Fourth-rate immortality at best. If first-rate is completely unkillable/unharmable, second-rate is unkillable, but harmable with fast/immediate healing (Ethan-level), and third-rate is killable with fast healing (Wolverine-level).
Cort’s big caveat is that he has a laser cannon attached to his arm, which makes killing him a bit trickier. But it seems implied that his healing ability absolutely has limits and isn’t enough to fully protect him in a fight, only quickly recover from one.
But enables a face palm of epic proportions. Once. Unless it alos lets you regrow your head. MIB style.
4 years ago
gun safety #1
4 years ago
My father is a retired police officer, and he shared a story with me once, about a guy who’d gone to a gun range to get in some practice. He had his shotgun in the back and went to the back of his hatchback SUV to get it out. It was under some other items, so he grabbed the barrel and pulled on it. The gun was loaded, the safety got knocked off by the tugging of the objects on top of it and the trigger was caught on something. BLAM! There is a very good reason for basic safety… Read more »
I’m pretty sure the starcaster is just gonna vaporize your head off and then you will be a corpse with the starcaster. It is a very technologically advanced item, but it is an item
And yet even subconsciously you KNOW pointing a loaded gun at your head is a BAD IDEA and yet a significant number of people bite the bullet yearly when they give up on living. Even if the tech Could pose limits, there are limits to what it can limit before it constricts its own use significantly, and programming that line is difficult. Ultimately someone capable of creating such a powerful object has to rely on its possessor being capable of judging the uses of the Starcaster themselves…
We have safety features on tools much less dangerous than a Starcaster, so of course the Aug have designed them to prevent accidental damage to the user. Nyrah is aware of this but you can’t blame her for being sarcastic, knowing that there’s a Dranglaex fleet out there looking for them. Worse, Vectanix’s Starcaster can locate them and XC-16834A looks much less fortified than Thanitross III.
I’m not sure, though, that the Aug intended the Starcasters to be used by creatures other than themselves. We might have protective measures put in place to protect humans in a factory – and sure, maybe a chimpanzee might learn how to use tools and muck around – but what is safe for a human isn’t necessarily safe for a chimp.
I mean, for all you know, the Aug’s arms aren’t capable of bending back towards their own bodies, meaning that a “don’t blow your face off” safety switch was never necessary.
Incorrect. Back on Ona VI, Nyrah had Dristim’s Starcaster bond with Cort specifically because it recognised the Aug markers in his DNA. Strange behaviour from an artefact the Aug didn’t intend their creations to inherit.
Secondly, the factory comparison fails because, compared to Augish technology, a human-built factory is barely more sophisticated than the sticks and rocks to which the Chimpanzee already had access. 😉
4 years ago
Hahaha, I had that same thought on the second to last panel right before reading her comment. Really don’t want to vaporize your head there, I feel that might be a *bit* beyond what the ‘caster can fix up.
Pretty big difference in scale there. A beam that can destroy a mountain removing your head, to a hole in your chest.
4 years ago
You know, that is going to be more difficult than it might seem as people tend to look at their hands rather often. I’m surprised that I never thought of or realized how big an issue that might be here…and funny how this guy is an ex cop and yet still essentially points a loaded weapon at his face.
Getting some real Plan 9 vibes here lol
4 years ago
So stupid question on logic. There is no greenery, HOW THE HECK ARE THEY BREATHING. 🙂 I mean, speck has his suit and I guess cort is breathing in space due to the starcaster..
Maybe this planet has more than one biome, and we are just seeing a rocky desert? Maybe there is some kind of oxygen producing microorganism? Maybe this planet is just naturally oxygen rich since the time the planet formed?
Last edited 4 years ago by Jetroid
4 years ago
I know it’s been said already but hot damn is the artwork good! Love Cort’s face in the last panel
You missed a pretty big part. Him having been forced to carry the starcaster has been a key part of the story for the last few episodes. I suggest going back to the archives, selecting ‘The Starcaster Chronicles’, and going back to the last point in the story you remember.
It might seem like a lot, but it’s really not, considering that it’s comic book-style stories and you’re not experiencing them drip-fed. Unless, of course, the last thing you remember is Cort trying to get the ship back after losing it in a bet.
I could *really* have done without remembering Ssissimias existed.
4 years ago
No matter the alter ego or gratuitous tough guy scars, ethan still being ethan
4 years ago
Two suddenly horrifying concepts. One:Author’s playing the long game and all these different issues ultimately tie together, hello Ethan’s great descendant and two: hello Ethan’s great descendant handed Power
This guy at least is more reasonable then Ethan, if not smarter. Have to be to survive space. He’s a bit more of a combined mix of Ethan and Lucas, leaning more towards Lucas.
Another great spot for a gif:
“Handed the most dangerous weapon in the galaxy; immediately points at face
It’d be an……. instructive lesson he’d learn from considering he’s somewhat immortal
Wouldn’t that be a bit beyond the regenerative capability, like a guillotine to the elbow would definitely get it off of (the rest of) his body.
Durn it! now you have me thinking of Ethan with one of those things.
Ummm i am now scared for our universe
He’s not immortal. Her brother wore it, and he’s dead.
Fourth-rate immortality at best. If first-rate is completely unkillable/unharmable, second-rate is unkillable, but harmable with fast/immediate healing (Ethan-level), and third-rate is killable with fast healing (Wolverine-level).
Cort’s big caveat is that he has a laser cannon attached to his arm, which makes killing him a bit trickier. But it seems implied that his healing ability absolutely has limits and isn’t enough to fully protect him in a fight, only quickly recover from one.
But enables a face palm of epic proportions. Once. Unless it alos lets you regrow your head. MIB style.
gun safety #1
My father is a retired police officer, and he shared a story with me once, about a guy who’d gone to a gun range to get in some practice. He had his shotgun in the back and went to the back of his hatchback SUV to get it out. It was under some other items, so he grabbed the barrel and pulled on it. The gun was loaded, the safety got knocked off by the tugging of the objects on top of it and the trigger was caught on something. BLAM! There is a very good reason for basic safety… Read more »
How’d the guy with the shot gun turn out. He look like Daffy Duck with his beak off to the side?
yeah his duck fell off
If you point that thing at your face and then laser your head off, is the starcaster going to heal your head? Or prevent shooting?
I’m pretty sure the starcaster is just gonna vaporize your head off and then you will be a corpse with the starcaster. It is a very technologically advanced item, but it is an item
I think subconciously you wouldnt be able to do it or most people wouldnt like trying to bite your fingers off
And yet even subconsciously you KNOW pointing a loaded gun at your head is a BAD IDEA and yet a significant number of people bite the bullet yearly when they give up on living. Even if the tech Could pose limits, there are limits to what it can limit before it constricts its own use significantly, and programming that line is difficult. Ultimately someone capable of creating such a powerful object has to rely on its possessor being capable of judging the uses of the Starcaster themselves…
We have safety features on tools much less dangerous than a Starcaster, so of course the Aug have designed them to prevent accidental damage to the user. Nyrah is aware of this but you can’t blame her for being sarcastic, knowing that there’s a Dranglaex fleet out there looking for them. Worse, Vectanix’s Starcaster can locate them and XC-16834A looks much less fortified than Thanitross III.
I’m not sure, though, that the Aug intended the Starcasters to be used by creatures other than themselves. We might have protective measures put in place to protect humans in a factory – and sure, maybe a chimpanzee might learn how to use tools and muck around – but what is safe for a human isn’t necessarily safe for a chimp.
I mean, for all you know, the Aug’s arms aren’t capable of bending back towards their own bodies, meaning that a “don’t blow your face off” safety switch was never necessary.
Incorrect. Back on Ona VI, Nyrah had Dristim’s Starcaster bond with Cort specifically because it recognised the Aug markers in his DNA. Strange behaviour from an artefact the Aug didn’t intend their creations to inherit.
Secondly, the factory comparison fails because, compared to Augish technology, a human-built factory is barely more sophisticated than the sticks and rocks to which the Chimpanzee already had access. 😉
Hahaha, I had that same thought on the second to last panel right before reading her comment. Really don’t want to vaporize your head there, I feel that might be a *bit* beyond what the ‘caster can fix up.
I mean didnt he survive a hole to the chest from bounty hunter thanks to SC ??
Pretty big difference in scale there. A beam that can destroy a mountain removing your head, to a hole in your chest.
You know, that is going to be more difficult than it might seem as people tend to look at their hands rather often. I’m surprised that I never thought of or realized how big an issue that might be here…and funny how this guy is an ex cop and yet still essentially points a loaded weapon at his face.
Getting some real Plan 9 vibes here lol
So stupid question on logic. There is no greenery, HOW THE HECK ARE THEY BREATHING. 🙂 I mean, speck has his suit and I guess cort is breathing in space due to the starcaster..
They scanned the atmosphere, a bit too much argon, but it should be ok.
But how….. *slaps self* bad logic bad!
Just because this portion of the world is devoid of life, doesn’t mean there isn’t life elsewhere. The desert still has air on our little pebble.
Space Wizards. 🙂
Maybe this planet has more than one biome, and we are just seeing a rocky desert? Maybe there is some kind of oxygen producing microorganism? Maybe this planet is just naturally oxygen rich since the time the planet formed?
I know it’s been said already but hot damn is the artwork good! Love Cort’s face in the last panel
we’re behind ya Cort! …waaaay behind ya XD
I think it’s hilarious just how fast she must have scurried back after he closed his eyes.
Think ‘Death Star that doesnt blow up’
Man, flossing has just become all kinds of exciting.
well, that would make having to pee interesting
When did he get the star caster? I think I missed that part.
You missed a pretty big part. Him having been forced to carry the starcaster has been a key part of the story for the last few episodes. I suggest going back to the archives, selecting ‘The Starcaster Chronicles’, and going back to the last point in the story you remember.
It might seem like a lot, but it’s really not, considering that it’s comic book-style stories and you’re not experiencing them drip-fed. Unless, of course, the last thing you remember is Cort trying to get the ship back after losing it in a bet.
Gods how long has it been since Cort had to bargain with the necro worm thing…..
I could *really* have done without remembering Ssissimias existed.
No matter the alter ego or gratuitous tough guy scars, ethan still being ethan
Two suddenly horrifying concepts. One:Author’s playing the long game and all these different issues ultimately tie together, hello Ethan’s great descendant and two: hello Ethan’s great descendant handed Power
This guy at least is more reasonable then Ethan, if not smarter. Have to be to survive space. He’s a bit more of a combined mix of Ethan and Lucas, leaning more towards Lucas.