More tournaments at Digital Overload!

January 2, 2009 by Tim

We’ve got more Digital Overload tournaments to announce, as well as a reminder that the price of badges goes up on January 7th. We’ll be opening tournament sign-ups online soon, and you can’t sign up for a tournament unless you’ve purchased a badge for the event.


For our RTS selection this year we’ve chosen Dawn of War 2. We’ll be running a 1v1 format, with rules to be decided once the final game is out. If by chance Dawn of War 2 gets pushed back and will not be out in time for the event, we will run a 2v2 World in Conflict tournament.

(Xbox 360)

I’m really excited to see the Street Fighter 4 tournament at Digital Overload 2009. In the past, we’ve run tournaments for less technical fighting games, like Smash Bros., but watching players duke it out one on one while their match is projected for all of the hall to watch is going to be a blast. Better start brushing up on those quarter-circle forwards.


Here’s another one that was a big hit at our 2008 event, the Magic Booster Draft. This tournament does have an entry free (payable at the time of the event) to cover the cost of the boosters (which you keep). We will be using boosters from the latest two expansions, Shards of Alara and Conflux. We had a big turnout for this one last year, so if you enjoy Magic, you won’t want to miss it.

And don’t forget to hit the Digital Overload forums if you have questions about the event, want to find a tournament team/partner, or look to cut down travel costs by finding room/ride shares.

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