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The Starcaster Chronicles 07.00

April 8, 2020 by Tim

So… I’m finally taking a vacation. I need a break. I need a little break for me, for my state of mind, and also I need a break because with the quarantine in place, our kids are home all day. The schools are shut down for who-knows-how-long. Our district has set up a distance learning program to continue class from home, and it’s a lot. It’s a big adjustment, and I don’t want it all falling on my wife’s shoulders while I work.

Fortunately, I’ve had The Starcaster Chronicles #7 tucked away for a while for this very reason. I’ve been waiting for the “perfect” time to use it for some time off, and I can’t think of a better time than now.

So starting today, and for the next month and a half, I will be updated five days a week, Monday through Friday, with pages from Starcaster issue 7. It’s been a while, so if you want to catch up, the previous six issues are here. If you dig the Starcaster Chronicles, and want to support its creation and catch up with issue 8 which is almost finished, as well as be involved with the voting aspect, the Starcaster Chronicles Patreon is here. Patrons get four new pages each month.

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Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
4 years ago

I almost literally shouted in joy when seeing this page. Except it’s 2 AM and I have a four-year-old and a wife who’s trying to sleep.

Five freaking updates a week for a month and a half of Starcaster. Hell yeah.

4 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

Yeah, at first I got very sad that Tim is taking a break thinking there would be fewer or no posts for a while. Then the 5 days a week statement, he could have said nothing and most of us would have never known. instead, it feels like he is going to be working in overdrive.

4 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

I may have squee’d a little myself

Kevin Greenbaum
Kevin Greenbaum
4 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

I didn’t even read that part, I just saw this series coming back after nearly two years and it made my day

Erik B
Erik B
4 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

I think you’ll like it, Eldest! It was a fun series, and like Tim said, we’re almost done issue 8!

4 years ago

Your vacation is well earned! I hope it’ll bring you what you need!

4 years ago

It’s going to be hard to get used to 3 days a week again after this! Super stoked and hope you have a good break from work with your family. Stay healthy!

4 years ago


Martin Junginger
Martin Junginger
4 years ago

As patreon, I can only say stay tuned – this is a fantastic issue! And Tim – enjoy a well-deserved vacation!

4 years ago

I Agree, take your time off and holy moly a month and a halve of 5 pages a week thats MASSIVE!
Cheers to you and your family, stay safe and healthy

4 years ago

Tim, good luck!
Everyone, enjoy the comics!
As for me, see you all in a month and a half or so (as this is not for me)!
Stay safe everyone!

4 years ago

Myyyyyyy preciousssssss

Adam Guthrie
Adam Guthrie
4 years ago

Quarantine break: translation, too freaked out with the wife and kids but I refuse to descend into alcoholism.

John Swift
John Swift
4 years ago

Awesome! I had been thinking about how its been so long for this. Its always been a great story, really excited to see the next chapter now. It makes sense but it must be hard to put in the effort to finish something large like this, while still doing normal upload and just sit on it, not sharing it for awhile. Enjoy your break, glad we are able to get extra content to view during it 🙂

Erik B
Erik B
4 years ago
Reply to  John Swift

Well, he has at least shared it and hasn’t had to sit on it completely, because the patrons were getting a few pages every month 😉

4 years ago

Enjoy the break (if trying to teach kids can be called that!) and we shall enjoy the Starcasters 🙂

4 years ago


Michael Livote
Michael Livote
4 years ago

Try to enjoy at least part of the break Tim….and thanks for the 5 days a week break for us!

The Legacy
The Legacy
4 years ago

Hooray! I was wondering what was happening with this. Wish I could have voted, but I understand why.

The Legacy
The Legacy
4 years ago

Hurray! I was wondering what was happening with this. Wish I could have voted, but I understand why.

James Rye
James Rye
4 years ago

Wohooo! Starlord, I mean Starcaster time! Last thing I remember is that he got the thingie on his hand is now “wow, was that me?”. XD

4 years ago
Reply to  James Rye

They escaped that cornering and he’s been wanting to get it off, but a space-battle broke out around this station and Space-Kore (read Goblins plz) has just now prevented their escape by crashing into the hanger.

4 years ago

Wow. You *finally” un shacked from its prison called Patreon. Took a pandemic for you to do it. It’s what it is. Something to help pass the time while in self isolation. Seriously though, a pandemic for us to be able to read it, kind of sad.

4 years ago
Reply to  Nuna

Since he was saving it for use as a vacation, I am sure we would have seen it closer to summer time when the kids were out of school. Instead of sass, you could have supported the project via Patreon and been in it sooner.

Erik B
Erik B
4 years ago
Reply to  Nuna

I don’t know about you, Nuna, but I’ve been able to read it this whole time. I just pay a couple bucks a month. To an artist. Who makes his living making art. That I mostly consume for free. If you don’t like it, take a hike. Artists need to make money too, and so the fact that Tim keeps the vast majority of his current AND back catalogue free, while only charging a very small fee to see the little bit extra early is pretty fair. And stop getting all tight over “oh I can’t justify being a patreon,… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Erik B

Calling me entitled is crap. I was stating how I feel about his choices. Having a opinion is being entitled. I just think it’s in poor taste to release it in a time like this. It’s finished you have available. Instead of sharing it when we’re in the right place to read. He goes and decides to release during a pandemic. When there are more important things to worry about. My opinion which I have the right to have. I wasn’t acting entitled. Freedom of speech dumb ass.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
4 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Especially when it’s freaking free content. I mean come on.

Everyone’s entitled to their opinion, Nuna. My opinion, which is my right to have, is that you need to grow the f*ck up and maybe not criticize someone so harshly for providing what probably took over a hundred hours to make, for free.

4 years ago
Reply to  Nuna

If you’re not in the right place to read it, you don’t have to read it right now. Pretend that he *did* go on hiatus, wait for him to ‘come back’, and read this comic when it’s right for you. Problem solved.

The Legacy
The Legacy
4 years ago
Reply to  Nuna

Freedom of speech does not protect a person from the consequences of their words. In fact, freedom of speech in the American context only applies to government. The First Amendment, in terms of speaking out with controversial opinions, will not protect a person from being fired from their job, losing friends or significant others, or even being vilified by the general public. The First Amendment, however, prevents a person from being ARRESTED for an unpopular opinion, unless it crosses the boundary of hate crimes. So don’t quote freedom of speech, unless you actually know what it means. So don’t call… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Nuna

Man, what a terrible take, your privilege is showing

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
4 years ago
Reply to  Nuna

Wow. You know, I don’t normally downvote people, but you’re something special, dude.

4 years ago

You do you big fella! We’ll be here when you get back!

4 years ago

All Hail Lord Buckethead

4 years ago

YAY! Love the starcaster chronicles. Love all your stuff but was delighted to see this pop up. Hope you and you’re family continue to stay safe and healthy!

4 years ago

At long last………

Blaine Moore
Blaine Moore
4 years ago

Awesome! That was a great plan and this is the perfect time to execute.

Stay healthy. Stay sane. And thanks for releasing the new issue!

4 years ago

i really hope this doesnt spoil us…. i can see myself getting sooo upset when we go back to the usual comics timeline…. this is gonna be a great few weeks 😀 excitement every day for getting home after work. love your style tim. enjoy the time away from the desk.

Brian LaBonde
Brian LaBonde
4 years ago

While I’m a patreon, and get these, getting to re-read them will be fun! Enjoy (if you can) your time off. Here in Wyoming, they’re thinking of just calling it a school year for now, and then extending next year to catch the kids up. My two are all grown, so no skin off my nose either way.

Just update us from time, so we know you didn’t die or anything, lol!

4 years ago

OMG Yaaaaaassssss!

Quick question, Tim – will you still tell us the results of the already closed polls? Just out of curiosity?

Hope you enjoy your well deserved break!

4 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Cool beans will totally look forward to making fun of their terrible decisions.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
4 years ago
Reply to  MightyThor34

I’ve got my popcorn ready.

4 years ago

Finally Some Good Fucking News*

4 years ago

Woohoo!! I has been a while, I love these chronicles…….now I have to go put on a clean diaper… was worth it!!!!! LOL

4 years ago
Reply to  Szmooz

Hey Tim, any plans to sell the Starcaster Chronicles in book form (like the CTRL+ALT+DEL series)?

4 years ago
Reply to  Tim

if this time you can store some of them in europe it would be great 🙂

4 years ago
Reply to  Tim

I hope that I will live through this pandemic so that I can give you some of ‘Uncle Trump’s’ stimulus money for the printed books!!! LOL!

My 4 kids are in love with CTRL+ALT+DEL 1.0 and read the online comic with me (they range in age from 14 down to 5). The funny part is, they all understand the jabs you make at the gaming industry because they play all of my old games (including the Atari 2600 and Jaguar).

Stay safe and healthy for all of our sanity!!

4 years ago

This cover page is so amazing!

Robert Hutchinson
Robert Hutchinson
4 years ago

Glad you’re having a break Tim. Stay safe and enjoy what you can of this time. Best well wishes to you and your family from across the pond in the UK!

Kevin Greenbaum
Kevin Greenbaum
4 years ago

Wow I forgot about The Starcaster, was a good series though, so glad to see it’s getting continued after all this time.

Rhapsody The Blue
Rhapsody The Blue
4 years ago

Way cool

4 years ago

Like the WTF swing from the last page my first thought was ‘Heh, is this what his Skyrim character would look like?’

May your family be safe, your news good, and your hands clean.

4 years ago

i love the starcaster series. Enjoy your break!

4 years ago

I’d actually looked back at this Patreon and thought “I wonder if Tim will remind people about it to give it another spike of interest.”
Here is that time. Really excited to catch up with this, then finally get on that Patreon to catch up. Thank you to all the Patrons that already signed up and kept this passion project alive!

4 years ago

AAAAAAAAAAAAA! Sudden Starcaster!