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The Starcaster Chronicles 13.09

July 11, 2024 by Tim

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3 months ago

You…you know, I’m sorry, but considering that one of your ships carrying one of the most potent weapons in the galaxy was just ambushed by the enemy fleet, do you really think it’s a wise militarily sound decision to SEND THE ONLY OTHER ONE YOU HAVE THERE BLINDLY IN RESPONSE?!?

Like, send advance ships, scout the area while you keep the Starcaster at close proximity if it’s needed, then radio the situation ahead maybe, but sending your only remaining trump card in to an area where you have no idea what’s going on seems ridiculously incompetent.

3 months ago

Ruh roh.

3 months ago

I think the most intriguing thing about this situation, with the Dranglaex acquiring another Starcaster, is that it could potentially bring extra trouble to them too, not just to the Federation. My reasoning revolves specifically around prince Kelias. Suppose the Dranglaex (probably their emperor) decide to give this Starcaster to Kelias. So far he and his brother Vectanix often disagreed on their strategy in this war, and Kelias ultimately had to follow Vectanix’s will, even if he didn’t like it. I assume that was mostly due to the Starcaster – it is both a status symbol and a weapon. However,… Read more »

3 months ago
Reply to  GUNnibal

It was established early on that the Dranglaex were holding off their invasion until they found the second starcaster. Knowing that the starcaster they were looking for was now out of their hands, they have started to attack recently. Getting this second starcaster will set them up with the equipment they wanted for an invasion at the start of the comic; the Federation and the Dranglaex having 2 starcasters each, with the Dranglaex force being built up over time in preparation of this invasion. I would need to read back, but I am sure it was also established that the… Read more »

3 months ago
Reply to  HelloWorld

Although standing his ground stupidly *does* sound a bit like his MO, we already saw him order a retreat in the previous issue.

My money says that he’s going to get HIMSELF out of dodge, but order his ships to down as many feds as possible to cover his retreat.

Bonus points if Cort manages to help the fleet soundly rout the forces Kelias leaves behind, sullying his victory by making his retreat look like a cowardly sacrifice of soldiers.

Kevin Greenbaum
Kevin Greenbaum
3 months ago
Reply to  GUNnibal

I’m thinking he bonds it to himself before they return, his pride will cloud his logic and he’ll assume he can handle it without issue because if his brother can do it surely so can he.

3 months ago
Reply to  GUNnibal

Mmmm, They’ve held fire, built up and consolidated their position for over a century with an expeditionary fleet. That takes real patience and mutual respect on both sides Two other things come to mind: – 1) They’re on their own and are separated from the real Dranglaex forces by sheer distance 2) This wasn’t quite a suicide mission to get rid of them, but it comes close in terms of risk In those kind of circumstances I think these two princes will rely on each other come what may Yes a starcaster is a battle changing artifact of great power,… Read more »

3 months ago
Reply to  GUNnibal

that would be best case scenario for the federation. but would also mean internal dispute could favor a more…. ambitious… and timely takeover of federation space with the additional starcaster at the drangalex’s disposal.

3 months ago

And the funny reason for this general mobilization is…

3 months ago

Let me get this straight: a ship with a Starcaster aboard has been ambushed and possibly taken over with the said Starcaster possibly falling into enemy hands, making it a possibility that responding forces will have to deal with two fricking Starcasters now and they are sending in the third one to investigate? That makes sense. I love how “jumping the gun” is a part of the policy of a large, intergalactic organization, as it would be in the real world when something like this happens. It’s like: Sir, that ship’s been ambushed Send in the forces closest to them… Read more »

3 months ago
Reply to  Mor

What else would you suggest they should do? This is a potentially war-deciding crisis. If the Dranglaex succeed in seizing this Starcaster, they’ll be in a great position to win the war once both their Casters are operational. Sending all available troops to prevent that scenario makes perfect sense. This isn’t an investigation to see what happened, it’s a last-ditch effort to maybe try and stop the worst from occurring. (The Feds also probably don’t know Danton’s condition, he could still be making a stand for all they know. ) Of course sending in an inexperienced caster into the crisis… Read more »

3 months ago
Reply to  Mor

Like in the action movies when a sniper gets one and five will try to treat them

3 months ago
Reply to  Mor

The thing is that La’ni is probably still around. She’s probably not gone far while sesrching for the Drang’laex, if she isn’t still here to teavh Cort. So far she has shown to have the greatest control over the starcaster, being able to fly unassisted in space and track the use of other starcasters. This last part is particularly significant, as Cort was using it to make smileys in stones while receiving barely any damage. Compared to the energy of a star or Starcasting dreadnoughts it is very insignificant, yet she could sense and track it. The only thing she… Read more »

3 months ago

Prince Vectanix to his father: “You know how I use my hand for Starcasting?”
“How about two hands.”

3 months ago
Reply to  Darkhorse

Why stop there? Two feet as well.

3 months ago

man, Cort is gonna need to get himself a uniform that denotes a reasonable amount of rank so that he can be at least aware of what the lowest ranking officer on the ship is.

3 months ago
Reply to  Marcus

I was mildly impressed that he remembered the ranks.

3 months ago
Reply to  pookysgirl

Seems like he used the trick of being still a marshall from time to time, so he would refresh them to make his acting more convincing

3 months ago

Don’t ask. Order! ‘You! Sitrep! Now! While I get in uniform!’ they are busy getting ready so it increases success of the intimidate working.