
February 17, 2004 by Tim

I’ve been pretty bad about my news posts lately. Sorry about that. Usually I rely on myself to make the posts in the morning, but by then I’m too asleep to think of what I wanted to say, and the thought processes I do have are already racing about all the things I need to do for the day.

Anyway, Katsucon was a blast. I spent most of the weekend wandering the con with my girlfriend, who was working guest staff. I did hang out at some of my friend’s tables and get to meet some fans though, which is always lots of fun.

I had a panel on Saturday with a bunch of other web comics, which went very well. With over a dozen of us, and two hours to kill, there was never an awkward silence. I also met the creator of a web comic that I had never heard of, but has immediately been added to my personal read list, PartiallyClips. Go check it out. It’s some seriously funny stuff.

I got stopped in the hallway about half a dozen times over the course of the convention, which is unusual given my profession. Web comic artists aren’t often immediately recognizeable by sight, but apparently enough people have seen pictures of me to know when they spot me.

If you were at the convention and I missed you, I’m terribly sorry. I heard a rumor that someone had dressed up as Chef Brian and was roaming the convention, but I missed that one as well.

In entirely unrelated news, Painkiller is now on my list of most-anticipated games of 2004. I’d been keeping an eye on it, but they released the demo yesterday, and I can’t stop playing it. It’s fucking incredible. Download it. Now. Erase Unreal Tournament 2004 if you have to.

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