Digital Overload 2010!

October 9, 2009 by Tim

We’ve re-opened registration for Digital Overload’s 5th Anniversary Event!

Digital Overload 2010 will be held March 5-7, returning once again to the Rhode Island Convention Center in Providence! This is a milestone for our event, marking five fantastic years of bringing people together to hang out and play games for a weekend. And you’re going to see that reflected in Digital Overload 2010 with our biggest and best event yet!

If you’ve been to Digital Overload in the past, prepare to have your expectations blown away as we bring you more floorspace, more prizes, and more contests and tournaments! If you’ve never been to Digital Overload and you’re wondering what it’s all about, picture getting together with hundreds of friends you haven’t met yet, for a weekend in a giant convention hall, lit primarily by the glow of computer and TV screens running non-stop with all the hottest games. And then add in tournaments, prizes, Q&As and a whole lot of fun.

It’s a fun time, and 2010 will be no exception.

Over the next few months we’ll be announcing new sponsors, new prizes, announcing our tournament lineup for 2010 and more. But spaces are limited, so don’t waste any time securing your event badge, and it’s never too early to start arranging room and ride shares to cut down on travel costs, and finding tournament teams to group with.

Every year people travel from all over the world to attend Digital Overload… make sure you’re one of them!

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