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This Is The Way

December 4, 2019 by Tim

It has been… honestly, I don’t even know how long since I’ve witnessed Star Wars fans practically unanimous in their enjoyment of the franchise. But the most argument I’ve seen over The Mandalorian so far has been whether it’s a good show or a great show (I’m in the latter camp). It’s been a nice change of pace, to simply discuss how much we like the characters/lore etc, instead of arguing over alien titty milk.

This is the way.

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Doc Mesa
Doc Mesa
5 years ago

The way, this is.

5 years ago
Reply to  Doc Mesa

I have spoken.

The Mandalorian
The Mandalorian
5 years ago

This is the way.

That One Angry Mandalorian
That One Angry Mandalorian
5 years ago

This is the way.

Masked Mandalorian
Masked Mandalorian
5 years ago

This is the way

5 years ago

I keep waiting for the lull, you know? Where a great show comes out and after an episode or two it’s just crappy filler until they hit the last two episodes and spunk the budget.

It’s not coming! It just keeps getting better and better with each episode. I can’t wait to see where this goes and I honestly hope other series coming out follow the formula!

5 years ago
Reply to  ReaverRogue

I’m really hoping that The Witcher, with Henry Cavill will have the same results.

5 years ago

I’ve seen several complaints about the fact that there aren’t many women in the show, but aside from that… yeah. Pretty unanimous.

5 years ago
Reply to  Mordred

but…that blacksmith was female. And we just had an episode of a badass female bounty hunter.

5 years ago
Reply to  Nextgener

The widow was a bit of a bamf as well. *nobody can hit a stew pot with a controlled single shot from 10 feet… the widow hits full auto and dumps an entire “mag” into a sauce pan*

And we still have yet to see Ming-Na Wen portray Fennec Shand (which sounds like Favreau found yet another way to have her be the most capable combatant in the room)

5 years ago
Reply to  Nextgener

Yeah, people will hunt for any reason to complain.

5 years ago
Reply to  Nextgener

Technically, Cara Dune is not a bounty hunter, she’s an ex-Rebel shock trooper who retired to a remote planet because she wasn’t satisfied guarding diplomats.

Not disagreeing about the badass part, though.

5 years ago
Reply to  Mordred

I haven’t seen anyone complaining about that, even among those friends who are most likely to complain about a lack of female characters.

Bob's Muff
Bob's Muff
5 years ago
Reply to  Ben

Anita Sark-whatever complained about by saying there were no female characters into he first episode even though there were.

Diogo Salazar
Diogo Salazar
5 years ago
Reply to  Mordred

Half of the non-speaking mandalorians could be female and we wouldn’t know until they speak.
Of the 3 we heard speak so far, aside from the titular character, half of them (1) is female.

The rAt
The rAt
5 years ago
Reply to  Mordred

“…there aren’t many women…”

I mean, sure, but that’s because there aren’t many PEOPLE in the show yet. And lots of them are wearing helmets. Or are aliens. Or hanging out non-descriptly in the background of a bar.

And, for that matter, how do we know The Child isn’t a girl?

Nitpicking, that’s what that is.

5 years ago
Reply to  Mordred

OK, seriously, how dumb people need to be to complain about such stuff? Brainwashed much?

5 years ago
Reply to  Mordred

Ya just ignore those folks whos first response is to bitch about the representation of group A vs B in whatever show. They will find something wrong regardless. Kick back and enjoy the show while they cry out to the uncaring sky.

5 years ago

Wait. What’s this about Alien tiddies?

5 years ago
Reply to  TuffMelon

Search “last jedi milk scene”. I apologise in advance 🙂

5 years ago

imgur is the ONLY place (and now here) where I saw this. No one ever talked to me about the baby yoda EVER, coworkers, friends, family.

5 years ago
Reply to  leduk

you can downvote as you want even if I dont get why, it’s still true: I totally dont get the internet hype about baby yoda.

5 years ago
Reply to  leduk

You must have the wrong people on your myface friends then. Mine asploded with baby yoda memes roughly one day after people could start watching it…

5 years ago

Baby Yoda could chew my leg off and I would thank him

Little smile
Little smile
5 years ago

Oh yeah, besides the People who write annoying Articles About the series not showing enough empowered Woman ,aricles that came out dierectly after Episode one ,not giving the series a good chance.
Yeah almost all love the series.

Vincent Price
Vincent Price
5 years ago

This is the way.

5 years ago

At least until that female character was added and apparently some fans lost their shit again.

I swear to god if it was Mara Jade they’d have sloughed off to wank.

5 years ago
Reply to  Kaitensatsuma

wait, some incel with no life cried all over the internet because of a woman?

Erik B
Erik B
5 years ago
Reply to  leduk

This is the way.

Did I do it right? Pretty sure I did it right.

5 years ago
Reply to  leduk

Right, stupid of me to expect otherwise.

5 years ago

Man, I’ve HATED “The Mandalorian” so far. Maybe I’m the only one, but I can’t think of a single thing I enjoy about it (FWIW, I loved The original trilogy, prequels, Rogue One, Solo, and even the Clone Wars TV Series). But the whole thing feels like they’re packing “noglastia” and anything “cool” together without any substance. Even “Baby Yoda” just feels like fan service.

5 years ago
Reply to  Dan

This is the way.

5 years ago
Reply to  Dan
5 years ago
Reply to  Dan

What is this “noglastia” you speak of? If you mean nostalgia then Rogue One and Solo are pretty much nostalgia the movies so I am not sure how that is a reason not to like The Mandalorian, but you are entitled to your opinion.

This is the way.

5 years ago
Reply to  Dan

If you aren’t excited to see a lightsaber swinging young Yoda in tiny mandalorian armor then you just aren’t a happy person

Jacob K.
Jacob K.
5 years ago
Reply to  Fletcher

Dan, the reason why i like it is because it is telling a story that has, so far, NOTHING tto do with the Skywalkers, at least at a personal level. I dont think its so much that there ‘no substance’. Its that we only have a little bit to go off of right now. Its a brand new story and i think that by season 2 the back story and set up of the story will be done and we will expand the story more.

5 years ago

This is the way.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
5 years ago

Of course Baby Yoda has to win 2020. How else are they going to get us all in our Mickeypod™ by 2027?

5 years ago

There were several times where I couldn’t help but think that this is what Firefly would have been like if Mal had gone full-lone-wolf after the war. Especially seeing the Mando’s ship heading toward the planet at the beginning of Sanctuary. But that’s also part of the common motif that both shows are going for. They’re classic westerns, in space. The last warrior, living life by a personal code. The innocent who needs protection. An uncaring land (world, galaxy) that’ll chew ’em up and spit ’em out if it gets the chance… We’re just an Ennio Morricone soundtrack contribution away… Read more »

5 years ago

You know…Scott Eastwood looks *just* like his dad did 50 years ago…

Swars him up, and send him on out. Just make sure he has a red poncho.

The rAt
The rAt
5 years ago

For the first few episodes, there was something nagging at me (in a good way). The Mandolorian’s voice. I knew he was played by Pedro Pascal – heck, I was listening for any hint of the Red Viper. But that wasn’t it. I don’t know if anyone else caught a whiff of Dornish, but that’s not what I was hearing. Took me three episodes in before I realized what it was – to my ear, at least, his voice really sounds like Captain Mal during some of the more serious/quiet moments in Firefly. Maybe it’s just me, but his voice… Read more »

5 years ago

Nobody is arguing over alien titty milk. It’s delicious.

5 years ago

Sorry for the word vomit here but I have *feelings* about this: 1) It’s disposable. You could probably stop watching it without missing any really important lore points. This means that whichever fans *don’t* like it didn’t feel like they *had* to watch it. You couldn’t skip episodes 7 or 8 and then go see episode 9 without losing a lot of info; that made fans feel like they were invested in those films before they even came out. It created a feeling that they were FORCED to watch it, whether the liked it or not. Conversely, if a fan… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  Ben

#5. We don’t know that yet. We have no idea what the purpose of The Child is.

Bob's Muff
Bob's Muff
5 years ago
Reply to  Ben

You could 100% skip 8 and miss no info whatsoever because nothing of note or interest happened in the entire movie.

5 years ago

So, I’m going to be diving into unpopular waters here, so in an effort to stave off some of the thumbs down, I want to say I love the show. Watched all 4 episodes multiple times and love the discussions friends and I have over it. It’s great, refreshing and fun. There, the people who absolutely love the show can leave now. That being said, I’m frankly surprised that no one has commented on how Disney has pulled a fast one on this show. Look at every bit of advertising we were shown, and are still being shown. I just… Read more »

Erik B
Erik B
5 years ago
Reply to  Makabriel

Totally see where you are coming from with that one. All I can say is: It’s only episode 4. Lets give it a moment, because all four episodes (ok, maybe not as much the 4th, but certainly the first three) have shown Mando to be an absolute badass, and as he gets more and more backed into a corner over his decision, I feel like it will only pick up steam in that regard.

Diogo Salazar
Diogo Salazar
5 years ago
Reply to  Makabriel

For what is worth, my wife doesn’t call me to watch The Mandalorian, she calls me to watch Baby Yoda…

5 years ago
Reply to  Makabriel

I’m with you on this one. I didn’t see much of the marketing, but when I heard there was going to be a show about a Mandalorian, my mind jumped to lots of fighting, hunting, and a coldness to the main character. Instead, it feels to me like they’re humanizing the Mandalorians. Maybe that’s not a problem and the show is well done. It’s just not at all what I was expecting.

5 years ago

I haven’t watched The Mandalorian yet but I’m excited that Star Wars is doing something with the universe that isn’t just a sequel/prequel. There’s always been enough interesting room for new characters that they always did a much better job of exploring in the video games. While I don’t have the rampant hate for a lot of the newer stuff that some fans do, I’m excited to binge the Mandalorian when the first season is done.

Erik B
Erik B
5 years ago

I have seen/heard SO MANY people talking about “Baby Yoda”. I haven’t heard anyone other than me say “This isn’t Yoda! It’s just a whatever Yoda’s species is!”

Am I the only one who just wants to call it a baby green-alien-species? Or just “the kid” or “the child”?

5 years ago

I’m fairly certain there’s a FB group centered around hating the poor thing.

Diogo Salazar
Diogo Salazar
5 years ago

The one thing I found odd is the part where mandalorians NEVER remove their helmet (I hope it’s a figure of speech). Jango was seen without his helmet on occasions and I wouldn’t put him as a guy that doesn’t follow the Way

5 years ago
Reply to  Diogo Salazar

Was Jango actually a Mandalorian? I thought he was a bounty hunter and the armor was simply an acquisition from his adventures. I don’t think it would hold anywhere near the meaning for him that it does for the Mandalorians who follow the path.

5 years ago
Reply to  Diogo Salazar

I thought about that, but then my question became, “was Jango actually a Mandalorian or did he just kill one and steal their armor?”

5 years ago
Reply to  Diogo Salazar

The Resol’nare only speaks of ‘armor’ among the 6 actions. Training in it, wearing it. there is no prohibition about taking it off. It’s just that in a dangerous galaxy, there are few places secure enough to remove armor in. ——–

Resol’nare – the Six Actions
in Mando’a = Ba’jur bal beskar’gam, // Ara’nov, aliit, // Mando’a bal Mand’alor – // An vencuyan mhi.
in Basic = Education and armor, // Self-defense, our tribe, // Our language and our leader – // All help us survive.

5 years ago
Reply to  Jaq

Well, there is some debate as to Jango’s status as a Mandalorian, apparently. Some believe he just co-opted the armor to play on the reputation, and that Boba did the same, since their armor sets are not Beskar. These people should probly take note that it seems many Mando do not have Beskar armor, even in this show centered around Mandalorians. Beyond that, though, this is the first we’re seeing in the new canon of Mando’s after the Galactic Civil War. The Empire did their best to purge Mandalorians, and has apparently done a fairly good job, to the point… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  Lunchbox

It’s also entirely possible that the reason the Mandalorians (other than The Mandalorian) in the show don’t wear much Beskar is because much of it was confiscated during the purge. It’s plausible to argue that Mandalorians at Jando’s time might have used more Beskar.

Personally, I think it’s a stupid idea to claim that Boba and Jango aren’t ‘real’ Mandalorians, as the only reason Mandalorians are fleshed out to this extent is because fans loved Boba for some reason. (Yes, ‘for some reason’ – he looks cool, but he doesn’t really do anything ‘badass’ in the OT in my opinion)

Cameron Nicholls
Cameron Nicholls
5 years ago
Reply to  Diogo Salazar

If I remember right, I believe Jango Fett (or Boba Fett for that matter) aren’t actually Mandalorian. Jango’s from a neighbouring planet called Concord Dawn, and wore the armour for the reputation that goes with it, but didn’t follow the ways taught by the Mandalorians, so took it on and off willy-nilly. Boba wore it because his dad did

5 years ago

I don’t see this bumber sticker on the shop.

5 years ago

meh, i dont care about baby joda, Star war still sucks. THERE i broke the peace between star wars fan.

5 years ago

I’d vote for him

debbie downer
debbie downer
5 years ago

for the love of god then DO NOT play SWTOR!!!
they are hating on mandalorian nearly as bad as they hating on the game itself atm. it is pure hatred from that MMO and really sad.

5 years ago

I hate the fact that the young Yoda is everywhere and how much good hype the show is getting everywhere… And we aren’t getting Disney+ here until some time next year! *crying over spilled alien titty milk*

5 years ago

Jetpack toting Mando assault squad, yep, they got me
This is the way

5 years ago

The discussions back and forth between you folks, is almost as entertaining as the series its self. I love smart people. (I actually mean that no underlining sarcasm)
The Mandalorian is a story in motion; if grandpa sat you down to tell a story you likely wouldn’t complain that he didn’t include enough females in his story telling. you sit quietly and respectfully listening and enjoying the story. If you complain to much stories just don’t get told to you anymore, then you can complain about that. (be careful what you wish for)

This is the way.