Hey newfish

July 30, 2008 by Tim

As I’m sure you’ve noticed by now, we finally rolled out a handful of the new site features we’ve been talking about.

The archive for the Sillies is now in place, so you’ll be able to catch up on ones you miss without surfing through old newsposts.

Additionally, the archive systems for both comics got a little boost, in the form of the oft-requested “random comic” button, as well as the ability to set/load tags on comics, which will keep your place as you’re reading through the archive and can’t do it all in one sitting.

Our RSS feed should now also properly distinguish between comics, sillies and newsposts.

There are some other little bells and whistles in the pipeline that I’m sure you’ll see here and there over the coming weeks. In the meantime, I’ve got a convention this weekend, and preparation has been keeping me swamped. I”ll make a separate newspost about it below.

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