It would be a fun meta thing if the weapons those guards were carrying were the same ones used in the Console Wars. Hard to tell from the distance, but could be similar in design.
4 years ago
I honestly would have thought that “the soldier who is also a superweapon” would hold a higher rank, even if it’s mostly ceremonial. You don’t want even the hint of disrespect, after all, even from an arrogant colonel or whathaveyou. Consequences could be dire for events that would otherwise be a slap on the wrist for a normal major.
I am thinking it would be something like how the MOH is treated in the US military: it is not a formal rule, but everyone salutes Medal of Honor recipients, regardless of rank. There is a level of respect that transcends the command structure.
Thanks for that Schlock Mercenary quote <3
And I assume ranking officers treat the Starcaster-bearer with… discretion, not as just another major. That’s supposedly their job, after all, to make good prudent decisions. The military wouldn’t reward a dangerous person with more rank, but would ideally place them under a particularly prudent commanding officer who can keep them happy and pointed in the right direction.
It could also be as simple as at a certain rank the officer’s duties becomes mainly administrative instead of operational. I am well aware that this may differ from nation to nation, and be somewhat situational.
But, major seems to be, if not a top rank, then close with regards to operational duties versus administrative duties.
In any event, Tim’s world, Tim’s rules! ;D
Jeff CB Jones
4 years ago
This would be a perfect spot for a gif.
Nute Gunray: This is getting out of hand! Now there are two of them!
4 years ago
Jum… bodyguards or watchers?
James Rye
4 years ago
Awwwwwwww, he looks so sad… damn it, I am still pissed that the readers said nope back then. Like come on, as if we could avoid choosing a side in a full galactic genocide war when we got a Starcaster on us, but noooooooooooo~ “fuck the authorities”, dumb majority of readers…
Austin Mills
4 years ago
What happened to that planet in the background? There’s a million-mile high mountain right next to a fissure deeper than the Marianas Trench. That…shouldn’t be possible. Maybe there’s a gas giant nearby messing with the planet’s tectonics? Is it a site of a battle where a Starcaster was used?
Looking at it, I would assume some sort of traumatic gouging. I’d second the likelihood of Starcaster related. Note the orbital space rocks there indicating they were once part of the planet.
Holy crap! Another bearer of a Starcaster!
Somehow I feel like things are going to start exploding soon.
It’s already been revealed that the laid-back brother of the Dranglaex leader is the other one.
how many is that now? 3? 4?
Third one seen, but I’m guessing La’ni (the other one he wanted to talk to that is on patrol) has the other federation Starcaster.
aw shiet, no rest for Cort
No rest for the weary
or the wicked
Well that iddn’t good.
It would be a fun meta thing if the weapons those guards were carrying were the same ones used in the Console Wars. Hard to tell from the distance, but could be similar in design.
I honestly would have thought that “the soldier who is also a superweapon” would hold a higher rank, even if it’s mostly ceremonial. You don’t want even the hint of disrespect, after all, even from an arrogant colonel or whathaveyou. Consequences could be dire for events that would otherwise be a slap on the wrist for a normal major.
It also reminds me of the schlock mercenary maxim three, “An ordnance technician at a dead run outranks everybody.”
Loving the new comment functions, by the by.
the army wouldn’t let someone with that much power take decisions for themselves
I am thinking it would be something like how the MOH is treated in the US military: it is not a formal rule, but everyone salutes Medal of Honor recipients, regardless of rank. There is a level of respect that transcends the command structure.
My understanding is that they are saluting the medal, not the rank in that regard.
Thanks for that Schlock Mercenary quote <3
And I assume ranking officers treat the Starcaster-bearer with… discretion, not as just another major. That’s supposedly their job, after all, to make good prudent decisions. The military wouldn’t reward a dangerous person with more rank, but would ideally place them under a particularly prudent commanding officer who can keep them happy and pointed in the right direction.
It could also be as simple as at a certain rank the officer’s duties becomes mainly administrative instead of operational. I am well aware that this may differ from nation to nation, and be somewhat situational.
But, major seems to be, if not a top rank, then close with regards to operational duties versus administrative duties.
In any event, Tim’s world, Tim’s rules! ;D
This would be a perfect spot for a gif.
Nute Gunray: This is getting out of hand! Now there are two of them!
Jum… bodyguards or watchers?
Awwwwwwww, he looks so sad… damn it, I am still pissed that the readers said nope back then. Like come on, as if we could avoid choosing a side in a full galactic genocide war when we got a Starcaster on us, but noooooooooooo~ “fuck the authorities”, dumb majority of readers…
What happened to that planet in the background? There’s a million-mile high mountain right next to a fissure deeper than the Marianas Trench. That…shouldn’t be possible. Maybe there’s a gas giant nearby messing with the planet’s tectonics? Is it a site of a battle where a Starcaster was used?
Looking at it, I would assume some sort of traumatic gouging. I’d second the likelihood of Starcaster related. Note the orbital space rocks there indicating they were once part of the planet.
Because the artist thought it looks cool and was tired of drawing circles for planets?
So, as a recap, we have faces and names for 3 starcaster users and names (La’nl) for 1 other?
Oh damn!
Hm. If we find two more of these things and make a glove to put them all into….
Wait, what?
Seems like I missed something within the story, I thought there would not be any other starcasters around…
Was Vectanix from the Dranglaex also wearing a Starcaster or was it just space jewelry?