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The Starcaster Chronicles 08.20

March 8, 2021 by Tim

Patrons got to vote here:

Speck has a limited amount of credits to work with. He’s already procured food and supplies. Both the ship and Nyrah are damaged, but still borderline functional. There isn’t enough money to afford everything.

How should Speck spend the remainder of their available funds?

  • Buy fewer parts the ship needs, in order to buy more parts to fix Nyrah. 85%
  • Buy fewer parts to fix Nyrah and buy more of what the ship needs. 15%

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John Swift
John Swift
3 years ago

I agree with those votes. If he is able to get her a new arm I hope she likes it.

3 years ago
Reply to  John Swift

And then it turns out he had enough money to get her a new arm anyway, and the extra spending just means she can be turned into a six-armed Hindu divinity.

3 years ago
Reply to  GeorgeV

I don’t like the arms to be crowded in the arm pits. that can’t work correctly. It should be like 6-armed Spidey.

3 years ago
Reply to  7eggert

Well, there are other options… *whistles*

3 years ago
Reply to  John Swift

I just hope Cort doesn’t make an ass of himself and complain about Spec buying it instead of parts for the ship 🙁

Kevin Greenbaum
Kevin Greenbaum
3 years ago
Reply to  John Swift

I agree with the votes, but she herself might say the ship parts were more important. I doubt Cort will care either way given recent events so it’d be nice for her to get something in the midst of everything.

3 years ago

She might say that honestly but still she’ll eventually appreciate it.

3 years ago

Hm, does he only get a new arm for her or some parts to upgrade her?

Another thing that would be interesting. If the second option had more %. Would it be the same comicpage without the last panel?

3 years ago
Reply to  EMMachine

The vote changes what happens next. This page would be the same, because he still buys something for Nyrah, just less things

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
3 years ago
Reply to  EMMachine

Nyrah with a Mega Buster. There’s a spinoff comic I’d love to see.

3 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

“You must fight the eight Dragnalexan Masters to save the galaxy!”

3 years ago

Well, it’s not in best interests of story, but…
Why not give mechanical arm to Cort, so that his biological can be given to Nyrah, or if that is not possible, then just Starcaster can be given to someone more worthy? 🙂 Cyborg technology seems to be advanced enough so that Cort should be able to lead fully happy life with one mechanical arm.
I know, I know, we are here to hear story of Cort, yes, but still, that sounds like a valid option.

Giuliano Marques
Giuliano Marques
3 years ago
Reply to  Dumdidum

The caster prevents his arm from being removed, as shown some pages ago. Only option to remove is killing him.

3 years ago

The caster prevents his arm being removed *by hand with a knife* 😉 A MediTech high-frequency surgical blade would be a different story.

3 years ago

It heals him fast that is true, but I’m willing to bet a laser would cut through faster than it could heal. The idea of her having the arm isn’t without some merit, the primary issue though would be if human and…I can’t remember her race, anyways if the two are biologically compatible enough for transplant surgery to even work. A better option would be something along the lines of using her cells (since her face is still organic) to grow clone cells into a new forearm (doesn’t need to be the entire arm actually, doesn’t even need a hand… Read more »

3 years ago

Or do it REALLY quickly, but most people willing to do that probably don’t like the idea of leaving him alive.

3 years ago

A few series back Grin was going to lop his arm off with the big honkin sword of his and Tim said it would work to get the caster off. Cort’s survival would depend on the mercy of whoever did it and prompt medical attention.

3 years ago

Why, yes. Do you have any noses?

3 years ago

I think it’s a good choice. They can always steal a new ship (they’ve done it), they can’t find new Nyrah

Robert Loughrey
Robert Loughrey
3 years ago
Reply to  Humsterr

If the ship breaks for good when he’s back with them then its going to be hard to steal a new ship on a barren rock without even food and water much less people and ships.

3 years ago

Cort has already used a Starcaster, most likely other Starcaster users have already sensed it, so both federation and these other aliens are coming

They will have plenty ships to choose from very soon

3 years ago
Reply to  Humsterr

Two words, explosive decompression. I wouldn’t cheap out on ship parts but what is done is done.

3 years ago

Good choice pattern here, but if desperate, Speck could always sell his “acid slime” even though he hates it.

3 years ago

my god no! noo!!! voters should not have done this.. the ship is BARELY flyable. they are gonna die… the ship is gonna fall apart and they are gonna die when they jump to super L.

3 years ago
Reply to  Marcus

The ship made Super L to GET to the port in the first place. The ideas of the voters was along the lines of “Nyrah has earned this,” “There has been more combat on land than in space, so it makes more sense to facilitate that,” “The Aphelion is likely to fall apart anyway, so they’ll probably have to abandon it at some point,” and “Nyrah is a combatant, so we should equip her to be able to do combat.” If you disagree with the calls made by the Patrons, you can become one and start trying to steer everyone… Read more »

no thanks nintendo
no thanks nintendo
3 years ago
Reply to  BakaGrappler

Yeah, I recall my logic being something like “Nyrah is going to keep trying to fight whether she has a new arm or not, so might as well properly equip her.”

Not so worried about the ship, because despite how many times we’ve heard about what rough shape it’s in, it’s always worked out just fine. And while that may bite us in the butt someday, but I doubt it’ll be “the ship fell apart and everyone died!” because that’d be a really unsatisfying end to the series. Possible I suppose, but seems unlikely.

Erik B
Erik B
3 years ago
Reply to  BakaGrappler

Correct. In addition, I think a big selling point on fixing Nyrah up is that we can’t afford to lose Nyrah, she’s the only person Cort can trust with a basic knowledge of the starcaster, and he will probably need her guidance and help as he learns to cast. In addition, our choice was “LESS” parts for the ship, not “NO” parts for the ship. We trust that Speck is fully capable of ensuring he buys ENOUGH parts to make the ship limp along till their next opportunity, and would not pass something crucial in favour of patching up Nyrah.… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Marcus

They’ve stolen THREE ships so far, including their current ship at the start of the story after Cort lost it in a game of cards. I don’t think they have problems procuring spaceships, like, at all.

At this point I’m willing to call it an artform or a passive skill.

3 years ago
Reply to  Kenju

“Spaceship Acquirer”, it’s a prestige class, clearly

3 years ago
Reply to  Kenju

while the ship was DOCKED…. hard to “acquire” a new ship when you are just drifting in space waiting for it to kill you.

Stephen M. Schaefer
Stephen M. Schaefer
3 years ago

Great, all the street merchants in the world and Speck finds the one with the top hat and monocle. I don’t see this ending well.

3 years ago

Huh, I would go for the ship. What is more crucial a working ship or Nyra ?

3 years ago
Reply to  Deckx

Obviously, Nyrah

The Galaxy is full of working ships, while pretty limited on working Nyrahs

3 years ago

This is the second time someone has claimed to have the best deals in 3 sectors. I’m starting to think that maybe there’s nothing around for 3 sectors…

no thanks nintendo
no thanks nintendo
3 years ago
Reply to  Komi

I’m starting to think “I’m Commander Shepard and this is my favorite store on the Citadel”

3 years ago

In this kind of far future…would you upgrade yourself with bionics?

3 years ago
Reply to  Gonfrask

Nah, he’s just a Steampunk Cosplayer.

3 years ago

I’m sure the “Looking for a Mimion + Komatsu freighter” has worked its way through the grapevine. Very dangerous for all 3 of them, for him to hang around longer than necessary…

3 years ago

I know its intergalactic, but those are some weird-ass aliens…..

Robert Loughrey
Robert Loughrey
3 years ago

Anyone else getting a popup ad everytime they click on the comments button?

3 years ago

Just did for the first time.

3 years ago
Reply to  Tim

I had that popup ad too, just now and also in the past I have seen it as well. When I clicked the ‘click here’ link to go to the comments. It isn’t every time though. In fact, I reloaded the page a few times to try again and it isn’t showing up again.

3 years ago
Reply to  Tim

I gotta say Tim, I really appreciate how much you care to curate the ad experience to be as un-obtrusive as possible!

3 years ago

one extra button to press so that Tim can keep the lights on BEFORE we start bickering amongst ourselves about his artwork. its no big deal.

Jacob Bielski
Jacob Bielski
3 years ago

“Waatu.” For a hot second I thought you were including the racist junker from Episode 1 as a cameo.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jacob Bielski

It’s distinct enough not to get dmca-ed, but close enough to be a recognizable reference. It’s a homage

3 years ago

Does Arghool even have anything that could attach to a mimion? What a jabroni.

3 years ago

If they’re going to be hiding out, then fixing up Nyrah’s prosthetics is probably the smarter move.

Admiral Casual
Admiral Casual
3 years ago

OPTION C: cleave off Cort’s arm with the Starcaster, graft a new arm to him, take the Starcaster back to civilization and we can dump Nyrah into a dumpster somewhere.

Problem fucking solved.

3 years ago

My concern with repairing Nyrah is that she’s going to try and get the StarCaster away from Cort. I’m not sure if she’s ready to kill him yet, but if she has such a rigid system of good and evil, she may have decided he’s not worthy and it’s her job to get it from him. I hope not, though.