Hah, remember that time last week when EA announced a bunch of loot box changes and we thought maybe they’d be a little less garbage? That was a fun few minutes.

Hah, remember that time last week when EA announced a bunch of loot box changes and we thought maybe they’d be a little less garbage? That was a fun few minutes.
And that’s why I usually buy games online.
Well, that and the purchasing of Respawn, the developers that were originally “escorted” by security out of the building when they were fired the first time. I’m sure that EA won’t suck them dry for Titanfall 3 with a bunch of micro-transactions and loot boxes. But yeah, this is why I will not purchase EA games lately, I like to play games to play the game, not feel like I am missing out because I don’t have extra cash to throw at the triple A developer. I didn’t buy the first Battlefront, and I might never buy the second one.… Read more »
On my PS2??
Pfft, no on Steam actually lol.
Sadly, however they implemented the servers is EXTREMELY glitchy, to the point of being near unplayable at times. The single player is still fun as all hell though.
“… the developers that were originally “escorted” by security out of the building when they were fired the first time.”
That’s ridiculously common enterprise practice, and it makes sense; you don’t know what employee is going to enact revenge, and a one-glove-fits-all policy also helps safeguard against misconduct accusations for terminations.
I’m all for boycotting EA for various reasons, but that’s… both expected and sensible.
So the ‘sense of pride’ you can get from buying enough loot boxes? Being willing to spend more money than your friends? Guessing by the time people grind them out for free, the heroes will be mildly common.
Last time I finished a big MMO grindquest, I played with the result for a day.
And then felt too much shame to keep playing. Uninstallation followed a month later.
Love it 😀
This is so relevant now: https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsBattlefront/comments/7cff0b/seriously_i_paid_80_to_have_vader_locked/dppum98/
Wow. I don’t think I’ve seen that many downvotes on a single comment in a long time
You including the NeoNazi hate posts?
Sadly, yes. People are… weird.
Oh boy, I do love it when there are notable consequences to dickery.
Damn, that’s impressive.
Smashed the previous record by 10x
AHAHAAA That’s hilarious.
It’s actually more downvoted than the next top 5 downvoted AND top 5 upvoted posts ever – COMBINED. It’s overall the most “voted” comment on Reddit by a massive margin.
Makes me glad I don’t like military FPS games. I get to sit back and watch this one implode upon itself.
… mostly because the FFXIV servers keep getting DDoS’d, but never mind that. >_>;
I-IIIIIIIII hhhhhhave nonononononononon cccllllluue aaaaaaaaaaaassssssss to what yooooouuuuu mmmmeeeeannnnnn
Love this. I considered buying it because I love Star Wars, but then I remembered it was from EA, and I don’t buy EA games.
Posters in the store window facing inside? That’s unusual. 🙂
I suppose they’re just double-sided.
Well ethan does run the store… so either way would make sense honestly lol.
Also, the sun&moon one does look like a banner, which are usually visible from both sides.
No, it’s a wall. The posters are on a wall.
I think.
Whatever helps you sleep at night ; )
I used to work at Gamestop and practically all of our ads at my store were double sided like that.
I learned my lesson with Battlefront 1. Not gonna catch me again!
OMG brilliant idea I just wish more stores would actually do this and show us the results afterwards XD
Yeeeaaaaahhh, put me down for “I just want the campaign”. I read inferno squadron and I liked it. But if they think this game is going to keep my attention long enough to shell out 60,000 credits for even ONE hero they’re dreaming.
I especially like the fact that a Battlefront ad is playing as I read this.
Well, I did not think it would be this bad. I guess you will have to put me in the camp of “ I did not want to play heroes anyway”. I don’t mind a bit of grinding to get what I want but 60k credits is a bit much. There are also rewards for completing certain parts of the game or certain objectives. I believe you get a couple hundred for each chapter of the campaign but don’t quote me in that. I will stick to using my credits on loot boxes/crates. No EA I will not be purchasing… Read more »
This is why I have gamefly. I rent the games to have a feel for “is this worth my time”. EA Games with single player experiences I’ll rent. Madden’s single player mode was actually a pretty fascinating experience. I love the concept of the MUT system, but it’s basically pay to win. So I shipped it back. BF2 is on my list, I’ll play it and move on. But there are other games, like Zero Dawn, that I had no idea what I was getting in that sleeve… that I rush out and buy the box… Micro transactions should never… Read more »
I believe their was an insider quote going around recently indicating that this was the direction EA was going to be going with for all games in the future.
It takes 40 hours to unlock one hero. This 40 hours isn’t 40 hours of being on the game, mind you. The 40 hours is ACTIVELY PLAYING from the time the screen shows your character until the end of the round screen.
Well I’m going to like, actually not buy the game at all. I’ve got plenty of other things to play made by companies that aren’t the epitome of awful in gaming
Aw Tim…the Battlefront poster is for Battlefront 1, not 2 =(
Not anymore it isn’t. 😉
touche =D
You convinced me. The “Single Player Campaign” and “It’s Star Wars” almost convinced me. Then I read this and remembered (I’m a PC Gamer FYI) how much hacking there is, how the flight controls are unusable, how the servers are all empty, and how often I get one-shotted by THAT ONE GUY on every server and I think I will do what I did with the first battlefront and wait until it is 4.99 for the Game of the Year edition. Because that’s about what it was worth. (Side note: The two player missions have been a ton of fun… Read more »
All good, but I miss the star thingy and Ethan and layla( I think that’s her name) romance
I’m enjoying these strips but they feel pre-reboot and I’m not sure that is a good thing.
Yeah, I’m not getting battlefront 2 at all so this isn’t an issue for me. Any desire for the singleplayer for me is easily solved by watching the cut scenes/playthrough videos on youtube right now. I played in the beta and didn’t really find the gameplay all that exciting either so it was easy to decide.
Wonder when will ppl learn … EA is always pulling this kind or something even larger type shit for players … has been doing so for well past decade and not going to end doing so till stupid sheeps will stop throwing money at them:)
Not at all related to games, but I use a similar board during trivia show The Chase for the “Ask the team for advice” segment since they say the same things over and over again and I wanted to make it interesting. “The low offer’s an insult, stick with the middle offer, we need you back here”.
You get a bit over 30k from the assignments.
40 hours. For 40 hours, I expect to make rent money. (Or a significant portion thereof.) 40 hours of labor, and I can probably feed every homeless person in town. I could read 2,000 pages… spread over several novels.
Or I can play with a hero in a game that I may immediately discover is garbage and attracts grenades like nazis do punches.
Goddamn. All of my skyrim time would put me at 6 unlocks. Skyrim. I did all the things. Some of them twice. Anybody thinking this thing’s going to soak that many hours from much of the playerbase?
I know people who have played HUNDREDS of hours on pokemon games (over the course of the last decade) and that would get them…50 heroes? ~2k hours. This is a fifth of the way to Gladwell’s 10,000 hour rule and it would get you 50. Mind you, there can’t possibly be that many heroes avalible through DLC in one game, but really…with that much time on one game is mind boggling. Anyone short of that guy who was *still* playing Everquest in like 2010 would balk at that much dedication. And/or addiction. (I am aware that 2k hours on pokemon… Read more »
*Anders Ericsson did the study for the 10k hour rule
Fun fact: Truly mastering Battlefront II as per the 10,000 hour rule described by Anders Ericsson would give you 250 heroes.
The real problem isn’t that the loot crates are there. It is the simple fact that enough people will buy them to make it profitable. If gamers could come together and not buy loot crates, the game, ect it would send the message. Sadly there are not enough of us that stand the line.
You misunderstand the business model. Most of the income is expected to come from a handful of whales who each spend thousands on the loot boxes. As “normal” players are discouraged from buying the game, EA is thus cushioned from the revenue loss. But those whales require other players to fight as content. Without a solid playerbase of non-whales, the whales lose interest and move on. Thus, while this market will succeed for a time, as EA pushes things further and further, and alienates more and more players, they are setting themselves up for a crashing fall. When the whales… Read more »
I’m going to wait a year until it is all in one gold pack. Damn EA.
My favorite part is how EA pretended to listen to feedback by lowering the cost of Vader, while not telling everyone they also lowered in-game credit payments to go along with it.
My least favorite part is how some people are actually eating the above up. Stop it, they aren’t listening to feedback at all, they deserve no credit for this.
You previously got 20k credits for completing the campaign. Iden Versio, the campaign’s protagonist, cost 20k credits to unlock. They lowered Iden Versio’s cost to 5k, so they lowered the campaign credit reward to 5k. It was clearly always their intention to allow you to earn enough from the campaign to unlock Versio, and so they scaled that in response. As far as I can tell, they have not lowered the reward from multiplayer matches, meaning all of the characters are, in fact, in closer reach now. There is plenty to be upset with EA over without needed to fabricate… Read more »
And I won’t feel the slightest sense of loss if I skip this one too. I’m telling you, skipping AAA games with loot boxes in them is really easy. Mostly because they barely have any content worth playing or in this case paying for to begin with. It’s just sad when free to play games like Warframe can give me a more complete experience and not feel nearly as restrictive or scummy as games I have to pay for. It’s probably because I think that if I pay full price, I should at least get my money’s worth before those… Read more »
And they did some loot crate shit with NFS: Payback.
Also. Call of Duty: WW2 first day made more money for EA than Wonder Woman and Thor combined. If I ever again will hear, that they NEED loot crates to make profit, I will call that man a liar.
Where’s the “mind your own business you small time shop owner twat” option?
Woah man, what the fu**? If you hate Tim so much, why are you reading this? Why did you even take the time to comment?
I think you misspelled seconds in your description.
I wonder if this game will have the companion app and if it does will it have the little mini game that gave you crdits like the first game’s app?
I’m not surprised that “my purchase won’t make a difference” was up there. That’s all I’ve been hearing: “EA is going to make a ton of money anyways, so it doesn’t pay to boycott the game.”
As of right now, the PS4 version has a Metacritic score of 78 (dropped 2 points from earlier today) and a user score of 1.2.
Hah. Haaaah.
In other news, anyone hear about another Rogue Leader game teased as potentially coming to Switch by Factor 5? THAT would be awesome.
It will either be cancelled, or turned into another game like this. This is the new path for EA.
Oh, I would love that, since I’m buying a Switch on the payday this month.
So happy to see Ethan, Lucas and the Linux guy!! Are they back now? I took quite a long break
I wouldn’t buy anything Star Wars after Disney bought (brutally killed) it if my life depended on it.