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Trust, p3

July 8, 2020 by Tim

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4 years ago

Feel this page would be funnier if there was a clock in the background showing the time to be still early in the day

4 years ago
Reply to  Havok

“And it’s not even noon”

-Hey, it’s still an improvement. Yesterday we were up to 37 by now.

4 years ago
Reply to  Rauri

You got up late today

4 years ago
Reply to  Havok

Or to show him just in the process of opening up as the discussion progressed.

4 years ago

I have to say, I come down pretty heavily on Ethans side here. Without trust, they’ll never get Zeke on their side.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
4 years ago
Reply to  zox

If he’s even capable of being on their side, which I’m starting to doubt. Look. He almost certainly could be forgiven for the acts he took when under orders and threat of death from Howard – self-preservation, only doing what he was ordered, etc. Yet he’s made it abundantly clear since that the actions he took, he would do anyways, simply for his own reasons. Yes, he moved from being prisoner of one person to being prisoner of another. It’s not exactly a better scenario, especially as they’re keeping him chained up until he “plays nice” with them. Once he… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

The way I see it, Zeke being converted is not that far off. He seems to be a very logical kind of guy, so all he needs is a push in the right direction – one fact that doesn’t fit with his current logic. E.g. Ethan can do something really stupid that wouldn’t be of any benefit to him but help Zeke, something selfless. This would force Zeke to redo his logical chains from scratch and possibly come to a different conclusion.

Some guy who rages
Some guy who rages
4 years ago
Reply to  GUNnibal

Maybe, but they already disabled the kill-switch (or have control of it themselves) and freed him from his “master”. I don’t think Ethan knows this, and if he finds out, could help Zeke be free without the consent of the others, and in that way prove he is at least not one of humans Zeke hates. In the original, Zeke did hate the humans too, so it might be the way Tim works this in. Feeling a little frustrated having to wait so long for the story to unfold though 🙂

4 years ago
Reply to  GUNnibal

I think he’s already missing the logic chain that Ethan is “incepting” him with, unintentionally.

Zeke enjoys video games.

Zeke’s experience of existence is superior when he plays them as a creative experience, rather than digesting raw data.

Zeke may have sentient intelligence, but he lacks understanding/proficiency in artistic design, creative expression, art, and abstract creative concept.

Zeke NEEDS humans to create the experiences that enhance his enjoyment of existence.

He hasn’t figured it out yet, but he hates the people who create what he enjoys, and needs them to avoid an existence of eternal misery from boredom.

4 years ago
Reply to  zox

My concern is Zeke being able to (ab)use the communication to do whatever he wants (while also wanting what he wants).

Daniel Sørensen
Daniel Sørensen
4 years ago

Did Scott just get a tan? I mean he was tanned before, but my boy has been hitting the
solarium. Damn!

Some guy who rages
Some guy who rages
4 years ago

Well, it’s summer time, why not?

4 years ago

Is he even a human? Are his shades violet or his eyes?

4 years ago

He’ll be the top ranked gamer if everyone else is dead

4 years ago

Genetic similarities aside I’m not sure that Zeke would lob Ethan in with the human race, seeing as most humans would probably avoid associating their species with Ethan.

4 years ago

Hey, I used to read your comic all the time, but I dropped off a few years ago. Wanted to check in and hey! Your art and writing have really improved! Rooting for Zeke. An excellent boy, if not a good boy.