Digital Overload Pricing

October 24, 2008 by Tim

A friendly reminder: on November 3rd the prices for Digital Overload badges and t-shirts goes up. Gamer badges will be $50, Tabletop Badges will be $35, and t-shirts will be $10.

We only have a couple hundred badges left, and still four months to the event. Purchasing your badge now not only saves you a bit of money, but also assures that you’ll have a seat at Digital Overload 2009.

In the coming weeks we’ll be announcing our tournament line-up for 2009, as well as more sponsors. We’ve just gotten D-Link on board to fuel the switching needs of our BYOC. Our network grows larger and larger each year, and we’re excited to have D-Link with the high quality hardware we need to keep our attendees playing for forty-eight hours of gaming goodness.

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