Legal Residence

April 23, 2004 by Tim

I’m sorry. I meant to post some news earlier, but I was too busy curled up in the corner with the shakes, swiping at phantom gang members. You see, the City of Heroes beta ended last night, and I now can’t play until Sunday. But the end of beta even was awesome. I’ll touch more on that later, with some pics.

Actually, what I was really doing all afternoon was driving around Virginia looking for the bloody DMV, so that I could finally sacrifice my nice Massachussetts license for a Virginia license. And get my license plates changed, etc. In essence, become an actual Virginian.

First of all, the directions on their website suck monkey balls, so I spent a good hour looking for the place. I finally get there, and they tell me I need my birth certificate to prove legal residence. Okaaaay… I don’t have my birth certificate. I left it in Massachussetts. Why do I need it when I have a current, valid driver’s license? She says I need it, and hands me a sheet of paper with all of the documents they need from me.

I head all the way home and finally read this paper, and notice the part where if I have a current driver’s license, I don’t need to present a birth certificate, because obviously I already proved legal residence in order to get my license in the first place.

So fine, partially my fault for ignoring my instinct and not reading the paper before I got all the way home, and partially her fault for telling me I needed a birth certificate in the first place.

So now I have to go back tomorrow, which is a Saturday, and you know the DMV gets packed on Saturdays… or wait until Monday. What a pain in my ass.

Oh yeah, and it’s too god damned hot down here. Anyone from up north want to ship me some of that nice cool weather?

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