Interactive Story

May 10, 2013 by Tim

Next week we’re being sponsored by the great folks over at SUMO Lounge.

What this means is that I’m going to update every day next week, Monday through Friday. You and I are going to tell a little story.

On Monday morning, I will post the first page of a story. Then, for the next eight hours, you can email me a single sentence telling me what happens next. I will pick an entry (or maybe two) at random, and draw it up for Tuesday morning, where once again you can email me a single sentence for what happens next. So on and so forth through Friday.

It has to be a regular sentence, comprised of no more than 200 characters (no paragraph-long run-on sentences). I will not alter the contents of your sentence if it is chosen, but I may need to add to it to avoid complete non sequiturs between pages/sentences.

In this way, we will collectively come up with what I’m sure will be a bizarre and wild story. I have no idea how this will turn out, I’ve never done it before. But I can tell you I am not going to censor any of the submissions either. Anything goes. So it’s safe to assume that most of next week’s comics may be NSFW. We’ll take this little tale wherever it may go and see what happens. At the absolute least, it should be interesting!

So keep an eye out for the first page on Monday morning, as well as instructions on how to submit your sentence, and we’ll see what sort of story we come up with!

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