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The Starcaster Chronicles 06/13

June 13, 2018 by Tim


Also I want to point out that we now only have nineteen copies of the CAD 1.0 Ombibus left in our US warehouse. Once they’re gone, that’s it. The digital version will be around in perpituity, and we have lots of high-res Digital PDFS on data DVDs, but I will not reprint this set as books again.

With that said, we do still also have a handful of copies in Australia as well. So if you live there in Australia or New Zealand, you can order one from there and save on shipping. Use the buttons here.

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6 years ago

I’m missing the option : Go talk to the federation. It seems the option with lowest amount of “chances to die”. Hell why doesn’t he except their help ?

6 years ago
Reply to  Kevin

Sure. That could be an option. On the other hand Speck and Nyrah could create a diversion once the talk with an agent goes south.

By the way… 2Xth century and they use even more obvious ear-plug comms than we have now? 😀

6 years ago
Reply to  Mor

Things are even more RGB than what it is now.

6 years ago
Reply to  Mor

The other method involves invasive surgery and transhumanization.

Depending on the universe’s ideologies, I can see humans not taking the offer up.

6 years ago
Reply to  Mor

I feel it’s more the way he’s standing. The earpiece could just be a headphone or something. Standing rigidly facing a wall whilst looking at a tablet is a bit suspect. Surely you’d lean on the wall or something if you were there casually?

6 years ago
Reply to  Mor

I was going to say the same thing. It’s space future, they don’t have itty bitty bone conduction or something specks you just stick behind your ear? Although it could be a thing of bureaucracy and “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it”.

6 years ago
Reply to  Kevin

It could be an option IF he ever wanted to get in touch with those people. The whole point is he doesn´t trust a whole lot of people besides the two he is with right now – otherwise he would have turned himself in allready.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
6 years ago
Reply to  Tue

Exactly. Going to talk to the Federation flies contrary to their plans and would be completely out of character. Besides, do you remember what happened the last time that they trusted the Federation? Nyrah almost got handed back to the Dranglaex and Cort lost half his ear.

I see it being an option only if they’re surrounded and out-gunned.

James Rye
James Rye
6 years ago
Reply to  Kevin

No way, the feds might not be a genocide committing organization (at least for what we know about it, in Mass Effect the Krogans were nearly wiped out by their version of Federation) but they are just a smaller evil compared to the Empire. They are corrupt, most likely specists, probably towards humans as well, and have their own intern power struggles between different parties we have yet to see for sure. Better not get involved with that till we can control the Starcaster and negotiate from a position of power and not desperation.

Tim V.
Tim V.
6 years ago
Reply to  Kevin

That probably isn’t an option because it isn’t something that Cort would actually do!

6 years ago

I whish there would have been a “confront him” option. Could have been fun and I’m pretty sure hiding won’t work.

6 years ago

Huh, could go either way.

On the one hand, you don’t want to light up a signal flare saying “CORT IS HERE” by creating a huge commotion, especially if it turns out that agent is here for somebody else.

On the other hand, if he IS there for Cort, you’re already blown and some chaos may be the best solution.

Personally, I’d err on the side of caution and just try to get the hell out of Dodge ASAP.

6 years ago
Reply to  Alyric

Not only that. “CORT IS HERE” might be end up being written out with a planet-destroying super-laser blasted out from the middle of a should-be-airtight space station…

6 years ago
Reply to  Alyric

I agree. Just get to the Aphelion. You cause a large enough diversion, you’ll inadvertently draw attention to yourself from everywhere.

6 years ago
Reply to  SupAll

My first instinct was to go straight for the ship, but I’m assuming the federation is definitely there for Cort, since they already know he’s there, they probably have his ship watched as well. Seems like a distraction will give them the easiest chances of getting out of there.

6 years ago
Reply to  Alyric

Keep in mind a couple strips ago. The Federation knows that Cort is there, and are either there or heading there. As is the bounty hunter.

6 years ago

Any diversion would probably result in Cort (mis)using the Starcaster, so best best is to get back to the ship.

Mr B
Mr B
6 years ago

Went with the “sneak” alternative. No point in risking civilians, in a chaos confrontation.

6 years ago

It’s simple here : we know that the Feds have orders NOT to engage with Cort.

Causing Chaos would stir the Feds, lead to a confrontation AND screw up laters chances to talk to them.

So Rushing seems the best option. I expect his old partner to be at the ship tho.

6 years ago

Okay, I went with the diversion option. I almost feel like Quell would be moves ahead of us and there’s already someone (him) waiting at the ship anyway. A diversion at least has a chance of drawing him away….although he probably thinks we’d think that…oof, conflict.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
6 years ago
Reply to  Brent

I’m going with diversion as well. They’re ready tracking him; Cort should know their tactics and know how to give them the slip. Just walking to the ship, even if they have no confrontation, will just result in more Feds watching. This is his chance to break free.

6 years ago

I do believe you want to know if an ad decides to be obnoxious.

Here’s one:

Obviously, copying and pasting the frame did not capture the ACTUAL ad itself, and I can’t give more descriptions of the ad itself other than “some foreign sounding language fake interviewer interviewing two others”… but I hope all the text in the link contains enough markers to catch which ad this is.

6 years ago
Reply to  wkz

The same ad played when I refreshed the page.

Apparently it’s a Gillette Blue 3 ad.

Not sure why the sound is on when it popped up the first time thou… this second time was quiet.

6 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Its a ghost in the code.

6 years ago

Tim, are you working for Telltale studio? We better not have “he/she will remember that” floating on page after each vote.

6 years ago
Reply to  Dreamer

InsignificantBackgroundChacter24 will remember this…

6 years ago
Reply to  Hamstermer

Or Bethesda and you get “Speck liked that” and “Nyrah hated that”

6 years ago

The problem with creating a diversion is it might attract more attention. Remember not every member of the Federation is a moron, so if something causes a big panic, there are going to be those who see it for what it is and zero in on that area, look closer at the ships that have been there and that leave. I’m going with the direct option to avoid a backfire.

6 years ago

I’d like to note how much I love the coloring on this page! The previous ones have been great, but the shadowing, particularly on Cort’s face here, is super-dramatic, and the colors themselves have a richness and depth that the only Cort comics didn’t have. It all makes my heart happy, as does the gentle blur on the background, “not in focus” parts of the images.

6 years ago

Too bad we can’t just bash him over the head to knock him out and steal his little ear piece. Then we’d be able to hear everything that the Federation is saying and avoid them even easier.

6 years ago
Reply to  Ven

You could if he’s dustragted by a loud distraction….I’m just saying…..

6 years ago
Reply to  Brent


6 years ago
Reply to  Brent

oooohhh GOOD POINT! That just swayed my vote, good sir!

6 years ago

I went with diversion, a bit of meta knowledge since we know the bounty hunter of death is also going to show up but seems like the best way to end up with the Feds in a tangle with the bounty hunter rather than both getting Cort.

James Rye
James Rye
6 years ago

I’d say go direct. If they know where Cort is they also know where his ship is. So a diversion won’t work as they are surely already watching the ship anyway. So the quicker we get outta there with the ship the faster we can lose the feds by jumping to another system. Also a diversion might lose us time, time that a certain bounty hunter might take to get there just in time to shot us.

6 years ago
Reply to  James Rye

This sums up my thoughts exactly.

6 years ago

I voted sneak. We weren’t told what kind of distraction is going to be caused and if they know Cort is on the station then a distraction wouldn’t really work. On top of that a distraction may announce to the galaxy Cort’s last known location which would make it easier to find him.

6 years ago

Straight to ship for me. Any station willing to buy a twice stolen ship quickly is not one to lightly causing a ruckus in. Also directly causing said distraction may attract metaphoric spotlights right on you for any and all enemies to know where you are/were. Straight to the ship might have guards on it or not. If it does it is presumably less than you face in the mall there. And if not then a quick check for trackers, then off you go.

Tim V.
Tim V.
6 years ago

I picked straight to the ship. We’ve seen multiple times in the past what making a ruckus does (get us into hot shit) so I don’t think an attempt at sneaking would benefit us much.

6 years ago

I know Cort thrives on picking the most chaotic option (blow up the floor, attack the Grin’s ship on the way out, join the firefight with the Feds back in issue 2), but this hardly seems the time. I went with trying to sneak out as well.

Not sure why they didn’t do something to throw the Feds off their trail when they left the Ona system, though. I suspect Cort’s stolen stolen ship was easily tracked with the flag on it, hence the UFP showing up so quick.

6 years ago

Not like the Federation immediately means they’re for him, I went with straight back to the ship, but I think they can just casually continue there while a bit wary. Not be immediately panicked.

martin stringer
martin stringer
6 years ago

If they’re already on station, likely they know the ships that docked recently and are already watching them, so just going to the ship will likely result in a confrontation right outside in the passageway. They would already have had time to setup and cover everything by the time Court got to the ship.

A diversion of some kind might be enough to pull them off the lookout. but if there were a way to get outside and get into the ship through an airlock without going through the station tube, that would be most likely to succeed.

David J Harshman
David J Harshman
6 years ago

I felt like there should be a ‘calm the f down, you don’t know that he’s here for you’ option. Nothing draws attention quite like running from police when no one is actually chasing you.

Still, I voted for leaving directly, as the only choice that isn’t ‘draw the Federation’s attention as much as possible.’

6 years ago

Now this is quite the question: If Cort sneaks, he could get captured…but only if a diversion has the same response. Giving everything we know, its unclear which is more likely to work out. Who knows? Maybe we’ll choose the right one, maybe the left one.

6 years ago
Reply to  Hamstermer

Something just occurred to me: Cort is assuming the Federation is here for him, but they could easily be hunting down someone else. Its a big galaxy and so that station could be the home ground of say an infamous seaweed-extract trafficker. Or that Purple Fire Dust, Vossium or something.

6 years ago

Stalking feds are stalking. Time to NOPE the fuck out of there. Can’t focus under those conditions, need to find someplace quiet and off the grid/map. Hope they’re not waiting around the ship to stick a foot in the door.

6 years ago

Just noticed that Cort now has white pupils. Is this a side effect of the Starcaster or just a random art anomaly?

Commentary Ver.2.72
Commentary Ver.2.72
6 years ago
Reply to  Somewhere

It looks to be starcaster related as it appears noticeable to a degree after he gets the starcaster when he makes an appearance but not before he got the starcaster

6 years ago

Time is precious. If the Federation had it’s people in place, Cort would be in custody or confronted by now. Rabbit it, break through the flight order for clearance, but get to the get away car NOW. Panic would lock the station down, and you don’t want to be on the station when things go sideways.

Besides, delay gives the Feds MORE time to track down your ship. Book it now, plan things out later.

6 years ago

Dang, couldn’t decide since they both sounded like fun. Going to leave this one up to lady luck and roll a D20, hmm it says head straight to the ship. If I helped end this story blame the dice. :p

Jon Glass
Jon Glass
6 years ago

I’m hoping people stick with the more reasonable options, at least for the time being. our options are too limited and there is way too high of a risk of prematurely ending this adventure.

Remember, there are death routes/game overs.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
6 years ago
Reply to  Jon Glass

No, there aren’t. Tim keeps reminding us that he’s here to tell a story, and that he won’t do one that just ends because we chose the wrong one. He gives us a choice when he’s equally invested in both outcomes.

Thought he has stated that he’s not above killing off supporting cast members due to bad choices…

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
6 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Well, crap.

3 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Mark my words, one day this man will make us choose between Spec and Nyrah…