Content at last!

July 18, 2003 by Tim

I have been redeemed. Two of my reviewers, Athena and QuadBoy have stepped forward during this time, and provided us with not one or two, but NINE new reviews. So while Absath is away at ConnectiCon, we have these reviews for you to enjoy. I wasn’t able to write any myself, I’m fairly busy with CADMedia, so I’m happy to have this. We have Movie reviews on…

Legally Blonde 2: Red White & Blonde
The League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen
Pirates of the Caribbean
Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (My Five Word Review: Great movie, justifies a Terminator 4.)
28 Days Later (My Five Word Review: Best horror movie in ages.)
The Hulk (My Five Word Review: Good movie, X2 was better.)

And these movies are not currently in theaters, but you may find the reviews entertaining nonetheless…

Dumb & Dumberer
Hollywood Homicide

And this one, well I’m warning you. The content of this review is quite adult in nature, and one particular reference may be psychologically dangerous, so read at your own risk. The review of From Justin To Kelly is on the Reviews page.

Now as for CADMedia… The site is being developed right now by our resident webmonkeys Rastin and Stocad, and we look to launch before the end of the summer. The staff has been completely selected, and we actually have legal agreements now. This is turning into quite the professional endeavour we have. I’m really excited about what we’ll be doing in the future for the site.

To conclude, Enjoy the reviews, and look forward to CADMedia.

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