Off to E3

May 8, 2006 by Tim

This may be my last correspondance for a few days. I’m packing up and getting everything all set to head out to Los Angeles for E3 this week. I’m expecting a really good show this year, with all the next-gen consoles and games on display.

I’ll have my laptop and digital camera with me, and it’s my intention to provide updates from the expo. So once I’m out in L.A., and if I’m not partying too hard, I’ll be posting news about what I’m seeing at this year’s E3.

Some people have been asking if I’d do another fan-meet like I did last year. I’ll see what we can do, probably once I’m out in L.A. and scope it out.

I did all the comics for this week in advance, so as usual, no updates will be missed.

No GameDay this weekend on account of the traveling, but next week we’ll do something spiffy.

Also, I’m dusting off the fat cow that is my Nintendo DS just so I can get down with the New Super Mario Bros. That shit is sweet.

Alrighty, got a plane ride across the U.S. and a time-change to deal with. I’m off!

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