Fire at will

May 9, 2005 by Tim

So I went home to Cape Cod this weekend. My sister graduated from the Berklee College of Music (congratulations again, Brie!) and of course it was also Mother’s Day. I got a fair amount of work done despite being away from my beloved computers.

Next week I’m off to Los Angeles for E3. I’m going to skip the opening of Star Wars: Episode 3 and just catch it sometime after I return. However, towards the end of this month I should have a nifty announcement to make, and I’ll be able to tell you what has been keeping me so busy as of late.

This past Saturday was free comic book day, so I hope you all got a chance to head down to your local shop and partake of the celebration.

Recent diagnoses:

Forza Motorsport for the Xbox. Hot shit.

Revenge of the Sith for all systems. Pure shit.

More in-depth later if I get a chance to break away from work.

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