My seat

June 11, 2008 by Tim

I have a new favorite chair.

A lot of you are probably familiar with Sumo. They make a great beanbag chair, and they’ve sponsored Digital Overload two years running now, and the chairs are always a huge hit with attendees. Well, they recently came out with a new product, the Sumo Sac. Aside from sounding like elephantiasis of the testicles, it’s a new beanbag chair that, in my opinion, blows the original Sumo out of the water.

This thing dominates the room. It’s size is unparalleled. It’s like having a small moon in your house.

I used to think the original Sumos were large. Here’s a side-by-side comparison.

Unlike the original Sumo, the Sumo Sac arrives compressed into a block. Due to its massive size, it’s the only economical way to ship it. So you get a huge block of foam wrapped in a pouch. This means it’s up to you to break up the foam upon arrival. It’s not terribly difficult, but it does require a bit of muscle. And for a while after you’ve set it up, you’ll occasionally find clusters of foam inside it’s gargantuan bulk that you’ll want to break up even further.

Once you break up the foam and let it settle for a day, you can wrap the micro-suede cover around it. This cover is the complete opposite from the original Sumo, which I liked because the canvas made it seem more durable. However, the micro-suede is way more comfortable, and doesn’t threaten to  freeze you during the winter. Don’t expect to see any Sumo Sacs at Digital Overload though. Micro-suede and those concrete floors (and hundreds of abusive gamers) don’t mix.

So you finally get the chair set up and sit in it. It’s wonderful. It’s like… it’s like sitting on a fat person. I’ve never sat on a fat person before, but I have to imagine this is what it’s like. Unlike the original Sumo, this chair never needs to be fluffed (not in the porno move sense of the word), so you can just plop right down in it and pass out. And pass out you will. I’ve taken more naps in the past week due to this thing than I have in the past few months combined. I even just slept the whole night on it a couple of times because it’s just that comfortable. It could double as a guest bed. You could tell your friend it’s a bed, and if they’re a little bit of an idiot, they’ll buy it.

It’s pricier that the original Sumo, but you’re getting a lot more chair for your dollar. I don’t consider myself a beanbag chair aficionado or anything, but this is easily the most comfortable beanbag chair I’ve sat in. And one of the most comfortable chairs I’ve sat in, period. As far as potential gaming seats go, this one gets my mark of approval. You do need to make sure you have the space for it though. These Sacs are very large, and they aren’t light, making them difficult to just drag around the house on a whim.

Anyway, here’s the wallpaper from today’s pinup that I promised. I have also heard your requests for posters. I’ll look into it.

Aaaaaand finally, a clip from Episode 3 of the second season, which went live earlier this month.

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