Holy 200 strips Batman!

September 17, 2003 by Tim

Can you believe I’ve drawn 200 of these damned things already? It’s unreal. It seems like I just started yesterday, and look at how far we’ve come.

Next month we hit our one year anniversary, and that will be the true milestone, but none of this would be where it is if it wasn’t for all of you. I really can’t say it enough. Thank you.

Aaaaand now that I’ve got you all buttered up, I’d like to bring a couple of things to your attention. I have decided to re-implement rewards for donators. From now on if you support Ctrl+Alt+Del, you will receive extra goodies in your email at the end of the month. And by extra goodies I mean donator’s only comic strips and wallpapers. You can donate any amount, it all helps. Trust me.

I will be updating the support page to reflect this soon.

This is an interim measure while we set up our member’s only section for the website. Once that is up and running, you will be able to subscribe to access a private area of the site that will house extra comics, wallpapers, the Ctrl+Alt+Del comic book, and member’s-only forums. I want to stress that the main area of the site will remain free. The member’s only content will be additional to the regular content I produce.

Also, if you’re interested in buying a T-Shirt, now’s the time to do it. I’ll leave orders open until Saturday, then they will come down until further notice.

On an entirely different subject, I recently found out that The Asylumantics isn’t getting nearly as much publicity as it deserves. So go ahead and check it out. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised.

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