
September 24, 2014 by Tim

I bought a lot of toys yesterday.

I never got into the first Disney Infinity. It looked neat, but it is ultimately a kids game and none of the toys really grabbed me enough to warrant the investment. I still go all eight-years-old in the heart for super heroes though, so when Infinity 2.0 was announced, I was immediately on board.

My son is nine months old, far too young to play with these toys or Infinity… but that didn’t stop me from using him as justification for buying myself all of these toys. “Oh, I’ll just hold on to them until he’s old enough. I’ll make sure they play properly. It’s my job as a parent to test out the game first.” Sprinkle in a bit of completionism, and my TV is now surrounded by little plastic heroes.

The figures themselves were the primary draw for me, though. I love the unified visual style of the Infinity brand, and the toys are no slouches. They’re solid, well-crafted and well-painted little statues, and I probably would have bought a handful of them to perch around my office regardless of any attached video game. The game, I’m finding, sure is a nice little bonus though.

My wife and I played for a couple of hours last night. We started with the Avengers playset, and priority number one was finding all of the crossover coins for Rocket Raccoon, so that she could play the furry Guardian of the Galaxy inside the Avengers world. We did some missions, we did some challenges, we spent an inordinate amount of time seeing how far we could throw eachother.

We then moved over to the Toy Box for a little while, where Spider-man and Princess Elsa raced some cars, batted a giant snowball around, and generally caused a ruckus. We’d only barely started scratching the surface of building and customizing when we called it a night.

Overall, yeah, it’s mostly a kid’s game. But that doesn’t mean there’s no entertainment for older kids here as well. In the same way Pixar movies are aimed at kids but enjoyable to adults, there’s fun to be had in Disney Infinity. Leveling up individual heroes and customizing their abilities with the skill trees adds a little depth, but the combat is ultimately simple and button-mashy. I’m under no illusions that this will be the most engaging game I play this fall, but there is something to be said for recapturing a bit of the magic I felt as a kid digging into my toy chest and pulling out my action figures for some adventure.

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