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Winter-een-mas 2018, p2

January 29, 2018 by Tim

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7 years ago

Majority owner? Huh, I thought in this universe it would be a 50/50 between the two or a 3-way split between them and Scott? (Unless that part’s true and Ethan’s 34%?)

Anyway I wonder if this is leading up to the return of Rob, always did like that guy. Would help to have a full time guy there whenever our dynamic duo has to deal with a crisis during day time, just saying. Also the side benefit of letting Ethan goof off and play video games instead of working. 🙂

7 years ago
Reply to  tiamatt

Dude, could Rob deal with a daytime crisis, guy? Unless it was a crisis of some noob not wanting to buy CS:S, guy.

7 years ago
Reply to  Ashi

Is Counterstrike still a thing, because this was the maintheme of Rob. But there was a mentioning, that he is probably working for Megagame.

Perhaps it could be a interesting point to bring Abby (the Punkgirl that found the flaws in Ethans RPG-Based achievementsystem in 1.0) back into the comic.

Anon Y Mouse
Anon Y Mouse
7 years ago

Erm… Why? Is there something about Lucas and speed killing I’m unaware of, or is it just Ethan’s eneptitude?

7 years ago
Reply to  Anon Y Mouse

I’m guessing the “veggie wrap” gives him little arm movement ala T-Rexes. Can’t hold the controller to even play, let alone speed kill.

7 years ago
Reply to  Anon Y Mouse

Or maybe monsters are randomly generated so it would be impossible to get the same monster twice in one area? I’m not familiar with the game.

7 years ago
Reply to  Robert

No, the monsters themselves are predetermined. It would come down to skill, and weapon power. As for his arms, I think his plan is he pulls his hands and controllers into the veggie wrap.

7 years ago

Ethan never thinks things through.
Unless its sacrificing himself to maintain the status of his home timeline.

James Rye
James Rye
7 years ago

“The risk I took was calculated, but boy, am I bad at math.”

7 years ago

So Ethan’s still the majority owner of the store. Interesting. Thought it would be an even split between the trio in this universe.

Bird of Prey
Bird of Prey
7 years ago
Reply to  Brendan

It makes sense though. Ethan would be much more eager to take a risk of having a retail store in the era of digital purchases just because he loves games so much. Also explains why Ethan is much more annoyed by that huge “Megagame” store than Lucas.

7 years ago
Reply to  Bird of Prey

Hell, if he did not own it, how would he get hired?

7 years ago
Reply to  DannyboyO1

A wizard did it.

7 years ago

ADD poster child in a competition of staying focused on a task. What could go wrong?

Man of the West
Man of the West
7 years ago

Dangers of gambling big.

That bet was not worth the risk, everyother say off is an awesome work week. Still, gotta hand it to Ethan for going balls in.

aaron Smith
aaron Smith
7 years ago

bigger question is how did ethan get enough money to afford a store? unless the last timeline is stilll the same and it was given to him… im voteing that he got runover by a car and sued thats also how he found out about his power

7 years ago
Reply to  aaron Smith

There was an earlier set of comics where we saw the origin of Ethan and Lucas’ powers. Ethan found out about his powers when Lucas accidentally cut off his head when he used his powers for the first time.

7 years ago
Reply to  aaron Smith

… No, I’m pretty sure he has known about his powers since just after he got them. There was a whole origin story in Analog and D-Pad #4. Read that. I’m guessing that since more time has passed that Barry either died tragically in a manner that would shape the very being of Ethan’s backstory and is called the most amazing story of 2.0 and possibly the greatest thing Tim Buckley ever wrote, but it isn’t going to be shown, or maybe Barry just retired because he got old. This is several years after the 1.0 ended, Barry was like… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Hamstermer

Ethan and Lucas opened the store together. It was newly opened in the origin story. So Ethan probably pitched in most of the funds, so he owns most of it. How he got that money? In CAD1.0, it was implied that his parents were rich and supported Ethan until they got estranged with their son. So likely Ethan had some family money to help get the store off the ground. Whether his relationship with his parents (and brother) is better in this universe though is yet to be seen.

7 years ago
Reply to  Brendan

Wait, Ethan’s family is rich?
When did that happen?
On the other hand, Ethan didn’t go to college and Lucas is the sort of person who would diligently get scholarships to cover everything.

Dingle Bloopynoop
Dingle Bloopynoop
4 years ago

Ethan must have used something other than the sword and shield.