Either he is sincere and genuinely wants to help or give a heads up.
Or this is an extremely clever way to sway an opinion from a no to a reluctant yes.
We could maybe find out, that the Oddrossians have technology to regrow limbs or something.
doubt it takes that much time to draw a rectangle around the picture and insert a cut down version of the ship in the background layer … but ye sure its is so fresh that the paint still aint try yet … except digital imaging u know is a thing for quite a long time as well as pre-produced content that is released on a certain timestamp … especially as the content doesnt already exist on patreon for patreon members for a bit longer 🙂
As an indication of how long “a bit longer” is that it’s been available to patrons, we (the patrons) were able to view this particular page about a year and a half ago.
I use “Drang” (dra from dragon and rang like a phone) “a-lex” but now seeing the spelling… Maybe drang-lay-ex but the lay and ex slurred into 1 syllable.
2 years ago
Quel isn’t nieve, but he’s also honest and forthright.
2 years ago
Capes/cloaks are so strange. Just enough hassle that no one bothers with them anymore (shame) but aesthetic enough to show up in future style media regardless.
dun dun dun…
Ryan dun dun dun?
Too soon?
cheater. Now even if the crew rejects any offer he’ll still know where to find them, truth or not.
It took every ounce of brain power I had not to read that planet’s name as Uniqlo.
Did better than me… I just took it as Uniqlo and thought ‘huh that seems familiar’
Wait wha—
Did he just throw out an irresistable bait ? 😀
Either he is sincere and genuinely wants to help or give a heads up.
Or this is an extremely clever way to sway an opinion from a no to a reluctant yes.
We could maybe find out, that the Oddrossians have technology to regrow limbs or something.
Considering Quel so far, it could be both.
This man has shown do much integrity to do such a big lie…if he is not corrupted from the beginning and we have been tricked for years…
Ya, I trust this is genuine. This should be the push needed to move the story in the way I kinda expect, and think is the best path.
Only to get hit with the “I’m sorry, they have my wife and son” line.
The fate of the galaxy vs the trust/friendship of one man. I don’t think integrity is even a factor in this.
If you want Cort to colaborate and not just cutting in two whatever prison he is with just a movement of his arm…
His statement “I recall hearing” leaves a lot of wiggle room as far as the story goes. He could just be misinformed.
And the blue crystal people mystery is solved?
I don’t think they look very….Oddrossian to me.. Really, they just looked quite human.
I thought that too, but now I wonder if they all have a masking crystal or something.
My pretty confident read is that they’re the folks who are gonna get blown up by the Dranglaex as mentioned
Not sure if the last page was left intentionally white or not, or if it was just a “Ran out of time” thing.
doubt it takes that much time to draw a rectangle around the picture and insert a cut down version of the ship in the background layer … but ye sure its is so fresh that the paint still aint try yet … except digital imaging u know is a thing for quite a long time as well as pre-produced content that is released on a certain timestamp … especially as the content doesnt already exist on patreon for patreon members for a bit longer 🙂
As an indication of how long “a bit longer” is that it’s been available to patrons, we (the patrons) were able to view this particular page about a year and a half ago.
As another webcomic artist put it: a highly concentrated blizzard passed between them and the ship for one panel.
Leaving the background out places emphasis on the foreground (ie the characters of note and what is being communicated)
It’s a standard, and very useful technique in storytelling in an image based medium.
San Holo has found his plot hook, we ride!
I know that every issue, someone has to ask… So, how are we supposed to pronounce Dranglaex?
I use “Drang” (dra from dragon and rang like a phone) “a-lex” but now seeing the spelling… Maybe drang-lay-ex but the lay and ex slurred into 1 syllable.
Quel isn’t nieve, but he’s also honest and forthright.
Capes/cloaks are so strange. Just enough hassle that no one bothers with them anymore (shame) but aesthetic enough to show up in future style media regardless.