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The Starcaster Chronicles, 11.19

March 2, 2023 by Tim

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2 years ago

Cort sitting there like, “Wow, for once, I’m not lying or being lied to. I might actually not have to run or shoot my way out of this. What a novel concept.”

Sadly, the universe likely has other plans, but still…

2 years ago

I’m wondering whether what Quel said previously, that something is silver, was a code that he’s about to spiel BS and they should come in hot

2 years ago
Reply to  PantherusNZ

I think it was probably a code to confirm that he was who he says he is. He mentioned that “this cycle’s color is Silver” which implies that code changes regularly. Alternating codes is a classic way to make sure that, in the event that they are stolen/leaked, an enemy can’t use them for long before they get changed out.

2 years ago
Reply to  PantherusNZ

Undercover officers or those on very sensitive assignments are given a daily pass phrase as a way to inform on duty officers to leave them alone and go away. This phrase is ‘The color of the day is:’ followed by a color that changes daily. All on duty officers know what the phrase is, and recognize it as a warning they are doing something very important and that any on duty officer seen around them could screw up their assignment. So it wasn’t a call for help, but it was him informing the Captain that he is dealing with something… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Kenju

Also Cort would probably know about that anyway, right? Unless its something new the Federation came up with in the last few years, he should know the lingo as well.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jere

Not necessarily, not everyone has to deal with this kind of code. It’s usually only for the real secret agent stuff. There’s no real need for the average street cop to use or know the secret safety protocols after all. (And it would kind of defy the purpose if everyone knows them). It’s perfectly plausible for him to have never encountered this sort of thing during his work, he was just a low level (and corrupt) cop iirc. But even without insider background knowledge, given that we the chat could figure it out from context, Cort should be also able… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Kenju

It’s entirely possible there are are two codes, one for what you said, and one for covertly asking for help, and both change regularly

I’m not saying that’s what I think it happening here, but its possible

2 years ago

Well she didn’t run in guns raised, and they’re both thinking logically.

Good signs all around.

Last edited 2 years ago by ViggsPR
Dr. Doobiedoo
Dr. Doobiedoo
2 years ago
Reply to  ViggsPR

Well, things can’t ALWAYS go wrong lol. Hopefully.

2 years ago
Reply to  ViggsPR

Good trigger discipline also…

That Other Guy
That Other Guy
2 years ago
Reply to  ViggsPR

I suspect if people had pushed to flee, it wouldn’t have gone well. If quel and cort had still been arguing when she arrived I suspect it might have been his end.

Pedro Silva
Pedro Silva
2 years ago

Why do I have the feeling that this “coincidence” is too good to be true?

2 years ago
Reply to  Pedro Silva

Well, if a Dranglaex sub fleet does show up to try a quick ambush, then I suppose they could get very surprised by the presence of two hostile starcasters?

Anyway, not being stabbed in the back by the Federation is a novel concept for Nyrah. If she can see proof that one of their Marshalls is on the level, then perhaps the story will be able to move forward?

2 years ago
Reply to  Pedro Silva

I think the other star caster user may have felt Cort and not the fleet.

2 years ago
Reply to  Eric

Exactly. Cort and Quel don’t know about the Federation starcaster user, just the fleet. Once they do learn about the user I think Nyrah will put together how they showed up.

Which really shows they can’t run. The Feds or the Dranglex will find them through the starcaster eventually.

2 years ago

When will the other shoe drop? My foot hurts.

Taylan Ertan
Taylan Ertan
2 years ago

Does Nyrah know that other Starcaster users can sense each other? Because if so, that could easily explain ”a Starcaster user of the federation have been looking for Dranglaex, but sensed us instead”. And it would also end the notion of ”we can hide forever” because you literally can’t.

2 years ago
Reply to  Taylan Ertan

…unless you kill the other starcasters

2 years ago
Reply to  ocramot


2 years ago
Reply to  Taylan Ertan

Though it makes you wonder how and why the Dranglaex didn’t use this to find Nyrah’s brother…

2 years ago
Reply to  Kenju

More likely that they couldn’t. It’s probable that they can only sense the Starcaster when it’s actively being used. Her brother probably wasn’t doing anything that would generate a signature, and after he was dead the Starcaster was simply dormant.

It’s also possible that the Dranglaex Starcaster user never learned how to sense other starcasters. Maybe they didn’t know it was possible, or maybe they lacked the requisite, uh, inner calm.

2 years ago
Reply to  Taylan Ertan

Major Danton said he can feel the stars and any change to their energy, so he could possibly use it to locate an active starcaster, but wasn’t sure about an inactive one. When Cort was practicing, that was likely the thing that was sensed.

Given that La’ni has had her starcaster for the longest, it’s likely that’s why she’s most effective at using it as a locator at long-distance, but neither Danton nor the prince have.

2 years ago
Reply to  Taylan Ertan

She might.

None of the planetside people know that there’s a starcaster user flying around, just the fleet, right?

2 years ago

So what happens tomorrow? They scan the moon, detect Cort’s ship and identify it as a fugitive? It just seems to be going too easy.

2 years ago

TINY detail, but mad props to Tim for showing Nyrah knows proper trigger discipline and is exercising it perfectly. Anyone else notice her finger isn’t on the trigger itself in either panel?

Erik B
Erik B
2 years ago
Reply to  Kenju

I mean, we know from her history that she was part of the Odrossian royal military, which, by the way she talks about it, seems like it might be her people’s most elite soldiers, given that their captain is the starcaster bearer. One could assume they know how to hold a gun properly.

2 years ago
Reply to  Erik B

I think the part people are impressed by, is that a comic artist, Tim, knew about and implemented these details.

2 years ago

Wild speculation. Starcaster battle ensues, Cort ends up with a somewhat used, but fully functional, starcaster on each arm.

Dual-wielding starcasters!

2 years ago
Reply to  ThatMageGuy

Given that one puts a strain on the user’s body, that sounds extremely unhealthy. But awesome.

2 years ago

Even if you think the Federation are corrupt bureaucrats and law enforcement, they are far and anyway a better option to team up with than Team Delete All Life in The Universe. This shouldn’t have been a choice at all.

Last edited 2 years ago by CMasta1992
2 years ago
Reply to  CMasta1992

I don’t think anyone thought the choice was “Team Federation vs Team Dranglaex”. The choice was “Team Federation vs Team Hide-from-Both-Sides”

2 years ago

Now we wait for the Third Party to show up and make merry hell

2 years ago

How many times have you watched a movie and said, “All this drama could have been avoided if those two had just TALKED to each other.”? Amazing to see it actually happening.

2 years ago

Glad it’s going this way…

2 years ago

Checkov’s laser rifle is onscreen. While I respect Nyrah’s posture seemingly keeping her finger off the trigger, I am unfortunately now counting down until it’s fired with predictably disastrous results.

2 years ago

“I did this part already”


“I’m not as dumb as you think I am, even though I’ve proved otherwise multiple times.”