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The Starcaster Chronicles, 11.18

March 1, 2023 by Tim

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2 years ago

Wow, look at how…professional it is!

Sure hope someone doesn’t waltz up offscreen with a gun.

2 years ago
Reply to  Esc

I have to admit that I find it frighteningly believable that Nyrah just walks in, sees the transmission, and shoots the transponder before asking questions. To the captain here this looks like sudden gunshot and transmission cut short, so…

2 years ago
Reply to  Esc

Yup. That sounds about right at this point.

Hopefully, Cort will intercept her and the camera won’t catch the altercation

2 years ago
Reply to  Esc

This isn’t as clean and smooth as it looks, I believe. I suspect that those of you who see that as polite, honest, professional and successful communication… Are failing to see the politics at play here. I say this, with all due respect. Their entire behavior says: “I don’t believe nor trust a word you utter. I’m just keeping up this facade, to avoid tipping you off to how thoroughly suspicious I find you right now. So, when I make my move, whatever that might be, I hope to beat you to the punch. I know you’re readying yourself for… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Rolando

Oh, I see it but it’s more jurisdictional. What they’re actually saying is:


Eecko: I see….. That’s odd that you’re out here and I don’t believe that it’s coincidence.

Quel: Well, by virtue of my rank, I don’t answer to you. However, if you REQUIRE assistance, I can come aboard and take over command of your operation.

Eecko: NO, No, not at all. I want to retain operational command……sir.


It’s pretty bog-standard territory marking between two ranking officers.

John Swift
John Swift
2 years ago

Ohh pulling rank, nice. Handled quite well so far. However if Quel tried to really do anything with rank im sure the captain will just use the castor bearer to overrule it.

2 years ago

The galaxy is not that big…
I must say that I’m waiting to see the reactiom of Nhyra facing Captain Starcaster (sorry, forgot her name).

The Legacy
The Legacy
2 years ago
Reply to  Gonfrask

I mean, it IS big, but considering where all the protagonists and antagonists are, it makes sense to cross paths.

2 years ago
Reply to  Gonfrask

for all we know, she could snuck up on them, was behind some obstacle and overheard the whole thing. Will then stand with gun in hand and be a little more trusting.

2 years ago

A misunderstanding cleared up easily and now Nyrah is going to fuck it up

2 years ago
Reply to  CMasta1992

Or the other Starcaster user is going to, or both, devolving the situation into some kind of catfight.

2 years ago
Reply to  CMasta1992

This isn’t as clean and smooth as it looks, I believe. I suspect that those of you who see that as polite, honest, professional and successful communication… Are failing to see the politics at play here. I say this, with all due respect. Their entire behavior says: “I don’t believe nor trust a word you utter. I’m just keeping up this facade, to avoid tipping you off to how thoroughly suspicious I find you right now. So, when I make my move, whatever that might be, I hope to beat you to the punch. I know you’re readying yourself for… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Rolando

Not only making an incredibly pretentious comment, but copy & pasting it multiple times.


2 years ago

I immediately don’t trust this captain.

Not sure he’s a Dranglaex spy, but I do think he’s going to do something very stupid in an attempt to make sure HE gets the credit for recovering a Starcaster.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ben

Or… he is an examplary captain from the federation that holds its ideas up above else. The kind the federation is based upon. Not one of the corrupt ones like Cort.

2 years ago

Ok, I have a couple of genuine questions. It appears to me that the Marshals are both a law enforcement and military agency/unit? Is that right?
Follow up question – what assistance would a single Marshal and ship be able to provide a Federation fleet? Or would the assistance be more like a debrief, to see if he’d picked up and strange transmissions or ship signals while he was in the system?

Just curious.

2 years ago
Reply to  Sasquatch

Boots on the ground perhaps?

Erik B
Erik B
2 years ago
Reply to  Sasquatch

I think you’re right in the “debriefing and intel” side of assistance, because as you said, a single Marshal and his little fighter aren’t going to be much additional help in any conflict. I’d say you’re right on Marshals being both military and police, while not being military police.

Side note: I personally feel like Marshals have a really high security clearance, and may outrank positions such as Captain, so intel or debriefing from someone in their position might be very welcomed by a Captain.

Imperator Ruscal
Imperator Ruscal
2 years ago
Reply to  Sasquatch

While the title of Marshal invoked the lone lawman of the old west (independent operation, within the law, and had to be smart to make up for always being out-manned/gunned) — the implications in this conversation seem to lend that in this setting a Marshal is more akin to an Agent in the Firefly universe. A lone operator working to support & uphold The Federation — but one with a tremendous amount of pull (both in clout and available resources). The idea that a lone Marshal might be a needed support agent for a fleet of cruisers or battle-cruisers that… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Sasquatch

I think of them like the Spectres from Mass Effect. They serve the Federation, are highly capable & respected military operators, but are independent from the military command structure.

Junjie Xie
Junjie Xie
2 years ago
Reply to  Sasquatch

“Do you require assistance?” is just “Can I … you?” in italics

2 years ago
Reply to  Sasquatch

He could always offer emotional support

Last edited 2 years ago by CTOWNS
2 years ago
Reply to  Sasquatch

I think they’re more of an advanced scout and officer – they’re tasked with gathering intelligence and taking out specific dangerous criminals. Something like that. Basically a space CIA type.

So they tend to show up in strange places and when they say “Marshall matters” what they’re really saying is “that’s on a need to know basis, and you don’t need to know”

2 years ago

Nyrah messing it up with be pretty meh.

If the other starcaster appears and attacks the federation, and now Cort has to decide if he wants to help? THAT would be cool.

2 years ago

Quel: “I’m here doing ratchet shit”
Captain: “Ah yes, So am I”
Quel: “Indeed? Do you need help”
Captain: “No no No, uh, thank you”

2 years ago

“These are not the droids you are looking for… Move along….”

2 years ago

the universe is vast but not that vast, huh

2 years ago

Why do I get the feeling we’re about to have one of those moments where someone acts rashly in order to create artificial drama for the sake of plot? Sure, Nyrah’s probably going to walk in and do something dumb, but not because that actually makes any sense. “Oh look, everything is fine, everything is calm, everyone is using their brains. Can’t have that. Let’s throw in a splash of Unlikely But Catastrophic Events with a dash of Impulsive Stupidity, in order to create a problem that we will then have to solve.” I kinda hate that writing style. It’s… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  ThatMageGuy

But she really doesn’t need to pull the trigger to send all this to hell. Just enter and shouting “Cort! What are you doing? Let’s go!” And this could being hear via video-com for the Captain is enough.

2 years ago

My name is Quel’oran. Marshal Quel’oran..

2 years ago

why did he say, “This cycle’s color is silver”?

Kenneth Marticelli
Kenneth Marticelli
2 years ago

This is going too perfectly normal. Something stupid is going to happen, isn’t it?

2 years ago

I suspect that those of you who see that as polite, honest, smooth, professional and successful communication… Are failing to see the politics at play here. I say this, with all due respect. Their entire behavior says: “I don’t believe nor trust a word you utter. I’m just keeping up this facade, to avoid tipping you off to how thoroughly suspicious I find you right now. So, when I make my move, whatever that might be, I hope to beat you to the punch. I know you’re readying yourself for something I won’t like, and so am I for you.”… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by Rolando
2 years ago
Reply to  Rolando

Hey Tim. Got a spammer! We’ll let you handle as is your site. If you want them handled by the fellow commenters just say the word. (The word is ‘Dinnertime’.)

2 years ago

Well hey! Look at that! It looks like everything is going to be just fine!