Foiled again (and again)

May 19, 2004 by Tim


Ok, that’s probably going to be the most exciting part of this news post.

I have good news concerning the collection book though. We should be ready to start accepting pre-orders by as early as next month sometime. My goal is to have the book in my hands by late July, in time to take it to ConnectiCon with me.

The pre-order phase is going to be very important and directly related to the release of the book, primarily because it’s the money from the pre-orders that I’m going to be using to have this book printed. Some of you may not remember the explanation of the process I gave a month ago, but when we near the pre-order date I’ll be sure to go over it all again in depth.

Once the book goes to print, we’ll probably take a short break, and then start assembling the second collection, so that hopefully we can have the second book out by the end of the year (depending on the success of the first book).

More on this as it develops.

So the newest Episode III title rumor is Birth of an Empire. Interesting.

And rarely have I seen anything more sad and pathetic than this. Well… perhaps this here.

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