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The Starcaster Chronicles 08.06

February 16, 2021 by Tim

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Daniel Sørensen
Daniel Sørensen
3 years ago

Ain’t gonna lie. That is properly some of the best panneling, layout and pure storytelling you have done. That’s it. Beyyyy

3 years ago

Agreed. I was never a fan of Tim’s art but I loved the stories and jokes he tells (thus far reading this site weekly for almost a decade?). But this page really made me appreciate how his art improved over the years. Outstanding!

3 years ago

guillotine it is, then

Frank Bromley
Frank Bromley
3 years ago
Reply to  foducool

Frome the sound of it thr caster would start knitting the tissue back together as soon as it was severed … might even go full Tetsuo to do it

3 years ago
Reply to  Frank Bromley

But can you amputate starcaster with a starcaster?

Starcaster-holder is not impervious to damage, otherwise they would be immortal and it would be impossible to transfer starcasters. They don’t need food or water, they regenerate almost instantaneously, most likely they don’t age, but still somehow starcasters change hands (literally) and people ARE trying to get this one

3 years ago
Reply to  Tim

The starcaster is able to release a lot of energy, so it’s reasonable to assume that 100W should be possible, too, maybe even beyond reasonable limits and magically creating matter.

Off cause with more realistic expectations e.g. he’ll lose carbon, so at least he’ll need to drink some oil or eat some coals. A vitamin pill won’t hurt … bon appetite?

3 years ago
Reply to  Tim

How about (at least for hydration) using that energy to combine hydrogen & oxygen out of the air?
Possible? Likely?

3 years ago
Reply to  Scott

The guy that the starcaster used to be on died from either hunger or dehydration, so its already been established that they’re not infinite food cheats

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
3 years ago
Reply to  Scott

I’m assuming the reason why the Starcaster can short-term sustain him, versus creating water, has to do with unconscious actions and intended actions.

At its default, the Starcaster is just powering the processes that his body is already doing, and probably conserving bodily fluids and stored energy. But for him to do something major (say, isolating both gases and starting a chemical reaction to create water) would be a process *outside* of the body, which he’d need actual training for.

Maybe it’s possible and maybe it’s not, but it seems outside of Cort’s grasp for the moment.

3 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Right, otherwise her brother would have still been kicking around with it – and it wouldn’t have been removed from his corpse.

3 years ago
Reply to  Humsterr

I seem to recall we found the Starcaster *on a corpse* so something here does not hold.

Yup, there it is.

3 years ago

Pffft what a manchild

Frank Bromley
Frank Bromley
3 years ago
Reply to  Brunch

Yea he just has a piece of jewlery perminatly fused to his arm that started a war turning himself into the single most wanted pawn on the board such a drama queen

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
3 years ago
Reply to  Frank Bromley

I dunno, he’s got a point. I know many eight year olds who contemplate amputating one of their limbs in order to avoid near-certain death by almost everyone in a position of power, then decide against it because the idea is too horrific to consider and they’d rather take their chances. Really childish, honestly.

3 years ago
Reply to  Frank Bromley

Shinji Get in the Robot

3 years ago
Reply to  Frank Bromley

I can see that it’s a very unpopular opinion from all the downvotes I got.

But let’s face it. If you have a starcaster fused to your arm, you’re in no position to be even think about your feelings. You suck it up. There’s a lot more at stake.

There’s a lot of irony trying to chop off your arm next to someone doesn’t have one. And technically, not even the rest of the body.

3 years ago
Reply to  Brunch

Your mom got you to eat your vegetables by telling you that there are starving children in Africa, didn’t she?

3 years ago
Reply to  Freddie

My mother never forced me to eat anything and I don’t see how eating vegetables changes the fate of African children nor how that’s relevant

3 years ago
Reply to  Brunch

As in: “stop whining – others have it worse than you.”

3 years ago

Plus you would need to use the sharp side of the knife, not the blunt one…
“Upside down Miss Jane!”

3 years ago

I don’t have time to go back and reread the last book or arc, how did she lose her arm again?

Ocie Denver
Ocie Denver
3 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Her arm severely damaged by a hostile bounty hunter/mercenary during escape at the temple where they recovered the starcaster from her brother.

She tore it off later to save Cort from morally shot wound with the starcaster.

3 years ago
Reply to  Tim

5/20 and 5/21, 2016. Nyrah gets her arm shot up in the Aug temple when they are chased down the second hall.

7/9/20, she takes the Grim’s sword to her leg to stop him from amputating the starcaster off of Cort (note the additional patch on her leg here).

3 years ago
Reply to  Steve

So it IS possible to amputate starcaster?

3 years ago
Reply to  Tim

That’s not a real body anyway though. Medical body that is not intended to be used in harsh conditions or for long

3 years ago

I was just wondering, if he does not need to eat, drink, and the Starcaster can “repair” his body at a whim… Why did Nyrah’s brother even die? Could the Starcaster not just have kept him fed all these years?

3 years ago
Reply to  Tim

You *could* use the energy to sustain yourself out of CO2 and N2 from the air, along with water vapor or drinking water. (Biochem major here). The only problem is energy, and if the starcaster can generate energy to repair tissue it could certainly break the CO2 double bonds and N2 triple bonds. Cort wouldn’t be able to survive a vacuum for a long time, though probably longer than a normal human could. But as the writer, you can decide it doesn’t work that way, and needs to not work that way for her brother to have died the way… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Again, you’re the author, you get to decide how it works. The starcaster is already magically using energy to heal otherwise fatal wounds almost instantly, so it’s obviously already screwing with biology somehow. If your intent is that it only accelerates what a body can do naturally, that makes sense why he still needs sustenance. But then how does it make him okay without eating for several days but not longer?

Apologies if this is overly nitpicky. I love the starcaster chronicles and am just idly speculating about what such technology could do.

3 years ago
Reply to  Tim

> so I am limited in what I can actually reveal in that regard without spoiling things.

I shall RAFO, then!

Frank Bromley
Frank Bromley
3 years ago

So guyver rules, once its bonded to you it’s on you till death

3 years ago
Reply to  Frank Bromley

But how does one die if it sustains and heals you once its bonded?

Patrick Michael Leitch
Patrick Michael Leitch
3 years ago

Not to be a stick in the mud or pedantic, but how did the arm go from being a lefty to a righty? Or is the Starcaster just the metal part. This again begs the question, is it ambidextrous and how did she cut it off herself?

Last edited 3 years ago by Patrick Michael Leitch
3 years ago

She never had it, you have to be in a real organic body to get starcaster fused to you. Hers isn’t, some sort of medical temporary body

C. Mage
C. Mage
3 years ago

Oh, GOODY. Miss Suinshine has arrived. And he thought the day wouldn’t get worse….

James Rye
James Rye
3 years ago

Decision A: Cut anyway.
*all readers vote 100% A just for the lolz* XD

3 years ago

Doesnt matter. Cort just wanted to cut himself

Austin Mills
Austin Mills
3 years ago

So…I know this would require an insane level of control, but could one theoretically use the Starcaster to rearrange the atoms in Nyrah’s cyborg body to rebuild her organic body? Like, no way in hell does Cort have that kind of control, but this tech is from the designers of star systems and species of life. Surely rebuilding a body is within its capabilities.

3 years ago

I hope he’s left-handed cause otherwise a wank could spell disaster