t make me use this thing!”
“…..You’ve been pointing it at us for ten minutes with nothing happening.”
“Y….yeah! Because…you don’t want to die anymore than I want to kill you, so–”
“Alright, he’s just an idiot. Shoot him, men.”

*several rounds of heavy weapons fire later….*

“Yeah…this thing heals stuff really quick, so…”
“Very well….tag it is, then.”

6 years ago
Reply to  Brent

And before anyone says that the heavy weapons fire would overwhelm the healing abilities, I will remind you that Dristim died of starvation, not of any wounds suffered. Starvation is a little bit harder to heal than a chopped-off limb (did I really just write that? Oy….)

6 years ago
Reply to  Brent

Unless the Starcaster converts energy to matter, I would assume it instead uses energy to accelerate the body’s healing processes to orders of magnitude faster. In that case, it still requires materials to get the job done. So the Starcaster could arguably *accelerate* starvation.

Mr B
Mr B
6 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Increased metabolic processes also have been indicated by Courts increased body temperature. It’s a safe bet that he needs to eat.
But realistically, the federation knows about the healing-factor, the only advantage Court might have, is if a certain someone knows something the federation doesn’t know, possibly specific to this starcaster.
That is… If we didn’t vote her of the story. I voted to keep. Do we know the over all outcome?

6 years ago
Reply to  Tim

I don’t think so. From everything we’ve read, it seems to draw its power from the star and not the wearer, so any materials it might need would come from said star. Of course, an organic being like Cort is so small that the amount of energy drawn to heal him would be quite small compared to the full amount of potential energy in the star (the old glass of ocean water analogy). If what you’re theorizing were accurate, we’d probably have seen some more effects of the changed internal processes by now – increased hunger, tiredness, possibly stomach pains.… Read more »

6 years ago

So if Sir Dinohead is the Triumvir of war, then what are the roles of the other two?

6 years ago
Reply to  Him.

Money and justice, I would assume

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
6 years ago
Reply to  Brent

Makes sense to me.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
6 years ago

I’m rather surprised – the Vicens are being rather level-headed about the whole thing. Even Vicen Droma, who is clearly the most warlike one, is perfectly reasonable, as we just saw the Dranglaex plan to raze a few planets. Maybe the federation isn’t so corrupt at the top.

Quel – when the time comes, would you really be able to do that?

Great story so far, Tim. Love it, and this community. Thank you.

6 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

I honestly expected a response akin to the Mass Effect council like many pointed out from the previous comic. So this is surprising.

6 years ago

Dude, sci-fi stuff is good and all, but what happened to the video game stuff, namely the Console Wars? I haven’t seen the Xbox One X in action yet! Also, I’d love to see handhelds involved in the action. And what about prequels? Ya know, PS1 v. N64 v. Saturn?

6 years ago

I’ll field this one, boss.

Tim writes his story arcs in cycles. There’ll be an issue of Console Wars, then there will be an issue of Starcaster Chronicles, then there will be an issue of Analog and D-Pad, with some filler non-story arc related comics sprinkled in between. The exact order may vary depending on how the muse speaketh, but if you really don’t like a particular comic, I suggest following Tim’s twitter. That would probably give you a heads up on what the next story arc to come will be.

6 years ago
Reply to  Brent

Ok, cool. I’m still a bit new to Tim’s stuff, so I was a bit confused. Thanks.