Off to ConnectiCon

July 10, 2014 by Tim

We are off to ConnectiCon in Hartford CT this weekend. I’ll be there Friday and Saturday.

I know I have a panel tomorrow morning. Be sure to come ask me questions, we’ll chat about comics and games and whatnot. I may be on some other panels later in the weekend, but I’m not sure what or when. They haven’t given me my schedule yet.

I will have some random stuff with me… a few books, some random t-shirts. I will be selling it all super cheap so that I don’t have to take it home with me. This is my last convention, and I don’t need this stuff taking up space in my office anymore. Your best bet is to catch me at my table in the Online Media section on Friday.

If you come to my table later, and I’m not there, it likely means everything is sold out. If you want to catch me to say hello/chat/whatever, I’ll post times that I absolutely promise to be at the table, and not wandered off to play a board game. But feel free to look for me in the gaming room too, maybe we can play something.

Also, if you see me meandering around the convention, don’t hesitate to stop me and say hello. Just look for this confused/perplexed expression:

Additionally, feel free to print out your favorite comic from the archives and bring it along. I’ll be happy to sign it for you.

Hopefully I’ll see some of you this weekend.


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6 years ago

How was Conneticon?